Coastal Observations: From the Lands of Delirious Despots – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

“We brought the numbers down. God did not do that; faith did not do that.” This was New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, exhibiting his secular faith and his belief that there’s nothing bigger than himself.

Governor Cuomo said he didn’t know elderly patients stricken with Wuhan virus were sent back to their nursing homes and retirement centers, instead of isolating them at a medical facility prepared to care for people with the virus. So our older citizens were returned to their homes, accompanied by a half-dozen folded, ready-to-use plastic body bags, to spread the disease to other residents. That death toll is now 5,200.

Cuomo should have known about this directive, since he issued it. How could he not know that these facilities are ground zero for the Wuhan virus, the elderly residents highly susceptible due to preexisting conditions or compromised immune systems? Probably because he never asked. Thirty percent of Wuhan virus deaths in New York have been among the elderly population in nursing homes and retirement centers – most in or around New York City.

Last week another revelation hit the governor of New York: Of new Wuhan virus cases in New York, 66% came from those who were “safe” at home. Chances are, Gov. Cuomo never saw the study findings, that your risk of infection from the virus is much greater indoors than outdoors.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio promised Muslims on March 24 that the city would “bring hundreds of meals” to 32 sites. Then on April 28 he boldly spoke out against Hasidic Jews in the city gathering for a funeral procession. “Break it up, or else…” And to think that, not even two months ago, the mayor was urging his citizens to go out and party more…

And subway routes under New York City have a problem, once more caused by ineptitude of misguided NYC bureaucracy. Because of “stay at home” orders from the mayor, the subway system has become a rolling refuge for the homeless. The system shuts down at night so vagrants can be ushered off the trains and the cars can be
sanitized. But what happens to the camps that the homeless have built inside the subway cars? If these are torn down every night, do the homeless have to rebuild them every morning? Where else would this idea be tolerated, except in New York City? Well, maybe in California…

Gavin Newsom, governor of California, launching a war on fresh air, tried to close down Orange County beaches. It turns out that his spies in So Cal ratted on their neighbors, sending videos of the beach-goers to the governor in Sacramento. Newsom was irate that the surfers and other beach denizens in Venice, Newport Beach, and other ocean-side hamlets weren’t maintaining the prescribed physical separation from one another! (We don’t use “social distancing” because there’s nothing social about it.) We were incredulous that no one had told Newsom that the major enemy of the Wuhan virus is sunlight (UV rays kill it), and the vast majority of virus infections happen indoors. When Newsom finds out about this, he should let Cuomo know.

One would think that Left Coast Newsom would be happy about one thing: California’s Santa Clara County, according to a study released by two physician researchers at Stanford University, had a Wuhan virus death rate of 0.03%, much better than fatality rates in New York.

Of course that doesn’t support the progressives’ premise of massive death tolls, according to the models, and would mean less federal money, so Newsom couldn’t comment. That wouldn’t help prolong this crisis, used to defeat President Trump. He likely hasn’t told anyone about the good news from Santa Clara County, or nearly as good a number from Los Angeles County, the only two counties sampled so far…

While their people beg for sanity, the delirious despots on the sanctuary coasts look more inept by the day.

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