“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 25 – By Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

The BIG QUESTION people are asking NOW is “Where did all the grownups go?”. This is something fairly new that has been happening for a year or so. They have already given it a name – SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). Non, non, non Mon Cheri… ze vaccines are not to blame. If ze vaccines were causing zis, Monsieur Bill Gates would tell you not to take ze vaccines. Bill Gates and Big Pharma love ze children and zey love you. Hospitals and nursing homes love you too.

No one seemed to believe that the vaccines they give to newborn babies could possibly cause SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), so WHY would anyone believe that these “vaccines” could possibly cause SADS?

Lately, I have been wondering what happened to all the old people that I used to run into fairly often. We old people tend to shop only at stores close to home, so we run into the same old people time and time again. However, it seems that they have just SUDDENLY disappeared. I NEVER see them anymore. I often talk with people about Covid, these gene editing shots that people call “vaccines”, and Fauci’s hospital death protocol of Remdesivir and ventilators, things that drastically changed all our lives.

Now it seems that everyone is talking about SADS or Monkey Pox. May 11, 1987, the London Times reported that the smallpox vax triggered the AIDS VIRUS. There were other articles where some people believed that the polio vaccine triggered the smallpox virus. Call me cynical, but I cannot help but to wonder if enough people take the Monkey Pox vaccine, if that could possibly trigger something like Mouse Pox. Lyndon Johnson halted the flu vaccine because it caused paralysis and death due to Guillain Barre Syndrome. It STILL does, but it is pushed like crazy, with few people ever questioning whether they might rather get the flu than to be totally paralyzed from GBS for months, and then to spend months in rehab learning to walk again and building up muscles that are totally atrophied. It all depends on our personal preferences.

My old fiancé and I got flu shots about 30 years ago, and he got GBS. If you EVER SEE what happens to someone with GBS like I did as I watched him waste away to nothing, your personal preference might change. Mine did.

I like to talk to a lot of people to see if other people are also searching for truth about these things. When someone asks you if you know who Yuval Noah Harari or Alex Azar are, you can KNOW that they have been doing their homework. Those people who did their own research and knew what the Rothschilds, Vanguard, Black Rock and the World Economic Forum have to do with all this, are still here, and I still talk with them about anything and everything going on AROUND THE GLOBE. Sometimes they have learned something that I have not heard about, and sometimes I’ve learned something they did not yet know about. That is how civilizations survive. Communicating with each other and learning from each other is what separates us from animals.

Yuval Noah Harari and other leading scientists for the World Economic Forum are thrilled because they believe that humans will soon no longer be necessary to them. They believe that they now have the technology to make themselves gods and to give themselves eternal life. Of course, they are going to need enough healthy humans around for awhile to harvest their organs for themselves and their children. That is WHY they select the organs from the Falun Gong group in China. They call those people “terrorists” so they can imprison them until one of these Trillionaires, Multibillionaires and most likely even a few Quadrillionaires needs to purchase a heart or kidney from the CCP.

These are the people who have controlled us for nearly three years. Not just us, but people in New Zealand, Gibraltar, Israel, Italy, Paris, Canada, Australia, etc. I went to an event on our riverfront on a recent Friday evening. I was SO HAPPY to run into a man from Australia!! I told him I thought they were ALL STILL IN CAMPS or LOCKED in their homes. Australia has been called THE BIGGEST PRISON ON EARTH over the past 3 years. He was celebrating and said that they just let them out! Australia is a big place, so I doubt if he knew if people were still being held in the Harold Springs camps and other MASSIVE QUARANTINE CAMPS.

It amazes me that some people DO NOT want to know, even when things like this are happening AROUND THE GLOBE. This IS NOT like, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”. THIS is like, “if you are not paying attention to what is happening AROUND THE GLOBE, what happens in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and Shanghai will be what happens here… sooner than later.”

THE PEOPLE who have been controlling these other countries and building these MASSIVE “quarantine camps” are THE VERY SAME PEOPLE who have been controlling us for the past 2 1/2 years. The old people who are SUDDENLY conspicuous by their absence are the ones who screamed things at me like, “Get away from me you murderer! WHERE’S YOUR MASK?!! DID YOU TAKE THE VACCINE??! YOU ONE OF THEM QANONS??!! I HATE THAT #@!% TRUMP AND HIS QANONS! YOU #@!% STUPID WITCH! Yes, they actually speak to me that way.

I talk about Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Fauci and Bill Gates a lot, but I don’t even talk about Trump. However, if I say anything about how empty the shelves are or how high gas and food prices are, I’ve had old people accusing me of being a QANON. I only learned recently that QANONS are a group of people who another group of people called “white hats” (good guys), count on them to do their own research and find truth when people are being misled. So, for all I know, I could be a “white hat”???? Or I could be a QANON. I don’t know. I definitely do my own research in search of truth. I believe if anyone else asks me if I am a QANON, I will say “If a QANON is someone who searches for wisdom and truth, then I believe I very well could be.”

It has always amazed me that the people who hated Trump and all his 80 million followers the most, are the ones who totally trusted Trump for his warp-speed vaccines. For sure, I am not a part of that cult! I am not one of those people who believes that Trump can save the world! I believe that the world is in SUCH A MESS NOW that only God can save us. I do not believe that this was EVER about Democrats vs. Republicans, but that both Democrats and Republicans who have no love for God or for God’s people, and especially babies and children, are responsible for SO MUCH EVIL.

And of course, I HAVE NO IDEA what has happened to all these people I used to encounter, who were totally eaten up with PURE HATRED for Trump and the 80 million people who voted for him. It is possible they may have died from SADS or from vaccine-induced cancer, or even heart attacks which is often caused from THAT KIND OF RAW UNADULTERATED HATRED. If they died, I just hope they repented if they needed to do so. I do believe that time to repent is about to end, and we will be accountable to God, and are beginning to reap what we have sown. Hopefully most people have sown love and not so much RAW HATRED.

According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, 82% to 97% of pregnant women who got vaxxed, lost their babies. I watched a video of one young mother boasting that she had three shots and was nursing her baby to give her baby the benefits of the vaccine. Her baby died a month later.

I was horrified to see a local woman beg someone… anyone to nurse her baby while she was in the hospital, and one woman volunteered and boasted that she had THREE SHOTS, and that would be beneficial to the baby!!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH OF THIS CRAZY TOWN SAGA! There are MILLIONS OF STORIES of Covid vaccine injury and death out there now, but you won’t hear about that in the mainstream media!

That type of factual information is mocked, ridiculed, labeled as conspiracy theory, and swept under a rug along with the missing children, the sex-trafficked, the sexually-‘groomed’ children, the abused and disappearing foster kids, the children and babies dying from vaccine injury, and the missing elderly who were starved to death in nursing homes, people you have read about in my column.

So, ‘Where Did All the Children Go?” And for that matter, where did the elderly go? Right where we apathetically left them… in the hands of those who purpose to do evil against them… and us. And this will continue. This will get worse. If we continue to do nothing.

As long as we remain silent… as long as we say nothing… as long as we do nothing… this evil will not stop. And now that you know, what will you do about it?

Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Evil succeeds when good men do nothing. – Edmund Burke
Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.James 4:17

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