The Greatest Mistake: Our Children are Being Groomed – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

On March 28, 2022 Chris Salcedo of Newsmax presented “The Greatest Mistake America Ever Made – when We the People allowed government to educate our children.” As Salcedo explained, “The Dark Agenda’s shroud has fallen in recent years,” exposing the diabolical intent of what the Education Elite in Washington, DC and many state capitols plans for our children.

To illustrate the subject of that segment of his show, Salcedo referenced the July 18, 2013 remarks of political commentator Melissa Harris-Perry on MSNBC, who said this: “We have never invested as much as we should have in public education, because we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children. Your kid is yours; totally your responsibility. We haven’t really had a very collective notion of ‘these are our children,’ so part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents…” In other words, your children do not belong to you; the educational elite should have broken that private, outdated idea, long ago.

On January 19, USA Today published an article by Joe Matthews of Zocalo Public Square, titled, “Column: California should abolish parenthood, in the name of equity.”

Echoing despots throughout history — Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and the like – American educators in the elite oligarchy preach the doctrine that “your kids” are theirs, to be transformed to fit the Marxist-Democrat remake of American society, from one of freedom and individual liberty to a new model of obedience to a central oligarchy, with membership in the collective, subdivided by identity groups for political purposes, of course.

The U.S. spends more money per student on education for primary and secondary schooling than any other major developed nation, and American educators in government schools make substantially more than their peers in the private sector. Yet, on November 3, 2021 The Federalist published this: “Latest Nationwide Tests Show Public Schools Failing Students Even Before Lockdowns.” Just before the Wuhan virus lockdowns hit American schools, standardized test scores showed a marked deterioration in student progress, which continues unabated.

The stats showed a considerable number of students, many poor or minorities, falling further and further behind. As Peggy Carr of the Department of Education stated, “Lower performing students didn’t even demonstrate competency in skills that students were able to do almost a decade ago.” Teachers’ unions demanded lockdowns and exacerbated the widespread failure of our children in nearly every measurable area of educational study at primary and secondary levels.

In 2022, instead of teaching our children what they need to thrive, our children are taught hate through Marxist critical race theory (CRT) and false history rewrites such as “The 1619 Project,” within Common Core and Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), producing little automatons that covet collectivism, despise their parents and their own country, and are unable to complete simple math problems or comprehend what they have attempted to read.

The chief cause of this destruction of the education of our children and their lack of acquired knowledge can be identified: the abandonment of “social issues” by the Republican Party decades ago, when they surrendered the battle for education and allowed the federal government to own education: truly the Greatest Mistake.

After CRT and the rewrite of U.S. history, there’s the massive social contagion of SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity), rewarded by the culture with the label of “lifestyle” and validated by federal and state legislatures with “special rights,” instead of recognizing the psychological disability by its medical identification: gender dysphoria.

Not only are our children in 2022 unable to tell you what they know as fact and are unaware of what is true or false, they are encouraged to question their God-created sex. Unless they are resolute in their faith and respect their parents, all they learn in government school is doubt and ideology.

The coarsening of our society and the deterioration of our distinct American culture has arrived. It began to decompose with the removal of prayer from the public schools in 1962 and the banishment of God from public discourse shortly thereafter. As a result, our children, through the dumbed-down process of secular government education, have no moral compass and are unaware of the virtues necessary for the competent functioning of a free society. Kids aren’t even taught what a free society IS. They don’t need to know – they’re being groomed.

To the Republican establishment that ran away from “social issues” – THIS is the “hill to die on.” If our children are lost, this nation’s future is lost.

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