Random Thoughts On A Political Assassination in Alabama – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The Washington Post, along with the professional media/political establishment, won the Alabama special election yesterday, December 12.

Forty-year-old “allegations” that remain “alleged” and had never been heard publicly had been issued, suddenly relevant to a political election less than a month before the event. The target, a former Alabama supreme court justice who had exhibited none of the character flaws he was accused of, was expected to respond. As the allegations were gradually examined in sunlight, details fell apart or were unsubstantiated.

But none of that mattered; the fear campaign of character destruction had been launched and the feeding frenzy overcame rationality and common sense. The Democrat-owned media and that party joined with the Republican Party leadership to further slow President Trump’s agenda. He would be denied another conservative in the Senate to occupy the Sessions seat.

With the defeat of Judge Roy Moore the Trump agenda would be further mired down in the muck of the Washington Swamp.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will be spared from facing and fighting another constitutional conservative in Senate chambers. His plot with the Democrats to delegitimize Roy Moore worked. He had convinced President Trump to endorse the moderate Luther Strange in the primary, against two conservatives, Congressman Mo Brooks and Judge Roy Moore. When Mo Brooks fell out of the contest, Moore bested Strange in a run-off. The GOP elite decided that the “Ten Commandments Judge” couldn’t be allowed in the Senate.

The Democrats’ progressive perversion will continue as they take credit for “cleaning up” Congress from additional sexual abusers, proven or not. The concept of “innocent until proven guilty,” central to U.S. law, has always been foreign to the progressive left and, it appears, it will remain so since their campaign to destroy Moore worked.
Since when are allegations taken as fact? The answer is: The day Republicans lost their collective spine and succumbed to the fear of media, race, gender, class warfare, and any other identity division the Democrats could manufacture. The GOP has forgotten that principles don’t exist within progressivism; only programs, managed for more control and bigger bureaucracy. And people must be destroyed to protect these. Moore stood against the status quo and had to be destroyed, not simply defeated.

With the victory of Doug Jones the Democrats will now demand that the Republicans wait for a vote on the Tax Plan until after Jones is seated in the Senate, placing the count at 51 Republicans to 49 Democrats. After all, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer will say, “It’s only fair; it’s the right thing to do.”

Mitch McConnell won his battle against another conservative “Outsider” and sacrificed his slim majority. Republican senators John McCain and Susan Collins will happily vote with the Democrats if asked to do so. There will now be no need for Vice President Pence to show for a “tie breaker” vote, since there won’t be a tie.

Image result for doug jonesEnough Republican moderates and “never-Trumpers” crossed over to vote for Doug Jones, or they simply stayed home – at the urging of many in the Republican leadership. The people of Alabama will have to put up with a liberal voting against the interests of the population of a conservative state for two years. When they awake to find out they’ve been duped, the conservative, traditional voters in Alabama who gave Trump such a huge win in 2016 will reverse the error of 2017. But it won’t be with the McConnell yes-man Luther Strange or another Richard Shelby, it will be another McConnell-hated conservative, possibly Mo Brooks, who will back the Trump agenda for American restoration.

Progressive hatred generated a meager 21,000-vote victory for Doug Jones, sealed by the last area to report vote tallies, liberal Montgomery. Doug Jones defeated Roy Moore by 0.7% and Moore, as of this writing, has not conceded the election to Jones. And no one has attempted an estimate of the fraud yet.

But this election will backfire. Some Democrats wanted Moore to win so they could use him in the Senate as a whipping-boy, constantly railing against him as a kook, child abuser, or worse, and the diatribe would be unrelenting. But their target isn’t there and Al Franken still is.

The Democrats, if Al Franken leaves, will attempt to claim the “moral high ground.” That’s impossible, however, since one cannot claim that if one isn’t moral in the first place.

Be wary of the cheering and posturing of the Democrats. This election result is not a harbinger of Democrat victories in 2018, as a bell-weather of a national voter realignment. This election was an isolated incident; it wasn’t a referendum on President Trump’s policies. He was, however, late to support Roy Moore, suckered into supporting McConnell’s choice in the primaries: Luther Strange. That won’t happen again.

The Democrats have found their new political weapon works: Find women to accuse Republican men of sexual abuse or any perceived “impropriety” that can be used against them by a “found” victim to destroy their office or candidacy. A woman will accuse a man; the man must prove a negative, but his accuser doesn’t have to prove anything. The allegations will stand in hyped, activist-driven public exposure and the accused will lose. Accusations true or false, the accused will suffer irreparable damage to his reputation and character. The Democrats don’t care; the ends justify the means. Unfortunately, the “opposition party” doesn’t understand this. Their naiveté will cost them seats.

