Tale of Two Arenas: The $460 Million Smack-Down – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Last week President Trump entered the “belly of the beast” — California, virtually a Republican-free environment. He visited with farmers in the Central Valley, whose livelihood has been decimated by Democrat state officials and the Obama EPA’s regulatory abuse since 2009. Then he promised to restore their water supply and backed it up with his signature.

After the combined document signing/rally with farmers, President Trump headed off to another huge campaign rally, this time in Phoenix, Arizona. Certainly no coincidence, the Phoenix event took place at the same time the desperate Democrats were ganging up on each other at another debate debacle, this time in Las Vegas.

On February 19 there was a “Tale of Two Arenas,” as described by the Fox Business Channel. The Trump rally in Phoenix was “filled with love,” whereas a Democrat Party 2020 presidential candidate debate in Las Vegas was “filled with hate.” The two events offered a truly stark contrast.

A joyous gathering of “MAGA people” convened in Phoenix to promote several Republican candidates, numbering, as usual for Trump-led events, tens of thousands of enthusiastic red-capped supporters cheering wildly and repeatedly shouting “Four more years!” and “USA!” Democrats blasted each other at their Las Vegas debate, which even progressive pundits called a “circular firing squad.” One after another, the half-dozen candidates blasted each other in a contest of one-upmanship. Their political objectives, however, were aligned in purpose: “Save the American people from a booming economy and too much prosperity; get rid of Trump.”

Trump supporters in Phoenix celebrated the nation and its exceptionalism. They shouted with pride and patriotism when a 100-year-old World War II U.S. Navy Veteran was literally carried to his seat in the arena. President Trump applauded, thanking the man who had temporarily upstaged him for his service to the nation.

The several hundred present at the Democrat debate in Las Vegas booed and shouted obscenities at candidate Michael Bloomberg, former New York City mayor and a new addition to the Democrats’ debate line-up. They cheered the other Democrat candidates’ calls for a roll-back of prosperity (since tax cuts only benefit the rich) and attacked billionaire Bloomberg for his adherence to capitalism.

Michael Bloomberg, after spending $460 million in get-acquainted advertising, bought his way into the Las Vegas debate with a $300,000 gift to the DNC and promptly got scalped by the fake Indian, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who had the Bloomberg beating at the top of her priority list. Blow after blow landed on the head of the perplexed former mayor of New York City, mostly delivered by Warren and Sanders. He plainly wasn’t prepared for the bloody onslaught of verbal abuse. He fumbled and fidgeted, groping for answers.

The massive enthusiasm in Phoenix and the Democrats’ inability to propose anything constructive at their debate (only the raucous attacks on Trump and each other) showed the clear winner of the Democrat debate in Las Vegas was President Trump. The losers were Michael Bloomberg and the Democrat Party.

This party of grievance, party of victimhood, cannot beat President Trump because they have nothing positive to offer – nothing uplifting to drive people to greater heights; to turn hope into reality.

President Trump again promoted restoration of traditional American values and vibrant prosperity at the Phoenix rally, inspiring his enthusiastic supporters.

Democrat Party presidential hopefuls in Las Vegas displayed their animus toward our values and a desire to demolish them, with an unabashed distaste for prosperity.

Two arenas: one upbeat and joyous; the other desperate and vengeful. One believes in America’s Founding; the other doesn’t.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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