Owensboro Woman Speaks Out On Bridge Protest

The people on the blue bridge (Saturday) changed Owensboro forever.

We never feared driving across the bridge to go to Indiana before, or driving anywhere in Owensboro. I never feared stopping to help a teenager having car trouble before, or anyone else for that matter. Would never have dreamed of passing up a young person in need of help.

I have friends whose teenage children died because no one would stop to help them when their cars broke down on the road. I have to drive down Parrish Ave. to get to my cancer doctor, my heart doctor and the Emergency Room. Never dreamed that there would be a day in Owensboro when a bunch of teenagers might block me, and tell me they will NOT let me through.

I’ve had to cross the blue bridge many times to get my child to Kosair’s Children’s Hospital. Never dreamed that one day a group of teenagers might block me and tell me they will not let me get through.

Thank goodness I was not on that blue bridge today in need of getting to our hospital emergency room or to Kosair’s. I watched this gut wrenching, heartbreaking event on my laptop. Every single sickening, disgusting minute of it. Twice to be sure that what I had seen was as egregiously frightening and despicable as I believed when I watched it the first time. It was!

I called one of my closest friends and she was watching it, also. We asked each other what we might have done if we HAD been on the bridge – – WHAT IF my heart started racing, as it surely would have if I was trying to get my son to Kosair’s?

I have supraventricular tachycardia, so any terrifying situation causes my heart to race, and that was terrifying to watch! I can’t imagine how terrified the people were who were on the bridge!

I told my friend that I would have probably panicked and just shut my eyes, and driven through the danger as fast as I could go.

A couple hours later, I saw a tragic story where a Fed Ex driver had done just that, and a young man was drug to his death without the driver knowing. No doubt, the young man screamed until he died, and people were screaming and beating on the driver’s truck. He thought they were trying to harm him.

We will NEVER know how many people will die in the future because of what you did today on the blue bridge, because people will be too fearful to stop and help them. I know I am now!

In the past, I received citizen honors and was sponsored as a hero, and written about in KY Heroes stories, in part, because I NEVER passed up ANYONE needing help. No matter how big the person, or the color of their skin. It didn’t matter. If I saw someone in need of help, I stopped to help.

Thanks to the people on the blue bridge, I will NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.

Sadly, some of the people I love most are teens and young people. I fear now that something could happen to them one day if no one will stop to help them in an hour of need. God only knows how many people who watched your terroristic style of control and oppression Saturday made the same decision as my friend and I made while on the phone.

No doubt, one day some of you who were on the bridge terrorizing people, will be in situations where you need help. If no one stops to assist you, you need to remember that you caused many of us this kind of fear.

In the past, most of us never even checked to make sure all our doors are locked when we are driving down the road in Owensboro, KY. NOW WE WILL! I doubt if many of us even kept anything in our car that we could use as a weapon if we needed one. I would imagine that most of us will now!

I have no idea what has happened in your lives to make you want to terrorize, control and oppress other people just because you enjoy making people suffer. You did a good job of doing that!

I have no idea what happened in your lives to have not one ounce of compassion for all the people on the bridge who needed to get where they were going.

You didn’t care if those that you were causing mental anguish could have been a single mother with a crying, hungry baby in the car.

You didn’t care if those who you were making sure were going to suffer were black or white.

You didn’t care if you were causing someone to lose their job who desperately needed to get to work to pay rent or buy food for their children.

You didn’t care if someone was in terrible pain from a recent surgery and needed to get home to rest.

You didn’t care if someone was on their way to a funeral and had a busting headache from crying.

You didn’t care if someone had gotten a call that if they wanted to see a loved one before they died, that they needed to get to the hospital or Hospice.

You made sure you were in control and that you were going to make as many people suffer as much as possible!

You ALL seemed so cold-hearted that I wonder if you would even care if your own mother/father, grandmother/grandfather died from a heart attack because another group of sociopathic teens took control of them, and refused to let them get to a hospital.

