Formula for Failure – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

It turns out that Joe Biden puts American babies in last place for access to infant formula. Moms all over the nation have been finding bare shelves when they searched for the precious food for their infants.

The Biden Regime knew this could happen last November, then shut down a plant that produces 40% of formula supply. The company has tried since February to get the FDA to let them open.

Meanwhile Biden’s minions shipped the precious stuff to babes in Ukraine and stockpiled warehouses along the southern border for the babies of illegals.

Finally, 70,000 pounds of special infant formula from Europe arrived by C-17 military transport in Indianapolis on May 22. This amount will feed 11,000 infants a week for a few weeks – not nearly enough to meet demand.

Those warehouses at the border are well-stocked though, but not for American children.

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