Letter to the Editor: The Legislation Forcing the New Sex Education – by Keith Hueftle

It came up in our Indiana legislature last summer, whether to require parents to have to “opt in” if they wanted the new Sex Education for their children, or whether they’d have to “opt out” if they didn’t want their children forced to take it.

California has just passed it as a mandatory obligation for all children, with NO “opting out”. Colorado likewise. New Jersey likewise, with charges of child-abuse for parents who attempt to counter this education for their children. “Gender-fluidity” is being touted as the new “science” and everyone—even the airlines—are falling in line with it, announcing now “5 genders” to deal with rather than the standard two, male and female.

Families, churches, teachers, administrators all need to be alert and informed about this matter. The hysteria it has created among the children is such that there is now a category (ROGD) “Rapid Onset of Gender Dysphoria” particularly among young teenage girls. In clusters, 4,5,6 girls will suddenly all come home telling their parents that they are a boy and want their hair cut and take hormones, and have their mastectomies.

School counselors are also caught up in the hysteria and advise the girls to thus go ahead—afraid of the suicide threats and their own responsibilities in it. Pastors need to be educating the congregations so as to help quell the hysteria. School administrators (not all caught up with it as yet) should also be educating families and student assemblies.

The science IS NOT on the side of the madness. The only significant science is that of John Hopkins University and Hospital and their 40+ years of doing the hormone treatment and sex-change surgeries and their follow-up of patients in that 40 year period. Because of their negative findings over that period, they STOPPED the surgeries and much of the hormone treatment. This is all recorded in a massive documentary (by Ryan T. Anderson, 2018) titled: When Harry Became Sally. Leaders are well advised to get their research under your belts in order to bring some wisdom to the hysteria.

Also, in answer to the sensationalism of the Drag Queen storytimes, the issue at stake is not “Drag Queens”, but the “gender-fluidity” fiction being massively and falsely promulgated by radical social-engineers.

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