I hope that you, your parents and grandparents, your little brothers and sisters are proud of you. Because I feel sure that most of us found your behavior to be filthy and disgusting. And as if you did not cause enough people to suffer, you decide to terrorize that poor woman who was just trying to get to work so she could buy food for her family, you had to terrorize her even more by telling her you would get her later at her place of employment.

I am pretty sure that is called terroristic threatening. If any of you got drug into this by “friends”, I hope you walk away and realize how they may choose to control and terrorize you or your loved ones one day.

No one needs friends like that. May God have mercy on you, and I mean that sincerely.

The above images are screenshots from The Owensboro Times and are acceptably redistributed images here according to national Fair Use laws.

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42 Comments on "Owensboro Woman Speaks Out On Bridge Protest"

  1. James Owens | May 31, 2020 at 11:15 pm |

    You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. There was indeed a medical emergency, and every protestor there moved to the side to allow the woman to get home. Several protestors even offered to help the woman experiencing it. You think it’s hard being stuck on a bridge for a few minutes while trying to go home? Think of how Philando Castile’s daughter felt to watch her father get shot to death in front of her. Get over yourself and learn about what actually happened on the bridge.

    • Stephen Schwartz | June 1, 2020 at 6:30 pm |

      Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether you like it or not. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

  2. Mark Tennant | May 31, 2020 at 11:19 pm |

    The youth of our town likes to have their own little mini-riots . For any reason, in empathy of National situations . Next time let’s hope they do it in a park or somewhere where they don’t block a roadway.

  3. James Owens | May 31, 2020 at 11:29 pm |

    Additionally: Where were people being terrorized? Are you referring to the woman who ran someone partially over worth her car? Are you genuinely excusing her behavior?
    Not to mention: Do you not get held up for almost as long at funeral processions? Or when the blue bridge is closed for runs? Get over yourself.

    • So we’re the protesters letting people through after a certain time period i am truly unclear on what happened

  4. Larry Mofield | June 1, 2020 at 12:31 am |

    It is all on OPD
    You don’t need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don’t obstruct car or pedestrian traffic. If you don’t have a permit, police officers can ask you to move to the side of a street or sidewalk to let others pass or for safety reasons.
    So OPD why did you not move them off the bridge yesterday or out of McDonald’s, drive thru today on 54? You are paid to enforce the law of the land .

  5. Tina Evers | June 1, 2020 at 12:56 am |

    This lady couldn’t have said it any better! She makes me proud to hear a concerned citizen speak the absolute truth! God bless her!

  6. Amen ,,, this was just out right sickening what these kids did . I was furious when I saw the video . I was like where is our law enforcement . These kids should of been removed sooner. I would NOT have set there . I would of proceeded at a low rate of speed and went on with my business . Such a disgrace to our city . Kids these days are out of control . Their parents must be proud ..

    • Joshua Hillard | June 2, 2020 at 7:08 am |

      You fail to see the cause of all this, and it’s written subtly in you statements. That part of the COMMUNITY HAS been judged, prodded, alienated, and condemned! Just like you just did. Until you decide to help YOUR community it’ll exist.

  7. Keith Jason Gough | June 1, 2020 at 7:21 am |

    I completely agree with most of these statements. The protesters put others in harm to speak out about a horrible man who took another mans life. I’m sorry but this peaceful protest should have been on the sidewalks out of harms way! And threatening someone??? The police whether they agreed or disagreed to the protesters protesting, should be there to protect all of the citizens. Going to McDonald’s to terrorize someone is a crime!

