Abuse of Power: Gradual Advance of Tyranny – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

At FoxNews.com on January 23, Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) wrote, “Trump impeachment is a shameless Democratic abuse of power.” And how is this new?

We have witnessed this perverted abuse of power by the Democrat House for over a year and the Democrats’ fevered rants of hatred and “#Resistance!” for over two years before that. We’ve been following the ruse; and the silent agreement with, and encouragement of, the street violence of Antifa and leftist thugs inserted into Trump rallies. Before that it was Black Lives Matter and, before that, it was the anarchical property destruction of Occupy Wall Street. Since the Democrat loss in 2016, we have witnessed numerous hoaxes and scams. Most Americans are becoming well-versed in the underhanded tactics of arrogant, rude, sore-loser Democrats and are fed-up.

Democrats are destroying their own twisted impeachment plans by their blatant abuse of power. They have rewritten the House impeachment rules, denying Republicans their minority rights and the president his due process. The Democrat National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign funded opposition research though a law firm front to trigger a probe of Russian involvement in the Trump presidential campaign, and accused various Republicans, inside the Trump campaign and out, of being “Russian assets.” They used the FISA court to spy on American citizens and Trump’s campaign… all driven by lies.

Rep. Adam Schiff, Democrat Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has said repeatedly over three years that Democrats have “more than circumstantial evidence” of Russian collusion with the Trump presidential campaign, yet he has produced none – because there is none. Yet his demented farce on America continues.

They attempt to control the outcome of elections through identity politics, dividing our population into segments: race, sex, income, religion/belief, etc. To gain control over the population, they abuse portions of the populace, pitting one against another. And, since 2016, they really don’t trust voters in a presidential election.

Describing the mock “trial” in the Senate, Speaker Nancy Pelosi warned, “The president’s team is there to dismantle the Constitution of the United States and some of them are even lawyers…” Then she put away her arrogant sarcasm and lapsed into the mentally disordered distortion that she’s now become famous for…

“But he [Trump] will not be acquitted. You cannot be acquitted if you don’t have a trial. And you don’t have a trial if you don’t have witnesses, and documentation, and that… But I don’t think they made their case; I think they disgraced themselves, terribly, in terms of their violation of what our Constitution is about and what a president’s behavior should be.”

All this is demonstrably false; it’s made-up, and Democrats once more accuse the president of exactly what they, themselves, are doing. They have no integrity. But their message, carried by their comrades in the press, sold as fact, is believed.

This “trial” has been a mockery of justice and should have been shut down immediately; there is no case to try and no one to convict. It’s an unprecedented abuse of power – and an abuse of our republic and the rule of law. It has also been an abuse of the constitutional separation of powers.

Democrats have succeeded in trivializing impeachment, lowering standards so even behavior and disagreement on legal policy decisions are now impeachable. And they continue their abuse of the Constitution – the supreme law of our land.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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