Letter to the Editor: Re: Drag Queen Story Hour – by Vand. County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr.


Tom Shetler Jr. – Photo Credit: City-County Observer


Those supporting the Drag Queen Story Hour, continue to promote a false narative that the issue is about censorship. This is a ruse. First, I have not heard a single person suggest that we should ban any books from the library, let alone books that contain references to “drag queens”. I oppose the Drag Queen Story Hour for many reasons: Not the least of which are my concerns for the public safety of those attending the event, this includes the supporters as well the remonstrators and the patrons of the library itself. I have grave concerns for the lack of vetting & training of volunteers who are working with young people. The training should not be limited to this one event but should be implemented as a best practices policy for all events, as required by other organizations, including the EVSC. I oppose the use of taxpayer’s dollars to be used for a “controversial entertainment” genre. I question the appropriateness of this “adult entertainment” being presented to our children.

The administration of the library has completely underestimated the opposition to this program. They were ill prepared to deal with an overflowing crowd that showed up to remonstrate against this event at their board meeting on January the 10th. While they moved their meeting to a larger room, they still were unable to accommodate the nearly 50 people that stood out in the hall and another 50 to 100 people who left due to the lack of room inside the building. The February 23rd Drag Queen event could prove even more problematic. In the board’s defense, this program was first entertained as a viable program by the library administrator and her staff, 18 months before the board was made aware of their plans. They learned of the program less than 48 hours before discussion took place at their December meeting.

The library does not do any background checks on volunteers. They do not have a policy in place that requires them to train volunteers in the appropriate methods in which to approach children. This is a huge liability for an organization that hosts so many young children in their programs. This is a “best practices” protocol that has become a requirement of almost all social and governmental service agencies that work with young people.

With regards to the taxpayer’s money being used to support this or any other adult entertainment; when I consider the many issues that face our community today, I cannot understand how this can take priority over more compelling problems that we face. We are studying a multi-million dollar expansion to our county jail. Our roads & streets are in desperate need of repair. We have bridges that need to be replaced. The school corporation is seeing short falls in their funding that amount to 8 million dollars a year. We have pressing issues of how to deal with the mentally ill, homelessness and drug addiction. I could go on and on, but really, some cartoonist thinks this issue takes center stage?

I have never tried to stop nor interfere with any private/public facility that hosts entertainment genres such as this in their own venue. That is where adult entertainment should be. Using taxpayer’s facilities for adult entertainment is not appropriate. Our libraries should remain a safe place for our children to go.

Concerning the issue of “adult entertainment” being brought into the world of our children; even Hollywood recognizes that the issue of “drag queen” in and of itself, requires at a minimum, a PG-13 rating. This is inappropriate entertainment for children under the age of 13. I object to the library sexualizing our children. It is the role of the parents to teach their children about sexual issues at the appropriate time. I have not heard a compelling reason why the library feels it necessary to expose our children to complex issues such as transgender & cross dressing at an early age.

My last point, a little history as to the origins of the “drag queen” persona in the United States. It was started with the development of the “blackface minstrel show” a satiric comedy that was used to mock & oppress African American men, it evolved into mocking and oppressing African American women in the early 1900’s. When “blackface” became illegal, white entertainers continued to dress up in “drag” exaggerating women’s sexual body parts to mock and oppress the women’s movement. Remember, women were not allowed to own property, they were not allowed to vote and they could not hold public office. Today, we are purging many things from the past that point to the evil of racism and sexism. That is as it should be. This has been a very divisive program initiated by the library administration. It is unfortunate, but there is still time, the board can stand up and do the “right” thing. We need to be united; not divided, I pray for that!

Tom Shetler,
Member Vanderburgh County Council

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39 Comments on "Letter to the Editor: Re: Drag Queen Story Hour – by Vand. County Councilman Tom Shetler Jr."

  1. Michael Dillback | February 7, 2019 at 3:25 pm |

    Thank you Councilman Shetler for upholding Community Standards that protect the whole community. Too bad the Library doesn’t see it the same way. The judgement and decisionmaking of the Library leadership to keep and maintain decent community standards has been irreparably damaged. We need new leadership in the Library.
    Great Letter.

