The ‘New Way Forward Act’: Imposing a National Transformation – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

No one is talking about this bill and the media refuses to even mention it. Democrat Congressman Jesus Garcia of Illinois, its main sponsor, is surprised that there’s any opposition to it. Why would there be, he thinks, unless you are a… bigot?

Basically, this bill abolishes the right to control who comes to live in the United States of America. Our national sovereignty would be abolished, since our borders would have no effect.

The “New Way Forward Act” is an extremely radical remake of our immigration system. The bill, H. R. 5383, was introduced in Congress on December 10, 2019 by Rep. Garcia, and has 44 Democrat cosponsors so far in the House. Garcia described it as “an end to deportation and policing of communities of color.” This “Act” states that, “convictions… should not lead to deportations.” Illegal alien criminals would now be victims, by law.

Targeting felony convictions of illegal alien criminals, the bill invents the “right to come home,” although America is not “home” to illegals—the country they left is. This bill states in a straight forward way that “…immigrants who commit serious crimes get to stay.” And, if they are no longer present in the U.S., American taxpayers will pay to bring them – convicted, illegal aliens – back to this country. One-fifth of the Democrat caucus in the House of Representatives backs this bill.

The ”New Way Forward Act” will completely upend America’s immigration system and, by what it portends, the country itself, by protecting illegal aliens and, even more importantly, foreign-born criminals.

Under this proposed law, alien criminals could not be deported back to their country of origin unless they have received a five-year sentence (which can be overturned by an activist judge). The “Act” mandates that alien criminals once deported for their crimes be returned to the U.S., and the bill is retroactive. Going back 25 years, our “immigration authorities” would be required to find those who were deported and bring them back inside this country, at U.S. government expense.

If this open borders atrocity succeeds, enforcement of existing immigration law would be impossible. Laws that now establish enforcement methods would be completely gutted, which is exactly the intent of the bill. Why abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), as many Democrats have demanded, when ICE and Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents can no longer do their jobs? According to acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf, this measure would completely “disrupt the prison to deportation pipeline.”

Illegal aliens could walk across the border, obtain a visa, and disappear within the populace. CBP agents would no longer be able to apprehend them at the border since there won’t be any way to detain them – this bill outlaws the facilities. And ICE agents couldn’t deport any illegal alien.

Democrats sponsoring the bill believe the “deck has been stacked” against illegal aliens who have been deported, so we must bring them back to process them in a “new system” favorable to them. Not a system favorable to those who live here legally, but a weighted system that favors the illegal alien—the citizen of a foreign country.

Sanctuary cities, counties and states would now be a national norm, not a violation of federal law, if the “Act” is passed.

I distrust Republicans like senators Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins and Mitt Romney, so President Trump needs to make sure he has a fresh veto pen, in case this bill reaches his desk.

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