Quick Takes – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Killing the American Work Ethic

Remember free market capitalism? Under that system, the harder and smarter you worked, the greater the potential for a higher standard of living. But that was found to result in income inequality; some people did better than others.

So now we have a system where wealth is bestowed by bureaucrats who convince people that working harder doesn’t always make sense. Under this system, what happens to the famous American work ethic? What happens to the American Dream? Or the desire to succeed in anything?

Maybe you’ll find them under the couch cushions… next to the government’s “covid distress” check stubs.

Silencing Conservatives

The Tennessee Republican Party removed three conservative candidates from the Republican primary ballot in Tennessee’s Fifth Congressional District race (against Democrat incumbent Jim Cooper): Morgan Ortagus, Baxter Lee, and Robby Starbuck.

One Democrat, state senator Heidi Campbell, exclaimed her approval via email: “I applaud the TNGOP for acknowledging that Trump-endorsed candidates are not good for Tennessee!”

Mr. Starbuck says he was removed from the ballot because of alignment with Trump, stating that “the establishment is protecting itself…”


Outspoken Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) won her case last week against Democrats seeking to remove her name from the ballot in Georgia. The decision by Administrative Law Judge Charles R. Beaudrot states:

“The burden of proof in this matter is on Challengers. Challengers have failed to prove their case by a preponderance of the evidence. The evidence in this matter is insufficient to establish that Rep. Greene, having ‘previously taken an oath as a member of Congress… to support the Constitution of the United States… engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or [gave] ‘aid or comfort to the enemies thereof’ under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

“Therefore, the Court holds that Respondent is qualified to be a candidate for Representative for Georgia’s 14th Congressional District.

“So ordered, this 6th day of May, 2022.”

Another patriot whose liberty the “January 6” House investigative committee members have failed to strangle. If Democrats cannot legitimately compete with you in an election, they’ll sue to keep you off the ballot. Kudos, Rep. Greene; keep speaking out against tyranny. We’re winning.

Twisted Transformation

Of the U.S. population born before 1946, 0.8% reported as homosexual. The “Millennial” population reports LGBT status at 10.5%. The latest generation (Z?) identifies as 25% LGBT.

Since these conditions do not exist at birth (for example, a homosexual gene has yet to be identified) and the disorders are not contagious nor driven by diet, the question concerning the increase is “Why?” It’s being taught.

Sexual deviation from factual biology at birth is manufactured by educators, sowing doubt in children’s minds, then forced upon society and culture by a political party, its ideologically-obedient media, federal agencies, two teachers’ unions, and slavish state education institutions – in spite of the objections of parents (who are not informed).

And both political parties refuse to see this social transformation for what it is.

Testimony From the Front

Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez of Val Verde County, Texas was interviewed by Newsmax about a piece he wrote on the conditions at the border, in his own county, a testimonial exposing the lie from DHS Secretary Mayorkas that the “border is secure.”

In his commentary in the Desert Sun, he wrote, “Prior to the beginning of the year, our deputies were involved in assisting Border Patrol two or three times a month. Now, it happens four or five times a day, around the clock.”

In April, 234,000 illegal aliens were apprehended at our southern border, a new monthly record. Add the tens of thousands that “got away” to that number for the full impact of Secretary Mayorkas’ definition of a “secure border.”

Dr. Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell Tweets

“One of the most pathetic—and dangerous—signs of our times is the growing number of individuals and groups who believe that no one can possibly disagree with them for any honest reason.”

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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