    • Susan Tramuttola | February 7, 2019 at 11:33 pm |

      I agree..Time to put in people who have the children in mind.. Young kids do not need to see this and get all mixed up..

  2. Katherine L. Toon | February 7, 2019 at 3:39 pm |

    I don’t think children come to the library for this kind of experience. Even in New Orleans the crossdressers and trannies come out after dark out of respect for the families with children. It’s an unspoken agreement that families need to be off the streets by nightfall. We wandered around ignorantly with our young teen son on our first trip down there and stayed out too late. We were told very lovingly that we needed to get our child out of there (told by the street actors) before dark. They were kind enough to warn us and we could tell that we were speaking to transgendered people but just not in drag, yet. Why are these “drag queens” so different that they want to include kids? This movement was spawned in San Francisco. It is not local. Our tax dollars should never be used for this kind of activity. Think about this very carefully because it could open a door you may wish had remained closed to children. Give them a childhood!

  3. Well said. Keep adult venues out of children’s view. They are wanting to groom these children to this way of life.

  4. MaryAnn Hormuth | February 7, 2019 at 4:31 pm |

    I have known Tom Shetler, Jr. all his life. I now live in Louisville, and I follow Evansville events on my computer. I wish to congratulate Tom for a very well written letter that makes lots of sense when so much else we read is complete absurdity.

  5. John Hamilton | February 7, 2019 at 5:38 pm |

    I’ve posed this question on many sites regarding this issue. If truly wanting to volunteer to read to children. (This is the premise of most of the articles) Why don’t the drag queens and kings read to the children in their regular everyday clothes, not in drag? Aren’t they still drag queens or kings? Wouldn’t this take away the distraction of the costumes? So far I’ve yet to get a reply or counter point.

  6. Brenda Bass | February 7, 2019 at 9:47 pm |

    Well said. Thank you so much. Our children deserve to grow up without their innocence compromised. Shame on our library leaders.

  7. Theresa Elsfelder | February 7, 2019 at 10:23 pm |

    Thank you councilman Shetler for standing to protect our children! Our city leaders should be in place for the good of all the community,to lead with wisdom,
    decent morals to protect the next generation Your letter proves that you are a wise leader, we need more like you. I appreciate the history of cross dressing that you espounded on in the letter this should never be in our public libraries! We need new leadership there ! This is a place for families and should be kept family friendly.

  8. Joyce Mitchell | February 7, 2019 at 10:41 pm |

    This is totally wrong to subject our children to
    This kind of adult venue. What kind of
    Mother would take her kids to this
    Mockery. They are after our kids to
    Introduce them to the vilest lifestyle.
    Let our children have their childhood.
    Keep these people away from them.

  9. Thank you Tom,
    Your letter to the Editor was right on the mark. It was logically put and level headed. Also, thank you for all the yrs of service to the Evansville community and your leadership.

  10. Clara Luttrull | February 7, 2019 at 10:59 pm |

    I say NO to drag queens reading to children.

  11. Karen B. Supak | February 8, 2019 at 7:48 am |

    Councilman Shetler,

    Your history is wrong. Drag in Western Europe (as the stage performance we now know) began in Shakespearean times (the 17th century), with religious plays, such as the Passion Play, as women were not allowed to act in the theater. In fact, cross-cultural examination of the history of drag demonstrates a clear link between origins of drag and religious rites throughout human history.

    Additionally, “Christians” such as yourself seem to be the only one sexualizing the harmless act of library-trained, costumed volunteers reading library-chosen books to children who are accompanied by their parents to a voluntary activity.

    The library didn’t sexualize this. The drag community didn’t sexualize this. The LGBTQ+ community is only even involved in this because of your misunderstanding of drag to begin with, and they are definitely not sexulizing this. So, that leaves the conservative Christian community overly focused on children and sexuality. Why?

    Literally everyone else simply wants kids to enjoy the book and the Story Hour. This isn’t about sexuality. And people like you, sir, are the only ones trying to make it so. How abnormal/sick/unhealthy is that focus, that people like you have literally invented for yourselves? Mr. Shetler, please stop trying to sexualize our children.

