COVID Contrast – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Joe Biden doesn’t want governors to have control over their own states, as they are entitled to in the Constitution. Biden wants to nationalize virus treatments and policies regarding COVID-19, including a mandate to wear masks.

Dr. Scott Atlas of the White House Coronavirus Task Force stated, “We have a consensus, aligned with the president… opening schools, opening society, and protecting high-risk people, as with seniors… We have 9,000 epidemiologists from around the world sign on to this; we have recent studies” that support fully opening schools.

“The WHO doesn’t recommend universal masking… 70% of people who caught the virus wore masks all the time… CDC agrees… it’s a lame, bizarre obsession that everyone wear masks all the time… Mask mandates don’t work.”

Except Biden says they do…

In the reopening of New York City schools, 16,000 COVID-19 tests were administered to students and teachers in the NYC public school system.

Twenty teachers and eight students registered positive for the virus. That’s an infection rate of 0.125% for teachers and 0.050% for students.

Reopening schools in NYC? No reason not to, except Biden and Harris may say no

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