  8. Debbie Davis | June 1, 2020 at 8:00 am |

    Several of those rioters were recognizable on the videos. I strongly urge that they be identified and criminally charged for their horrible actions

  9. It’s almost as if you can see her whiteness.

  10. Reva Hanley | June 1, 2020 at 8:35 am |

    I hear your concern about the protest that resulted in the delay of people getting where they needed to be, perhaps things could or should have been done differently. But just like your expressed concern they have the right to express themselves. I am curious about one thing I didn’t hear you say, I didn’t hear you say you understand that their was a horrific thing that happened and you understood that they were angry and that you were disgusted about what happened to a man who’s life was taking, not because he was a danger to the police but because it is hard to be dangerous with your arms behind your back cuffed and faced down on the ground. Perhaps, the people on the bridge were detained and upset, but they did make it where they were going with their life. Why is it that you can be upset about being inconvenienced by a group of kids trying to express their feelings and they can’t be upset because someone is dead because of racism. As for the lady you make reference to that was on her way to work, from what I saw wasn’t helping by the things she was saying, and if you saw what was going on then I don’t need to elaborate on what was said. This world is in a mess. Speak of that and what needs to be done. As, far as mercy, being bestowed on anyone let’s pray for mercy and peace for the corruption and evil of people like those who brought this mess on. Pray for change of hearts, ways of thinking and peace for all.

    • Do you all really know why ya was there bc I saw in another post it was for the lady in Louisville that was killed.. regardless which
      I think threatening the ladies life was ridiculous what did she do to the people who passed! So glad I don’t live in Owensboro any longer

      • Reva Hanley | June 1, 2020 at 2:07 pm |

        The protest was for all people of color everywhere not just in Minnesota. Lives matter of all color, but the blacks are getting killed because of their race. A lot of people are working their behinds off and being inconvenienced, harassed, and killed and they are black. I still am yet to hear the disgust and empathy of what this is all about. No one is condoning violence and destruction of property but angry bring out these things. Especially when nothing is being done to rectify the wrong.

        • Run the punks over like road kill and it will stop

          • I agree somewhat. Those teenagers endangered themselves. Just the right person with a concealed weapon ,legal by the way in this state. And suddenly we could be another Louisville. Mr. Floyds death has been a National Tragedy for everyone . But his own family has asked for people to stop acting more outraged than they are…

    • Well said!

    • I’m gonna tell you one thing! I’m gonna make this very clear! If one of my sons was in a medical emergency I wouldn’t even allow the protesters the 5 to 10 minutes it would take to part way so I could get through! I would have never even lifted off the peddle! My kids are worth more to many than anyone or anything else! Period!

  11. Anna Rogers | June 1, 2020 at 8:39 am |

    I have one remark to say
    “Shame on you. Martin Luther King would not be proud of you this day.” Peaceful demonstration this was not. Grown up and look around. Change is not brought through violence.

  12. Robin Roberts | June 1, 2020 at 9:06 am |

    I say shame on the Owensboro Police Department! It is one thing for Police to be over aggressive as in the George Floyd case but to do nothing as they have done in Owensboro. If all these kids would get jobs and contribute to our society instead of causing problems in an already troubled world! They also needs to hear God’s word!Probably none of them know who that is!I for one was appalled at what I seen. I want to tell you that was my Daughter you kids Harassed! You evidently don’t know her. She is a kind and Loving person. She has never hurt anyone in her life. She doesn’t care whether your black or white or Gay or Straight or transgender, she treats all people with fairness and kindness. I for one will not patronize a city that allows this type of behavior out of their citizens and I encourage all people to boycott Owensboro KY.

  13. You obviously dont understand the plight of the Appalachian people and why it is the same movement as BLM morally. The redneck movement was a group of Appalachian miners protesting the companies screwing the workers, they burned down buildings, they killed cops and pinkertons, at the time people looked at them like you are looking at these protesters. However, unfortunately for you, History will look back on this for what it is. I have personally witnessed the cincinnati police department violating not 1 , but 2 , constitutional rights of many people who were trying to peacefully protest.