    • Amazing…your endorsement and protection of the obvious and already stated goals of the unabashedly “queer” drag people. They themselves have stated their goals – to glamorize and be role models of their chosen perversion. I’m sure you will not be honest about saying you haven’t read the homosexual manifestos stating how they want to indoctrinate children into their “queer” lifestyle, and I’m sure you have paid no attention to the several pictures of all the sexual poses of the young boys that have been groomed to be preadolescent drag queens. Come on, do you think we are stupid? It’s continual indoctrination – period. Oh, and if you want to use words like “bigot” or “homophobe”, “hater”…I have already read the Homosexual manifesto..”After The Ball” that outlines the gestapo tactics to shut down anyone who disagrees with this recruitment/indoctrination.

    • Karen Supak, I just wanted to say that I have many gay friends. I love them and they know where I stand and my beliefs regarding their lifestyle. We respect one another’s rights. Every one of them is so against what the Drag Queens are doing and agree that they have hidden agendas. And they plan on bringing their own books to read to the children. And as for their spokesperson that comes to all of the meetings, and stands up there and speaks lie after lie. Just maybe they should do a background check on him. Most of the LGB’s (maybe the Trans not sure about them) don’t like him and have left him standing there alone. Mr. Tom Shetler Jr.’s letter was truthful and very well said.

  12. This whole thing is a farce designed to immorally influence our youngest and most innocent. If these people were all about the children and not their own agenda, they would volunteer to help while dressing and acting in a way that would be more normal. There is a place for people that want to do their own thing and it is certainly not in a library full of young people. A huge thanks to all who see this for what it is and are trying to address it properly.

  13. Thank you Tom for taking a stand. My family and I support you and stand with you, against this imoral adult sexually explicit program that the EVPL is trying to put on. I would think that a public entity would want to protect the children of it’s community….. It’s absurd to subject children to this subject matter.. and with no vetting procedure…..

  14. Mary Ellen Van Dyke | February 8, 2019 at 12:38 pm |

    All those adults who are supporting the Drag Queen Story Hour are putting the desires of men dressed as women & women dressed as men over the protection of innocent little children. According to the drag queen website, http://www.dragqueenstoryhour.org, “DQSH captures the imagination & play of the gender fluidity of childhood & gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models…” This is indoctrination of little innocent children. The American College of Pediatricians state, “Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical & surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal & healthful is child abuse.” Stop dragging innocent little children into this adult sexual lifestyle. The library has no business promoting, sponsoring and publicizing this event. Protect innocent little children.

    • The American College of Pediatricians is a small organization promoting a religious, and not science-based, agenda. The American Psychiatric Association says the following:
      “Being transgender or gender variant implies no impairment in judgment, stability, reliability, or general social or vocational capabilities; however, these individuals often experience discrimination due to a lack of civil rights protections for their gender identity or expression.… [Such] discrimination and lack of equal civil rights is damaging to the mental health of transgender and gender variant individuals.”

  15. Flora McAdow | February 8, 2019 at 2:24 pm |

    I am definatly against this kind of activity going on! What is this world coming to?

  16. I think Mr Shetler is bringing his religious views into a public setting. People can have their own opinions, but you can’t make others have those same views. You are an elected official who is imposing your ultra conservative thoughts on those that don’t share them. I’m am appalled at your treatment of Ms Williams. We all deserve better than you.

    • “People can have their own opinions, but you can’t make others have the same views” Really? Is that all Drag Queen Story Hour is, an opinion? They are FORCING us to accept this wicked perversion by using our TAX DOLLARS to promote and make this available? I can’t imagine the outcry if the Library had used YOUR TAX DOLLARS TO PROMOTE JESUS IN JESUS HOUR!! HA!It wouldn’t happen in this wicked world, but I can’t imagine the gestapo outcry if this was a library curriculum..and that’s what this is. A concerted effort to queer the children, just as they have been doing in schools for years.

      • Cathy McDaniel | February 8, 2019 at 7:43 pm |

        Bring on the Jesus hour, Mohammed hour, Jewish hour etc. It will be educational.

        • Right….until Jesus Hour tells God’s truth that homosexuality and sexual sin is sin. Keep spinning those lies.

