Shut-Down Incompetence: Blue State Abuse of Power – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

“When you prioritize solar panels over ventilators and hospital beds, there’s something wrong with you,” observed author and radio host Mark Levin, describing the incompetence of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who chases man-made climate change myths while ignoring warnings to prepare for health emergencies which could cause suffering (in 2015). He had his own spending priorities.

In a high-tax state such as New York, why is a governor who collects billions in yearly tax revenues from his abused citizens holding his hand out and demanding President Trump fill it?

Because he has placed his state in a 6% budget shortfall for 2020: $6.1 billion in fact. Cuomo thinks it’s more important to pay instate college tuition for illegal aliens, help pay for abortions up to and including the moment of birth, and invest in “renewable” energy systems (instead of fossil fuel fracking) to avoid the ominous evil of manmade climate change. He cut spending on hospitals and medical supplies.

Image Credit: NY Gov. Office – April 3rd, 2020

New York doesn’t need money for hospital equipment or other sundry items Cuomo thinks he is owed… he believes the Wuhan flu virus crisis is Trump’s fault and wants Trump to rescue him from state debt.

Why does New York have far more cases of the Wuhan flu virus and a greater number of fatalities than a larger state, California? Many cities and counties in both states have embraced “central planning” – sustainable communities – perfect for infectious disease transmission. Four out of five of New York City’s boroughs experience very high numbers of Wuhan flu infections. New York City’s subway and bus systems put people shoulder-to-shoulder for maximum sharing of pathogens during daily commutes. California has relatively few people traveling by metropolitan transit systems compared to New York City; most commuters around Los Angeles and San Francisco clog the freeways while driving inside their own vehicles, way more than six feet apart. But progressives want us all crammed into tight “population centers.”

And what did New York City do before it shut down businesses to slow the spread of the Wuhan flu virus? Its brilliant mayor Bill de Blasio and his top-notch city planners decided to reduce the frequency and number of subway stops and also used the same twisted logic on the city bus system. To cope with the reduced number of stops, the same number of commuters crammed themselves into fewer subway cars and buses. Social distancing was abandoned for the sardine can theory and the virus spread quickly. When the shut-down was ordered by the mayor, then the governor, it was too late. New York State became the nation’s Number One Virus Incubator. How can Cuomo blame Trump for dragging his feet?

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t beg for money daily like Cuomo does. Newsom just seizes the opportunity to consolidate power through central control, turning local police department personnel into Gestapo-type agents of change and asking neighbors to snitch on neighbors.

As related to me by a conservative activist friend in southern California, a businesswoman had her salon closed down as part of the state-wide shut-down. After hearing of break-ins from neighboring business owners she decided to move some of her inventory to the safety of her home. As she was loading her vehicle at the curb, a passing policeman noticed the front door of her salon was open. He stopped and cited her for violating the shut-down order, to the tune of a $1,000 fine. She had her door open; the lights were off and the “Closed” sign was in the window. But a simple explanation of her activity didn’t matter.

Homeless people in Los Angeles can inject heroin on a street corner, defecate on a sidewalk, and shoplift – all with impunity. But an established businesswoman, deprived of her livelihood, can’t protect her investment… in the Land of Opportunity.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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1 Comment on "Shut-Down Incompetence: Blue State Abuse of Power – by Jim Bratten"

  1. Through this first time process of pandemic shutdown in our lifetime, our country and many more countries are in danger of losing economic stability. Turning back the clock into the strong economy we had before this crisis began will not be simple. Yet, the resilience of America and other nations built upon free and fair markets and freedom rights for their citizens, set the stage to heal their economies, if, and that’s a big 2 letter word, government will get out of the way!
    Unfortunately, the political paradigms almost always demands more government attention to all crises. More and bigger government interference and interventions will not just slow the return, but has the potential to increase the damages.
    If I’m able to help get our elected officials to know this one thing it’s to limit themselves from piling on more government onto our nation’s economic infrastructure and systems. The least they place more rules, regulations, bureaucracies, agencies, and especially anything that surely will slow down the jumpstart it needs, all the better.
    Our Constitutional Republican nation needs less government spending and limited government – period.
    If I believe that will happen again, like the days of Coolidge, well, I have the right to hope and dream still?
    One of my biggest hopes is that our nation and the world will have a 2nd Chronicles 7 Great Awakening. Truly we need God to intervene and bring a supernatural movement of His Holy Spirit that brings supernatural results.

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