“What If… ?” Series – Episode 6

Intro: Since the question of, “What If…?” has a tendency to stir up our grey matter to consider what might be, the VIP has come up with a series called “What If…?“. In this series, VIP readers are encouraged to read the questions below and to send in “What If…?” questions to the email provided. This series is designed and intended to bring thought-provoking questions to our readers, and to open up discussion in the community.

If, by reading the questions below, you have “What If…?” questions that you would like to ask and have published, you may send them to vipnewsroom@zoho.com or comment in the comment section below. Note that comments with “What If…?” questions will not be immediately approved on the comment feed but will be considered for future publications on the VIP website as well as the printed edition of the VIP newspaper.

Thank you all for reading, and we look forward to your response! Here… we… go!!

What if…
Governor Eric Holcomb is continuing to extend Stage 5 of Indiana’s “Back on Track Plan” based on the number of reported positive cases of Covid-19? What if… the only reason there seems to be a Covid spike in Indiana and the Evansville/Vanderburgh area is because there are now more testing kits available? What if… the small print on the testing kits state that the test will not determine the difference between whether someone has a positive diagnosis of the common cold, flu, rhinovirus, or Covid-19? What if… it is simply the season for the common cold and we are panicking because the inaccurate test kits are turning up as false positives for Covid? What if… our community is in a panic over the seasonal flu or the common cold?

What if… using respirators on people who do not need them could actually kill them? What if… unneeded respirator usage has killed more people than Covid-19? What if… the families who have lost loved ones to unneeded respirator use suspect malpractice but remain silent because they can’t prove it? What if… those loved ones want justice, but they don’t know where to turn, so they remain silent?

What if… only 6 million Americans have been infected with Covid-19 during the Trump administration and the panic has virtually crippled our nation… but almost 61 million Americans were infected with H1N1 during the Obama administration and not a single small business, church, or industry was shut down during H1N1? What if… there were more than 64,000 more H1N1 deaths reported than there have been with Covid? What if… H1N1 was treated as a “Public Health Concern” but Covid is treated with mass hysteria, lockdowns, and panic as if it is as serious as The Black Death of 1353? What if… the former (H1N1) was far worse than the latter (Covid)?

What if… nearly everyone in the Democrat party and in mainstream media blames Donald Trump for the coronavirus, but nobody in the Democrat party or mainstream media blamed Obama for H1N1? What if… we’re all being told what to think, but not being told how to think?

What if… just as with war, there is a great deal of money for certain groups to gain during pandemics? What if… pandemics are the new wartime economic gains? What if… the viruses are being intentionally created and released so that certain groups can societally, politically, and financially gain from the public reaction? What if… H1N1 was merely a testing ground for the next pandemic? What if… Covid-19 didn’t turn out as serious of a threat as those who released it hoped it would? What if… since the coronavirus didn’t turn out to be as dangerous as H1N1, the panic over the virus is all they had left to work with to implement the shutdown and takeover of the U.S? What if… panic during Covid has always been the intent of one political party because panic would give power to the Deep State?

What if… the previous administration partnered with anti-American groups to change the course of this nation? What if… the previous administration deliberately top-loaded every societally-influential institution throughout the country to change the course of such entities from bi-partisan in nature to left-leaning-only? What if… changing those institutions from the top-down would change the perspectives of the social construct within those influenced by such institutions? What if… under the Obama regime, such institutions had more than a 31% increase in administrative staff? What if… between the majority… to the entirety… of the added administrative personnel in those agencies were left-leaning “social-activists”? What if… according to anti-discrimination laws, it is illegal to hire individuals based upon their political party affiliation?

What if… among those top-loaded institutions are the FBI, DOJ, EPA, FDA, Department of Education (DOE) and the Public School system, the American Library Association (ALA) and the Public Library system, and even Center for Communicable Disease Control (CDC) and the Public Health Department administrations? What if… the Health Department is now regulated by a single political party? What if… that political party has been compromised by extremists? What if… that political party is working for an enemy of the United States, but doesn’t even know it?

What if… Donald Trump wins the election with a commanding 67.29% as some reliable predictions are stating? What if… the anti-Trump base already has a plan in place for a national revolt if he wins… or even if he loses? What if… George Soros, the UN, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Gates’, and the Deep State are orchestrating the biggest, most destructive, most violent riot in our nation’s history? What if… you do not have enough food, supplies, medicine, or ammo to protect yourself and your loved ones from the pre-planned uprising?

What if… uneducated Democrats are the most susceptible to the Deep State’s plan to take away the rights of all Americans, including themselves? What if… the Deep State controls every piece of information reported in mainstream media from the very top news agencies to the very bottom in local news? What if… civil war is about to break out because the uneducated believe everything their TV tells them to believe? What if… mainstream media is how the Deep State controls and manipulates the entire country? What if… mainstream media is how the Deep State controls and manipulates you? What if… we all just turned off our TVs and refused to listen to the narrative any longer?

What if… you researched what you believe are the most absurd questions above to find out what is true? What if… these questions stirred something within you to email us questions of your own? What if… your questions provoked curiosity in our community and helped others to ask questions of their own? What if… you emailed your questions to us at vipnewsroom@zoho.com today?

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1 Comment on "“What If… ?” Series – Episode 6"

  1. Very nice job!
    What if we had a media that would report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
    What if we have a DOJ that treats all people equal under the Judicial System of the USA?
    What if the Judicial Watch foia requests of the past decade plus were all met with timely documents produced, and nothing is done to protect, cover up criminal activities, or hide things from production?
    What if Hillary Clinton’s subpoenaed email servers were provided and not bleach bit, hidden in a hotel bathroom, destroyed with hammers, and then lied about during testimony before Congress, and the Court?
    Hey, this is fun stuff!!

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