    • With all due respect to Mr. Shetler , He is NOT imposing his religious views on the public … How could you accuse him of that when this display the library ( the one in charge) is imposing her views on us that don’t agree with it . Same thing ! It does NOT belong in the public forum especially with children !!!! We pay taxes and we have a voice to what goes on at the library too .

  17. As a daycare/preschool provider in Evansville for the past 11 years I understand the importance of a proper background check. I support Tom and admire him for speaking out. I don’t understand why we need to fill our children’s minds so full at such a young age, especially with topics of this nature. Our children are in the process of learning colors, numbers, and songs. Children can be overwhelmed and stressed out the same as adults and we wonder why.

  18. Deb Chandler | February 8, 2019 at 7:07 pm |

    Thank you Mr Shelton for standing up for our community and being a voice for our children. Thank you for your service to our community. Standing United and praying for our community.

  19. Michael Dillback | February 8, 2019 at 9:35 pm |

    Thank you, Mr. Shelton, for standing up in the face of this leftist agenda to indoctrinate children. I don’t believe he is bringing any religious views into the public settings as Cathy McDaniel suggests. I think he is taking the view of a concerned parent or grandparent in trying to protect innocent children from men with unnatural desire to cross-dress. Reading to the children is a ruse and similar ruses are used by pedophiles to confuse and trick a child’s mind. It’s all about trying to get close to children. If all they wanted to do is read to someone they would go to a nursing home. Those people would love to have someone read to them, but no, they want to be close to children.
    There are unnatural urges involved when a man wants to put on a womans panties and pantyhose or garter belts and wear skirts or dresses and a brazier with padding to make the boobs look big and also put on wigs and lipstick, eyelashes and other makeup. They spend large sums of money to have complete wardrobes to help them cross-dress. It’s no mistake that they chose the North Park Library. It’s right next to a High School.

  20. If we allow this to happen who’s not to say in the future there won’t be a pediphile story hour…… No vetting of “volunteers”…… Thank you again Tom for thinking of and keeping the children of our great community safe…. Lord knows the EVPL isn’t going to do it…..

  21. Thank you, Tom Shetler, for your standing for what is right and good. Your letter was well written. God bless you.

  22. Michael Dillback | February 8, 2019 at 10:13 pm |

    In today’s Courierpress, the EVSC Board President Karen Ragland said they “will not remove their appointees to the Library Board”. OK, they have their mind made up on supporting Drag Queen Story Hour. All this does is add evidence to the popular belief that the education system and the Teachers Union is behind the leftist indoctrination of our children.
    It does appear to be a “conflict of interest” in allowing the School Board to make appointments to the Library Board if they are in the business of approving programs of a nature that has as an agenda of social engineering.
    It’s time for a change in who the appointors are. It’s been steamrolled by a leftist agenda and that needs to change.
    “Who decided” who will be making the appointments to the Library Board in the first place?

  23. Barbara Wright | February 8, 2019 at 10:51 pm |

    I thought the Library has children’s librarians. Reading books to children at story time was their job! What do they get paid to do?

  24. Thank you very much Councilman for your letter to the editor, ref. Library story hour. Your letter is deeply appreciated, well stated and timely. Also thank you very much for your public service. May God bless you and yours, keep up the good work, and Semper Fi !

  25. I completely agree with Nancy West. Our young, innocent children are being robbed of their childhoods at an alarming rate. This is another extreme example of it. What is the point of Drag Queen Story Hour?? It appears to accomplish much for the Drag Queens and nothing but confusion, for the children. I support Mr. Shetler in his attention to this library situation. The children should be our #1 priority!

  26. Mental Disorder John Hopkins University

  27. Here’s just a thought. I know this is radical and all but…how about if you don’t want YOUR children exposed to this, DON’T LET THEM GO! And, let other parents decide for themselves whither or not to let their children go. From what I understand, no one is going to come to your door, drag your kids out and force them to this event. Just a wild and crazy thought.

  28. Susie burdsall | February 13, 2019 at 8:50 pm |

    Thank you Tom Shetler…this is disgraceful to subject children to adult entertainment…this venue should never be allowed in our public libraries…It needs to be stopped immediately.

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