Culture Clash: Another Mismatch – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

A new Democrat congressman, devout Muslim Ilhan Omar represents the Fifth Congressional District in Minnesota. The city of Minneapolis is where her district is located and is known as the largest “seed bed” for Islamic extremism in the United States, with over 69,000 Somalis living there. From that Somali “community,” at least 45 jihadis left to train for beheading positions with the Islamic State. So it’s fertile ground; a good place to launch a career in medieval barbarism. Omar certainly represents that portion of her constituency well, since she is a strong supporter of Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the extinction of Israel.

Ilhan Omar was born in Somalia and, as a result of a civil war in that nation, she and her family fled to Kenya. With thousands of other Somalis in a similar plight, the U.S. State Department arranged asylum for her family, so she entered the U.S. as a refugee. Even though she owes her freedom and, possibly, her very life to the United States of America, she harbors an intense animus toward the U.S. and has expressed so on numerous occasions. Despite that hatred for her adopted country and its gift of citizenship, Omar somehow managed to make it to Congress.

Her short, embarrassing time in Congress has become another failed adventure in diversity. Rumor has it that the Democrat Party machine in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District has already started to look for a primary challenger to Omar for 2020. And, as long as the Democrat-controlled House leadership panders to her frequent anti-American and anti-Semitic slander, the search for a replacement will become more urgent. As every day in this session passes, it’s more evident she places her Islamist theocratic ideology above her duties as a congressman and her duty to country (at least, this one). It may end up that she’s removed from office for violation of her oath, which she took on the Koran, even though that book and its foundational beliefs, particularly sharia law, cannot coexist with the U. S. Constitution. These are diametrically opposed to each other. You cannot uphold both, specifically when the belief in one instructs you to overcome or destroy the other. In Omar’s mind, her heart and her faith, sharia law trumps the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. So her oath is invalid, as it would be for every Muslim in America with an allegiance to Islamic law.

While speaking to CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations, a front organization for the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas) recently, Omar again expressed her dissatisfaction with her adopted country: “America is oppressive to all Muslims. Life in America is an everyday assault. So, to me, I say, ‘Raise Hell.’ Make people uncomfortable. For far too long, we Muslims have lived with the discomfort of being second-class citizens in America, and frankly I am tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it.”

(And, by the way Rep. Omar, CAIR was founded in 1994, not “after 9-11,” when “some people did something.”)

A simple solution to her discomfort is this: Leave her Islamic culture behind and assimilate into American culture, if she truly professes to identify herself as an American citizen. However, if she wishes to retain her Islamist theocratic ideology and its rabid anti-Semitism, she can resign from the U.S. Congress, refuse the gift of refuge and citizenship from this nation, then return to her country of origin – Somalia – and a culture that allows inhumane persecution. She can “raise hell” there. Omar has a choice; in America, you are only a “second-class” citizen if you choose to be.

Obviously, as exhibited by her close ties with her radical Islamist friends, Rep. Omar has made the choice for second class.

It seems there has been a mismatch: Another Democrat elected to defend American culture and our rule of law who embraces ideology foreign to our nation.

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