History Repeats – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Looking at the election of 2016 and the lead-up to the election of 2020, there are some glaring similarities. The first is polling.

Polls generated by the Democrat Media in 2020 are weighted to favor Democrats, as they were in 2016, making the numbers look good to convince the public the Democrat candidate is favored. They use the same flawed perceptions and strategy as in 2016.

At this point in October of 2016, Democrat pollsters had Hillary Clinton up over Donald Trump by eleven points. The same margin appears today; Biden over Trump by double digits. And Republicans, even Ben Shapiro and Sean Hannity, are buying the poll results.

Last week, results were released from an NBC/WSJ (Wall Street Journal) poll: The Democrat nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, had 53% popularity. The incumbent, President Donald Trump, registered 39%. CNN gushed in delight, “The president is down by 14 points… how can you come back from that deficit?”

That poll was conducted by people who had worked on the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2016. This time, sampling only 800 voters (mostly Democrats?), they spread the same disinformation as they did in 2016, the deficit for Trump in 2020 nearly identical to 2016. As President George W. Bush once said, “It’s déjà vu all over again.”

The second similarity is scandal. In the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton escaped investigations for email crimes, the Benghazi massacre, and sourcing and funding a false “dossier” linking Trump to Russians. Today, Joe Biden seems to be easily escaping any scrutiny or suspicion for apparently criminal acts concerning financial dealings with Ukraine, Russia, and Communist China.

Financial fraud was conducted on a massive scale by Hillary Clinton through the Clinton Foundation, using the U.S. State Department. Today, the scandal is the Biden family reaping millions of dollars using his brother and his son under the Biden name.

Democrat Media was complicit in all this, for cover and as a disinformation source, so it’s really not coincidence. It’s just the way many progressives operate in “public” office.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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1 Comment on "History Repeats – by Jim Bratten"

  1. 100% correct on this matter and there’s more there than what we think we know.
    This democratic party has become a hotbed of corruption that’s infiltrated every facet of government branches. How did we let them do this?
    It’s truly a Deep State Cabal in all aspects of our nation’s government. They have covered up the truth and corruption, criminal activities, etc., and it’s worse than anyone knew.
    Where are the ones that took the oath of service and will do whatever it takes to root out the ubiquitous criminal empire within their ranks? Sedition, treason, extortion, bribery, and possibly murders, and more, watch for the Patriots to finally band together and make us aware by bringing them to justice.
    Another problem that is slowly changing is the Judiciary system that is used as tools for the corrupt agents within.
    I have been wondering for years now, how long before we the people stop staring at the ubiquitous criminal activities within our government and realize it’s become tyranny?
    Listening to the Barrett hearing with the ancient Senator Feinstein talking about gun sales recently, maybe not much more.
    Here’s where I am in this:
    We need God’s Revival for His Church and the Great Awakening to follow for the nation and the world.
    Christians are praying for God’s help. We are in need of the 2nd Chronicles 7 movement of God’s people. We need to pray, humble ourselves, seek God’s Face, repent of our sins, turn from our wicked ways!! God help us!

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