  14. Shawn tooley | June 1, 2020 at 10:27 am |

    I will be the first to tell anyone that the lady accused of hitting a protester,, is not racist by any means.. She works her ass off,, been with the same job since she was 16 years old.. She is full of compassion and kindness.. Yes I am biased,, because this woman is my wife.. I was with her on the bridge,, as was my 11 year old daughter.. I for one will not sit hear and watch my family be bashed because of a bunch of .. Who just want a reason to be the center of attention ..if they would put that much energy in trying to better their own self.. Mabey this wouldnt even be an issue..

  15. For all these adults judging these kids, why don’t you get out there and guide them? They may be wrong in the how but they are far from wrong in the why. Help them to let their voices be heard.

  16. Publisher | June 1, 2020 at 11:02 am |

    Please be aware that, just like the majority of all newspapers across the country, we at the VIP publish Opinion pieces as well as informative articles on a vast number of topics. The individuals who send in Opinion pieces are just as entitled to their opinion as those who oppose. We ask that when commenting on this and any article here at the VIP, that you would be kind and not bashing or accusing of anyone despite any heightened emotions.

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  17. The protest on our blue bridge was over the young lady from Louisville,not the gentleman in Minnesota.
    I think it’s okay to protest and March, but it is not okay to damage property, threaten innocent bystanders, or drove fear into the heart of an individual that is in the vacinity of your protest.
    The people who do these things at a protest are cowards. They would not do those things by themselves, they would only do them in a mass of people. It’s ignorance at it’s best. If you want to get your point across, there are better ways and more beneficial ways of doing it. Following antics of terrorist will get you no where.
    All lives matter. We need to remember we all bleed the same. I feel for anyone who is being treated unfairly because of race,gender, sexual orientation…. What the hell is wrong with people and all of this hate? I for one am not prejudice and I love everyone equal. It’s the individual who decides how they want to be looked at or how they want people to see them. One love for all.

  18. Sandy Lynn Cummins | June 1, 2020 at 11:27 am |

    Only my opinion. When the woman in the article kept saying, “ you didn’t care, control, terrorize, frightening, NEVER know how many people will die today”, that is exactly what they needed you to feel. The article screams white privilege. Those teenagers where not trying to hurt you or frighten you. They were trying to enlighten you on how they feel on a daily basis and you totally didn’t understand because you are so use to your day going so smooth. No one stopping you. No one threatening you. Did you not see the policeman murder the black man in front of everyone and not seem a bit concerned ? His coworkers standing by and watching and saying nothing. THIS HAS TO STOP! I commend you for receiving an award for stopping to help others. I wish you had been in Minneapolis , on the street , while Mr Floyd was being killed so you could have stopped that. But since you weren’t there are young people in Owensboro,Ky desperately trying to call attention to what is happening in the country they are growing up in and they want it to stop. It got your attention. Unfortunately you only saw it as something that frightened and may have unconvinced your life.

  19. It must have been very inconvenient to not be able to cross the bridge. If there was an emergency, it could have been life threatening… Now try to measure that against the inconvenience of being killed for the color of your skin. Many people who don’t have to deal with this minimize it, think it’s not really an issue. THAT is why we’ve reached this point.

  20. Carey Ann Atherton | June 1, 2020 at 1:27 pm |

    I cried watching the footage of Philando Castile, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, et al. Those events were crimes against humanity — ALL humanity — that dehumanized and killed. I also cried as I watched what happened in Owensboro Saturday. That protest accomplished nothing for the cause. Nothing. It stirred up more fear, more division and was also dehumanizing. Innocent people were targeted and afraid. How did that move forward the message of any of these POC who have died, move forward the message of racial equality? All I saw — with a couple of exceptions — were young kids foaming at the mouth with expletives, screaming and shouting like they have no idea how to discuss anything calmly. YES, I realize none of those murders happened calmly. But, if you think those were inhumane, what makes it right for you to respond inhumanely?? What was it Michelle Obama said? “When they go low, we go high?” Very good advice. (No, I’m not a Democrat, so don’t come at me for that.) These kids need to LISTEN to Terrence Floyd, to what he said today. Hush for a minute and listen to the man. “Peace on the left; justice on the right.” They put a mark on our town, and they owe it an apology.

