Indiana Public School Practices Islamic Instruction In Sharia Law – by Jim Bratten

Islamic instruction programs used in U.S. government (public) school systems are spreading the theocratic ideology of Islam, particularly the system of Sharia Law, as acceptable to Western culture.

School children have been instructed in the Five Pillars of Islamic Faith. They are being taught to declare “There is no god but Allah.” Our students are told that “Muslims have a stronger faith than Christians.” Some studies portray Islam as superior to Christianity. The Ten Commandments are ignored.

American children dress in burqas, Islamic head scarves, and are shown how to design Islamic prayer rugs. Many students are taken on tours of mosques where they are shown how to bow to Allah and how to use prayer rugs in the mosque. They participate in the recitation of our Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic and copy the calligraphy.

In one public school in Indiana, the students completed a worksheet that praised “Sharia Law” and polygamous marriages. The worksheet, in the form of a letter, was administered to seventh graders in Indiana and Georgia and discussed traditional female dress and marriage arrangements.

Written by a fictional character, a young woman named Ahlima living in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the letter speaks in glowing terms about the subservient role of women in Saudi society and the “protections” offered to women under Sharia Law. Polygamy is praised as desirable and arranged marriages under Sharia Law are revered. Western traditions and culture are denigrated and dismissed as inferior.

The school in Indiana found engaging in this promotion of Sharia Law to seventh grade students was Highland Hills Middle School in Georgetown. The “educators” at Highland Hills used the fictional letter from the young Muslim woman to extol the virtues of Sharia Law to impressionable young Hoosiers in the classroom. The children were taught that it is entirely acceptable for government to dictate wearing of the burqa and that arranged marriages forced by parents is a desirable social custom.

Hoosier youngsters learned that it’s okay for a man to have up to four wives, since it offers women protection and reduces divorce rates which, as everyone knows who lives in a Western culture, unduly imposes hardship and deprivation on women.

What the lesson in Sharia fails to mention is the “lower class” that women occupy in devout Muslim nations. Islam does not place women as equals with men. In Saudi society women are forbidden to drive a vehicle and must be chaperoned by their husband or close male relative. Was there a mention in the lesson plan used at Highland Hills Middle School that women in Saudi Arabia who are discovered practicing lesbianism can be stoned to death? I don’t know.

I do know, however, that when I contacted Indiana Speaker of the House Brian Bosma to express my concerns regarding the effects of Islamic Sharia Law on the constitutional rights of citizens of Indiana, I received a response from his intern, who stated she was responding “on his behalf.”

No reason was offered why Indiana Senate Bill (SB) 16, which would prohibit the use of foreign law (including Sharia) in Indiana courts, failed to make it out of the Senate Committee on Judiciary before the “deadline for report approval.” So it will not advance to a vote this session.

A threat to our constitutional republic exists using Sharia Law from the “religion of peace.” But many parents are unaware their children are not being taught that. The young are being indoctrinated, since Islam is taught unchallenged and Christianity isn’t allowed in the classroom.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc  is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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4 Comments on "Indiana Public School Practices Islamic Instruction In Sharia Law – by Jim Bratten"

  1. A very good article Jim & hopefully some readers with cognitive abilities will help spread the news that public schools are ripe for spreading the false muslim religion that dishonors the Holy Christian Word of God & True & only God Jehovah, Creater of Heaven & earch…

    Sherry Farmers

  2. Joan Billman | March 27, 2017 at 2:00 pm |

    Thank you for bringing attention to this indoctrination of our youth by professionals in our Indiana schools. This is a blasphemy, as the United States of America is.a Christian nation and Islam should never be taught. It denigrates women and it preaches “death to the infidel,” that is everyone who stands against this oppressive Satanic belief. Children are not permitted to read their Bibles in school, wear patriotic tee shirts, there is always a challenge of the false belief of “separation of church and state.” Why doesn’t that apply to Islam? People better wake up and investigate what our children are being taught and fight against this evil. There is no time to waste!

  3. Jim, is this site going to be a place for the voice of ALL people here in Vanderburgh county, or just for people that hold the same extreme right wing views that you hold? Asking, so I don’t waste my time trying to express my views on subject matter I find relevant. If only Right Wing views accepted, then I am wasting both your and my time. I am not talking about me trying to badmouth anyone or group. like many of the post I have read on here, slamming anyone opposed to your views. I am talking about me posting MY actual view of the subject matter at hand.

    • Thank you for asking, Michael. The Vanderburgh Independent Press has been interested in all viewpoints of all of the opposing views since our founding. In fact, the first several people we offered a job to… hold the self-same views of what you have expressed in both this comment and your previously posted comment. We are always looking for writers, advertisers, and investigative reporters who will help bring and maintain balance on the issues at The VIP. If you or someone you know would be interested in any of the aforementioned positions which would bring that balance, please contact us at Thank you for your inquiry. We hope you and yours all had a wonderful Independence Day celebration.

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