Meanwhile, Republicans blame Steve Bannon for the Republican loss in Alabama, not themselves, and will continue to ignore the attacks from Democrat operatives, their controlled media, and Obama’s Organizing for America. They ignore these at the nation’s peril.

Jim Bratten – Hoosier Patriots – ©2017 – All rights reserved

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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6 Comments on "Random Thoughts On A Political Assassination in Alabama – by Jim Bratten"

  1. Joan P. Billman | December 13, 2017 at 11:04 pm |

    Thank you for such a great explanation of what is happening in the Republican party and how it is kicking conservatives to the curb. They had better get on board with President Trump or there will be no need for them in Washington, D.C.

  2. Dennis R. Drake | December 13, 2017 at 11:55 pm |

    This is a very good analysis. I was so angry at the outcome, I just know it was a real progressive playbook job on Moore! Then as we watch the Mueller investigation waste time and much assets of the taxpayers, I already know the goal, of Mueller is to fabricate charges of Obstruction of Justice against President Trump. If the Republican Congress does not demand an end to this, we will be deprived of our properly elected President. Trump has done more in 10 months work for the best interests of the average income American, while Obama used 8 years of time, finessing against the best interests of the USA. What do you make out of why Jeff Sessions is sitting out this macabre act of assassination?

  3. john m. king | December 14, 2017 at 2:41 am |

    I’ve come to the decision that the Fake Right, with it’s “neo-con” or “con” factions offers no future for my white children. They’re both happy to give away the country my ancestors founded and fought for to the children of the third world while patting themselves on the back for their “compassion”. The alt-Right is the new guy in town and the only solution to our predicament. There’s no hope in dope. And there’s no hope in “conservatism”. Self style “conservatives” have conserved nothing. Not even the sanctity of the ladies room for women without being bothered by men in dresses claiming to be “transexual”, whatever that is?

  4. Dr. Scott Davis | December 14, 2017 at 1:43 pm |

    As always Jim, your insight into what happened is thoughtful and right on. I’ve enjoyed your weekly newsletter since the beginning, and long believed you should contribute to a national audience.
    Forty years ago, I was not the same man I am now. Whether or not the events that were professed a short few weeks before the election have any truth or not, I hope and pray that Truth does come out by means of Judge Moore’s resolve to clear his name. Should he not go through this process, the public will assume he’s guilty without any process.

    Also, should he demand a recount, I don’t believe that will help him. They just count ballots, but looking for fraud is a whole different thing.

  5. I have a different and possibly a more positive view of the outcome in the Alabama special election. Consider that there was a write-in vote for anyone other than the two candidates of the parties which gave the election to the Democrats. While this doesn’t look for the short run, it’s more than likely that the voters of Alabama want a better “conservative” candidate.

    As they say, “Elections have consequences.” Here’s where we as limited government proponents failed in 2016.

    In the first place, we began by supporting candidates, for the most part, demonstrated their conservative constitutional values, but when they lost, we supported the GOP nominee, who are conservative progressives. Yes, you can be a conservative and a progressive…just look at Theodore Roosevelt, the father of modern. Progressivism.

    It is my prospective that the Alabama voters were casting tortured votes, and ultimately it came down to the voters who voted for a write-in candidate or simply stayed home. I don’t think that those voters were following Mitch McConnell in rejecting Judge Moore in lockstep, but were actually voting for true conservative values and principles.

    I do believe that the voters were looking past this election and will replace Mr. Jones with a true conservative. If we continue to support the lesser of two evils, then we will never drain the swamp. Progressives in both parties only want to expand the authority of the federal government over the States and the individual just with different phrases and slogans all the while moving us more towards an elective monarchy at best with less liberty for all.

    The 16th amendment and the 17th amendment have done more to destroy the founders’ concept of federalism than anything they could have imagined, or maybe not. As Nelson Rockefeller said in the late 60s, “The States have the problems and the federal government has the money.” In order for States to get the funds that are sent to Washington, they must acquiesce to the tyranny of Washington. To restore the proper balance of power in our federal system, both of these amendments need to be repealed.

    When will we figure out that the executive branch, through rule making among its various agencies and bureaus, create law by merely writing rules, posting them for comment, and once submitted for publication, and it becomes part of the federal register, then it’s as if Congress passed a law. Unfortunately, Congress has abdicated their legislative responsibility to the executive branch.

    But as this relates to the recent election, it shows that Mitch McConnell is a true progressive, and is only in the power he can wield as Majority Leader of the Senate. I have the perfect replacement for Senator McConnell for the position he now holds, but I don’t think he’d have the votes from his colleagues in the GOP to take this seat, and that’s Senator Mike Lee of Utah.

    • Certainly agree with your choice of Mike Lee as McConnell’s replacement. However, I share Jim’s views on the railroading of Roy Moore.

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