Home Run at the RNC – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Former acting Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Richard (Ric) Grenell had unique roles within the Trump administration. He spoke at the Republican National Convention last week, his experience in those two positions giving him a perspective that made his speech a home run. Here are a few excerpts of his take on what President Trump had to face in his first term.

As the acting DNI, Grenell said, “I saw the Democrats’ entire case for Russian collusion and what I saw made me sick to my stomach. The Obama-Biden administration secretly launched a surveillance operation on the Trump campaign and silenced the many brave intelligence officials who spoke up against it.” Grenell should know; he saw classified material no one else had access to.

Because of that access, Grenell dealt with Joe Biden’s part in the subterfuge. He said that Biden personally “asked intelligence officials to uncover the hidden information on President Trump’s incoming national security advisor [Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn] three weeks before the Inauguration.”

Grenell also took on Barack Obama’s FBI and DOJ, stating that they “presented bogus information as facts. They lied to judges. Then they classified anything that undermined their case.” He added detail about the deception of the transition for the new president-elect and how the Obama team tried to make it as difficult as possible for the incoming president’s transition team.

It was obvious he values President Trump and how he behaves as a leader. He said that with Trump, “you always know exactly who is in charge because the answer is you. You’re in charge. Not lobbyists. Not special interests. Not warmongers, or China sympathizers, or globalization fanatics.”

He described Trump’s “America First” policy as “promoting the safety and wealth of the American people above all else.” Grenell related that, four years ago in the primary debates, “one outsider stood alone and said in public what most Americans thought in private.” Another reason why the American people will give Donald Trump four more years.

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