  21. Carrie Olsen | June 1, 2020 at 2:14 pm |

    YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT. Good lord, ma’am, you are so missing the point. The way you felt about the bridge is the way black parents feel EVERY MINUTE OF THEIR LIVES. This is not about you.

    There is ANOTHER BRIDGE in 20-30 minutes in BOTH DIRECTIONS.

  22. Neal Cornett | June 1, 2020 at 2:24 pm |

    The murder of George Floyd was wrong. In fact, it was a crime. It shouldn’t have happened at all. That a policeman did it and other policeman didn’t stop him compounds the wrongness.

    The assertion that there is a problem at the core of how our society deals with crime, and how it, or vicariously through law enforcement and politicians and other authorities, we, treat people differently because of their skin color, or differences of income, manner of dress, demeanor and so on, seems undeniable right now.

    But the lady claiming that people illegally blocking traffic and frightening people were justified because they were trying to make you feel the injustice they feel every day, to enlighten you not to threaten you, and that to object to this is white privilege is, frankly, dead wrong.

    No protester or other person for any reason at all has any right to how I feel about anything. None. I could be the most bone-headed, obstinate, idiotic numbskull on earth, and you would have absolutely no right whatsoever to do me wrong, assault my person or property, impede my lawful use of a public thoroughfare, or “make” me feel anything that you think I ought to feel or which you think I don’t feel but should. That’s not white privilege. That is common decency. That is a human right. The same kind of human right Mr Floyd was denied.

    Treating people wrong to “enlighten” them that other people are being treated wrong is itself wrong. First and foremost if we don’t want injustice in the world is not to commit injustice ourselves.

    I personally have never harmed a fly. Beyond a right to vote and express my opinion, at the risk of other people exercising their right to say how wrong or stupid I am, I have no more power to control other people’s behavior than the man in the moon. Trying to frighten me into changing my opinions by force or implicit threat of force not only will not work, it’s bullying.

  23. DeirdreCarbon | June 1, 2020 at 4:57 pm |

    It’s not a problem when they shut down the bridge for the bridge walk. It’s not a problem when the bridge was shut down for the air shows. These are black and white kids. They didn’t hurt nobody. If it was that big of a concern the police wouldn’t have let them do it. Nobody was fighting. They just wanted to be heard. Peace out folks

  24. Johnny Burns | June 1, 2020 at 8:13 pm |

    Yeah lets protest police brutality by blocking a bridge from our fellow citizens…who also don’t support police brutality, what a clownshow.

  25. judy cain | June 1, 2020 at 9:45 pm |

    I have been looking at homes to buy there to move back home, but not now this shows OPD does not protect the citizens.

  26. If I was as hard up for attention as the group that broke all the laws with their so-called “protest”, I would crawl back into my mother’s womb. I’ll bet if you had asked 99% of them who was Emmett Till, they would not have been able to tell you. It was a big party to them, hypocrites of the worst kind. George Floyd deserved better than that.

  27. It’s a demonstration, you’re supposed to feel uncomfortable. That’s the point.

  28. Agree with most of this ladies opinions. Those individuals should be ashamed that they did this across a bridge. Air shows, construction, etc that shut down the bridge are PLANNED. People know about them well in advance and can take the necessary steps to go the other way. This was not that case.

  29. I wonder did they have a permit to block the bridge, and if not why did OPD allow it? I think its against the law to block a road without it. Also the escort, in front and back, to McDonald’s by OPD tells me a lot also. Like they was leading the charge to harass someone….??? Wonder if they would escort me to harass the guy at Burger King? Or let me block the bridge to protest our stupid Governor? This world gets crazier and crazier each day. Now its reached sleepy Owensboro.

  30. F.R. Turbo | June 7, 2020 at 12:28 pm |







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