All Eyes on Education

Since March, Covid-19 has jarred nearly everything from ABC to XYZ (except liberal activism of course). And now, after obvious delays, the 2020-2021 school year has finally begun. The kids are being forced to wear masks and practice social distancing, or to attend classes from home using Virtual Learning programs that the teachers and schools seem ill-equipped to manage.

The pandemic is largely affecting the school children of America even though only 28 children between the ages of 1-15 across the nation have died to Covid in 2020 according to the CDC… a pale to almost non-existent comparison to annual deaths from other illnesses such as influenza and pneumonia, revealing that Covid-19 is hardly “the most deadly virus in the world” as the mainstream media would have us believe.

Indeed, there are far worse things than Covid that should be drawing our attention and our concerns regarding our schools.

With the start-of-the-school-year-required-curriculum for many schools across the country centered around divisive Social Emotional Learning’s references to Racial Discrimination, Defund the Police, Whiteness, White Fragility, White Supremacy, the recent Black Lives Matter/Antifa protests/riots, LGBTQ super-equality, the Socialist-founded #RedForEd movement, and Teenage Abortion “Rights”, our children are being inundated with far left extremist influences right from the start. But that’s not all…

Some teachers across the country are exposing the nature of liberal education by posting on social media that they have “concerns” that with the massive influx of students attending school via Virtual Learning programs… because the parents might be watching… even stating that the parents… especially Conservative parents… are “dangerous” to the usual teaching environment. But that’s not all…

Just since the beginning of this semester, some Virtual Learning programs across the country have been “hacked” to show actual pornographic footage to the children on the Virtual Learning computers. But that’s not all…

One university has recently been reported to state that teachers who have an Anti-BLM or Pro-Life perspective is “grounds for dismissal.” But that’s not all…

Evansville nightclub owner Amy Word, known for hosting Drag Queen shows for children in her bars, has filed to run for EVSC School Board.

In her public Facebook posts she has indicated why she has decided to run for the School Board;

“I have thought carefully over the the last week, how to respond as a business owner to what is currently happening in the USA. Being quiet has never really been my strong suit, so wanting to speak out won’t come as a shock to many.  I have spoke consistently about bad policy at a local level, and feel that change has happened because I simply used my voice. It matters.

We often hear that businesses should “keep politics out of it”, but we have moved so far past that. None of this is about politics. It’s about basic human rights and decency, and that is something that we believe in at Lamasco Bar and Grill and Grill and Amy’s On Franklin. It is something I believe to my core. It is something we try to exemplify in how we do business.

My oldest two children marched in a peaceful protest yesterday, and they did so, alongside many of our employees: employees of color, LGBTQ employees, employees struggling their way out of generational poverty, employees using their privilege and their voices to be allies the best they can.  In a profound moment for me last night, my son sent me the message, “Thank you momma for teaching me that love is love.” I know that continuing to use my voice and platform, matters now more than ever. It is the defining moment. Our silence can be no more.

How we teach that love right now, matters. It matters that we support the #blacklivesmatters movement. It matters that we support the #pride movement. It matters that we hire and support POC and LGBTQ community members. It matters that we speak out on systemic racism, policies that are meant to harm our brothers and sisters of color, and policies that hurt our queer community family.

Lamasco was one of the first local businesses several years ago to condemn RFRA, which eventually was defeated and left on awful stain on Indiana at the time. We received some several hate filled letters. I ended up being discussed on nationally syndicated radio show due to our family friendly drag hour and my stance on LGBTQ rights, and the “pastor” riled his base enough, that I received several death threats (nothing credible, but the local FBI was brought in for the matter).  I will not be silenced. I will not be quiet.  Not then, not now, not ever.

We are here. We stand with you. We will continue to support practices within my companies of hiring beautifully diverse staff, being advocates, listening, and learning to do and be better.

Your ally, always,


Admittedly, Amy Word hopes to use the EVSC School Board as a liberal social justice platform to push her far left ideologies on the children of Vanderburgh County.

In summary; with the politically-biased curriculum, with conservative teachers at risk, with conservative parents as the enemy of the classroom, with divisive liberal movements being pushed, with actual porn being shown to students, and with Amy Word hoping to use our school children as pawns to give herself a platform… there are far worse things than Covid that we should all be concerned about when it comes to our schools, our children, and our grandchildren.

Amy Word filed for School Board in District 3, will be running against a more than thirty-two-year incumbent School Board Trustee, Pastor Terry Gamblin, another incumbent, Jeff Worthington, the current School Board President… and an experienced, retired, conservative teacher, Ruth Baize, who said matter-of-factly;

“I’m not running to gain some social justice soapbox platform to push politically-biased agendas onto the children. I’m running to bring our focus back to education and academics where it always should have been. I also hope to give teachers, bus drivers, and other staff the support they have wanted and needed all along, and I hope to restore the voice of We the People back to the parents.”

With all that is happening in the world today to our children, Covid-19 should be among the least of our concerns as the minds and morals of our kids are being stolen by those who seek to destroy this nation at any cost and with any platform. Wherever you stand on the issues, be sure to use your platform on November 3rd.

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3 Comments on "All Eyes on Education"

  1. I have to admit that I am often uninformed about the local races, especially school board races. I hope there will be some good information for me this year. “Anybody But Amy Word” is a start, but I want to do better than that.

  2. thank you to Ruth Baize for her honest & truthful summation of how things are with those who follow the drum beat of One World Leaders. Pride does indeed go before a fall & GOD JEHOVAH IS LOVE.

  3. JAMES BRAKER | September 6, 2020 at 4:05 pm |


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