Party of the Sedated: Giving a Pass to Perpetrators of Sedition – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Through the travail of the silent coup, driven by the Russia Hoax, we have discovered one undeniable thing – Adam Schiff is a pathological liar. He has no conscience or affinity for the truth. Therefore, he lies repeatedly and, apparently, with impunity.

Said Rep. Adam Schiff on March 13, 2018: “I can certainly say with confidence that there is significant evidence of collusion between the [Trump] campaign and Russia.” He knew his declaration of “significant evidence,” used over and over again, was false, each time he uttered it.

Another phony phrase, “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight,” was just as flagrantly false. Yet he repeated this tirelessly, each time with a straight face. And at every interview with his media comrades his blatant dishonesty was aided and abetted by them. Schiff was responsible for public consumption of the fraud – to drive President Trump out of office or at least place his reelection chances in jeopardy.

Yet we still wait for someone, anyone, to recognize his crimes against the nation, driven by seditious conduct. For his part in an attempted coup, why hasn’t the California congressman been taken to task?

Republican leadership, House and Senate, remained sedated, unresponsive to the unfolding three-year-plus hoax, offering little fight against the tentacles that entrap anyone around Trump who could be coerced to help bring him down. On both sides of Congress, during two years of Republican majorities, there was little done as the Russia Hoax, the Ukraine hoax, and all the other lesser attempts by Schiff and friends in between, unfolded. For three-and-a-half years, with the exception of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) and a few others, little was done to stop the fraud. There has been NO full-court press by Republicans to defend President Trump from Democrat attacks.

Paul Ryan

Speaker Paul Ryan was against Trump from the day the president announced his candidacy, as has been Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Republican leadership backed the Mueller probe fraud and defended the fake special counsel at every turn. Senate Republicans refused to doubt Robert Mueller’s veracity and integrity, demeaning all his detractors. Those who did the research, and understood Mueller’s agenda, called for the cabal of Democrat prosecutors to be dissolved and Mueller’s special counsel credentials to be pulled. Those requests fell on deaf ears at GOP headquarters. They didn’t want to look too partisan. In the fight for our nation’s survival as founded, the GOP didn’t want to take sides… It makes one physically ill.

Now, known blowhard Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) wants to hold hearings in his Senate Judiciary Committee, of which he is chairman, and says he will call witnesses. Where was Graham for the last three years, when his president was being drawn and quartered by Democrats and their comrades in the press, every single day? Until now, he and his “committee” haven’t done squat to expose any of this corruption or put a stop to the fraud.

Mitch McConnell

In The Federalist on May 15, Mollie Hemingway, in her “Memo to McConnell: You Won’t Get Judges if You Don’t Hold Resistance Accountable for Russia Hoax,” sent a message to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to clean up his act. “If McConnell doesn’t start demanding more be done to hold the Resistance responsible for its damaging and dangerous Russia collusion hoax, his party will lose, and he won’t confirm another judge in his lifetime.”

But that action would take leadership, of course; from someone who puts his country above coziness with his colleagues.

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