Pedo-Island: How We Got Here – by Jeremy Heath

Jeremy Heath

In the last year, we have seen the steady deconstruction of the pedophile ring operating from its epicenter of Epstein Island.

It isn’t completely destroyed, as it is a global ring, and filled with prominent world leaders, celebrities, and corporate heads.

After the exposure of Epstein, people wonder how he could get away with it. How did he do what he did, and not get caught?

A lot of what he did on the mainland merely looked like parties and get-togethers…

We see the same with his number two gal, Ghislaine Maxwell. How did she get away with it? Because she made everything look like it was all “on the up and up” talent agency, or the like… parents never had a second thought to what she was exposing their children to…

Allison Mack… Hollywood starlet, sex cultist, rapist, etc… Until her network came crumbling down, everyone maintained that they never had a clue… now people talk about how the red flags were there… the warning signs of coercion, influence, and grooming of young people being pulled into her network of abuse and horror…

See… everyone wonders how big networks can get away with it the same as they wonder how individual molesters can get away with it for so long.

The answer is simple: Denial. Complacency. Feigned disbelief.

People want to deny that an individual is doing what they are doing, and so they deny what is going on until it is absolutely impossible to do so. No one wants to look at people and point out their grooming of children and what it leads to….it is too awkward.

Epstein woke people up… Wayfair got them riled up… but are we going back to sleep? Turning a blind eye? We can claim that we are not, but when a Business owner who hosts a “Family Friendly Drag Show” in her bar gets lauded for her bid for SCHOOL BOARD, I think we can safely say that people are becoming complacent again.

Now she can say that it is all about making LGBTQ kids feel included… to have them feel normal… and loved… (Which is a noble pursuit, let no one dispute it…) but it has to be a drag show? That is her idea of LGBTQ inclusion and normalcy?

People… can you really wonder how people do it? How they can get away with it when we are seeing this play out before our eyes?

Now, don’t misunderstand me. I am NOT saying that Evansville’s Democrat Darling Amy Word is part of some secret local cabal intent on harming children. Nor am I calling her a pedophile.

What I AM saying is that I am wary of someone who hosts such activities for children to be anywhere near the School Board for the system that MY children attend. I am wary of anyone who presents such activities to children for any purpose.

She has stated that she doesn’t want her race to be about this one issue… but when it is such a large issue… and when we are still staring at Epstein, Maxwell, Mack, and Wayfair…. how can it not be?

Grooming defined: “To prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity.”

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3 Comments on "Pedo-Island: How We Got Here – by Jeremy Heath"

  1. She doesn’t get to determine whether this race is all about her depraved intention for our schoolchildren. We all get to vote, and it’s up to us to decide what the race is about. This is obviously a threshold issue. Whatever clever ideas she may have on other issues, she has already demonstrated she can’t be trusted to protect the kids.

  2. this is a good example of what journalism of truth ought to look like when we work towards a local awakening. thanks VIP News!

  3. 1st, thank you for taking the time to report this. Our world, and our nation is infested with this evil nightmare on children. This must be Exposed, Stopped, and Prosecuted fully.
    2nd, according to the #pizzagate, and other such that Q folks are following closely, this report is a small tip to many larger icebergs of how evil and how many people are involved. If 1/3rd or more of the videos produced by various people in the QAnon movement are true, Americans should be asking God for help to stop this. the videos, 10 parts and see what they’ve investigated and report.
    Like I said above, if 33%+ is true, God help us!!
    Corruption within the Demoncrats and their media lackeys, governmental career cabal, and so many others are covering for the most evil S.O. something to bad to say, has slowly been exposed. Drain the swamp in our government runs much deeper than POTUS Trump realized when he said he would drain it. For those quotes from Ephesians, AMEN AND AMEN. Here we are, Roman’s 1 is where we are as a nation.

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