Voter Suppression: Activating the ‘Biden Protection Plan’ – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

“If the Freedom of Speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ~ President George Washington

Big Tech social media platforms, chiefly Google, Facebook and Twitter, have been very busy suspending accounts of conservative media sources, blocking posts on websites, censoring content and demonetizing conservative accounts that survive on advertising. It’s been an intense assault on the Freedom of Speech. And their partners in speech theft have also been busy.

Democrat Media and Big Tech are working hand-in-hand, to assist the Democrat Party and its radical surrogates in the destruction of Donald Trump’s chances for reelection before Election Day and to hide Democrat corruption.

While the FBI conducts criminal investigations into Biden Family business affairs, Democrat Media denies evidence, completely dismissing it as a “smear” orchestrated by the Trump campaign. And, once more, Democrat Media has dragged out their favorite villain to tie to Trump: Russia. Here are examples from the two most notorious sources in the coordinated propaganda campaign, blaming Russia for “disinformation” concerning the evidence of corruption on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

From CNN: “Holding super-spreader events and spreading Russian disinformation…” “It’s sort of a crazy quilt thing… which has all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation…” “CNN reported on Friday that authorities are seeing if those emails… are connected to an on-going Russian disinformation effort…” The CNN Politics headline read, “US authorities investigating if recently published emails are tied to Russian disinformation effort targeting Biden.”

At MSNBC, the script was the same: Referring to Trump, “…disinformation, that he knows to be fabricated and supplied by a foreign intelligence service and, despite the warning, he’s still doing it…” “This entire thing is so obviously a Russian plot…” And, since MSNBC is trying to paint Rudy Giuliani as a Russian agent: “Rudy is basically functioning as a Russian asset, pushing Russian disinformation…”

The Left is doing everything in its power to discredit and suppress the Biden story, telling Americans it’s fake. But it’s factual, and the “authorities” have already issued statements to that effect. The FBI is investigating how it came about, who’s involved, and the possible damages done to U.S. national security. Democrat Media knows this, but it’s their job to kill the information under their “Biden Protection Plan” so, they believe, Joe Biden can win the election.

“Democrat Media is running interference for Joe and Hunter Biden,” said Miranda Devine, the New York Post columnist who broke the story on the content of Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop. Twitter suspended the Post’s account after the story appeared, essentially censoring speech. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said his social media platform could reinstate the Post’s account, but only IF it deleted the story on Hunter Biden. Likely devastating to Joe Biden’s election, Democrat Media has covered it up and social media has censored it. In effect, they are attempting to rig the election by keeping information from the American voter, suppressing votes for Trump that could have been gained from Biden, and casting doubt upon Trump’s claims of Biden corruption. Watching Democrat Media, most of their viewers will never hear about Hunter Biden’s laptop or what it reveals. Ignorance is bliss.

Big Tech and Democrat Media are hiding damaging information about Joe Biden’s offshore financial dealings to affect an election. When you control the flow of information, skewing poll results by keeping information from the voters or planting false information (fake news), you can guide the outcome of an election, i.e., commit election fraud.

That is, IF the voters still believe you.

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