What About Pursuit of Happiness?: Wuhan Flu Kills Businesses Too – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Progressive governors have used the Wuhan virus crisis as a way to abridge personal liberties. In Washington, DC, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, California, and several other states efforts were made to abridge Second Amendment rights and, in many others, the First Amendment was the victim. Since many of these governors possess authoritarian character flaws, this newfound power to control people was too tempting. Unfortunately, they made decisions that are far above their heads – atmospherically higher than their “pay grade.”

Any actions curtailing freedom of religion or right to self-defense in this nation are absolutely above any governor’s ability. It isn’t in their job description because it’s unconstitutional. God gave us freedoms no government official in this country can legally take away.

Fortunately, many of these governors have been slapped down by district judges for violating their citizens’ religious liberty; closing down churches and synagogues or forbidding the faithful from exercising their faith – even in a parking lot. Judges have also ruled against restrictions on access to firearms. Lawsuits against governors crossing the line of unconstitutional overreach are filling court calendars. A U.S. district court judge just granted a restraining order against Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, ruling that the governor’s order prohibiting in-person religious worship at Tabernacle Baptist Church of Nicholasville violated the First Amendment. But it’s not just the Bill of Rights that’s been assaulted.

Most governors also decided to suspend their states’ economic activity, shutting down or restricting businesses and issuing “stay at home” edicts. Many of them divided businesses into “essential” and “nonessential,” endangering the jobs of millions. However, it’s not their responsibility to decide what jobs are essential or nonessential; it’s not the government’s job, federal, state or local. In fact, the Constitution does not give government the privilege of making that determination. It is NOT in their purview to make the call, one way or another. But they did anyway, and the aftermath has been disastrous.

On April 3, 2020 unemployment claims filed over a two week period reached 9,955,000. By April 10, the number had reached 19,000,000. April 24, the number hit 22,440,000. For the month of April, unemployment was 14.7% – the worst single month in U.S. history. Non-farm payrolls were down 20.5 million, a devastating number for one month. This has never been seen in American history – a total of 33.5 million newly unemployed in just seven weeks. A coma that could’ve been avoided.

Country music icon Charlie Daniels has a huge problem with heavy-handed state governors who restrict their residents’ liberties during self-imposed economic shut-downs. On May 2, the legend tweeted this to wayward state governors whose taste for power and control is greater than their common sense or fealty to constitutions: “You hard headed, politically motivated governors better watch it. America is steaming and the safety valve is just about to blow and a bunch of hot stuff is fixing to escape under extreme pressure.”

Earlier that day, another of his tweets accused the governors of incompetence and asked why American taxpayers should “foot the bill.” His sentiments echo those citizens of this nation who treasure their economic liberty. It’s time to hang the “OPEN” signs in the windows of American businesses, and do it NOW. And necessity demands we defend another unalienable right –  the pursuit of happiness.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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