“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 5 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

“Spin the wheel! Pick a card! Roll the dice! Do you feel lucky today?”. That is what David Richart wrote in “The ‘Other’ Kentucky Lottery” that corroborated Robert Benvenuti’s Investigative Report involving an exhaustive investigation of social workers in 2005.

The only ones who were lucky were the “bad apple” social workers that a Grand Jury desperately wanted to indict for their use of illegalities to take children away from parents, but immunity laws protected them from prosecution. That is the reason you DO NOT want social workers to replace the police as has been the call of the BLM movement in their #defundthepolice and #abolishthepolice campaigns.

Prosecuting attorneys, judges, lawyers, and police can all be sent to prison for lying and destroying the lives of innocent people. We are constantly told that “no one is above the law”, but social workers are, except in Florida.

In Florida, social workers can go to prison 5-15 years for lying. To my knowledge, only one mother ever, was awarded millions of dollars in what is now known as “the right to lie case”. The social worker said she thought social workers had the right to lie.

Most parents who have children taken away cannot even afford to pay for their case files, much less to “lawyer up”. Even if only 1% of social workers are “bad apples”, JUST ONE “bad apple” can destroy thousands of lives in one career span.

Some of the social workers that were investigated, were lucky they did not get fired, but instead were transferred to other counties in Kentucky.

Some of them had owed their friends favors, and hand-picked the kind of child their friends wanted to repay them. I cannot fathom what kind of favor one would owe a friend that warranted picking out someone else’s child to give them.

Those “bad apples” called white babies “primo token”. The good social workers certainly were not lucky when they were punished for reporting the “bad apples” who lied to convince judges to take children away from parents, and their “bad apple” supervisors who helped cover up the lies.

The “bad apples” were rewarded and promoted, lucky for them. Never was the cliché “one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch” more relevant than in the 17-county Lincoln Trail Area of Kentucky from the late ‘90’s through around 2005. The trickery, chicanery and lying to take children away from parents seemed to have begun in 1997, after Clinton started having the federal government to pay $4,000 for every child that could be taken away from parents and adopted out, and of course, bonuses were also paid.

“Special needs” children fetched an even greater sum of $6,500. Tens of millions of children were taken away from POOR American parents under the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. Yet Hillary, Laura Bush, and Michele Obama went on the news and said that President Trump was evil, immoral and inhumane for separating 2,500 children from parents who came here illegally.

When American parents are caught doing something illegal, they are arrested and incarcerated, and THEN their children are taken away. The Inspector General who investigated the Lincoln Trail Area believed that the problems with “bad apple” social workers was more widespread.

He seemed to be right, as various groups began springing up across the country with names like “Legal Kidnapping” and “Medical Kidnapping”. More and more investigations were done over the years and even some local T.V. news with their own investigative teams in various cities and various states like Oklahoma and New Hampshire, did their own investigations. Those investigations revealed similar findings to those in The Lincoln Trail Area.

One can only speculate as to WHY Clinton started paying financial incentives to take children away from their parents. It would be understandable if Communism had been the goal. The first rule of Communism is that you CANNOT allow parents to raise their own children.

Bill certainly did not seem to be the type to want Communism in America, so I personally do NOT believe he did it for that reason. In fact, in Clinton-Gore’s book “Putting People First,” he said that “The Clinton-Gore ticket will be the pro-family Administration.” He also said, “Virtually every industrialized nation recognizes the importance of strong families”.

I will NEVER understand why politicians do what they do. It seems that if the goal was to keep families together, he would have gotten the federal government to pay $4,000 for every family involved with CPS that could be kept together. Then there would NOT have been the additional $100,000 to $200,000 cost to hard working taxpayers for foster care, judges and their staff, Guardian Ad Litems, attorneys and court costs, etc.

Oftentimes it would not even cost $4,000 to keep the child with parents. It would have been just $80 to $200 to keep the electricity on, instead of taking a child away because there was no heat in the home.

At times, it would have cost only $100 for food or clothing, if the child was taken away because there was not enough food in the house or if they had insufficient clothing. But that’s just my way of thinking; that is NOT the way politicians think.

It is the same with COVID-19 deaths. It seems that they would have paid $13,000 for every hospitalized patient who survived COVID-19, rather than for COVID deaths. The cliché, “You get what you pay for” comes to mind. I only recently learned that in addition to the $13,000 paid for every COVID-19 death, there were some bonuses paid in the amount of $75,000, but ONLY if a certain number of deaths occurred within certain time limits.

I can’t imagine what it would be like to be the 99th COVID patient, if you knew they had to reach 100 deaths by the next day in order to get that $75,000 bonus! I have to admit that it REALLY makes me nervous just knowing they have to have a COVID death to get that $13,000. Come on, man! I’ve heard of men killing their own brother over a pair of shoes, or because he took the last piece of pizza or drank the last Dr. Pepper in the fridge.

A lot of things politicians have said in the past, make me nervous. In “Putting People First,” Clinton said regarding an “unsustainable population growth” that we must fight it at a global level. Are ya’ll thinking what I’m thinking? …like how do they plan to reduce the population on a global level? Anyway, I do not want to start some kind of bizarre conspiracy theory just because Jane Fonda said that “COVID is a gift from God to the Democrats”.

I am going on memory on some of these investigative reports that I read 15 years ago in hard copy, so feel free to fact check me, as they probably can be found via Google. I remember reading that Gov. Jerry Brown, who was a good friend and companion of Clinton’s on the campaign trail got lucky. I believe I read about it in “The Corrupt Business of Child Welfare” by Sen Nancy Schaeffer.

I read somewhere that Clinton’s good friend, Jerry Brown got really lucky and made billions of dollars from Clinton’s financial incentive deal by putting quotas on how many children HAD TO BE taken away from parents. Talk about dumb-luck and crazy coincidences!

I doubt if Clinton owed his friend, Jerry Brown any favors. People with money can afford to repay friends for favors. Clinton probably had no idea that there were corrupt governors out there who would not care how many children and families they destroyed, if they could make a few billion dollars from doing so. No one has a clue how many of those children taken away from parents and placed in foster care went missing. No one was even looking for them until a whistleblower told Melania about all the sex trafficking of foster care children, and President Trump started finding them in droves.

He started the biggest overhaul of the child welfare/foster care system that has been done in 40 years and passed the Families First Act. He realizes that not all families are ideal, but that children placed in foster care are 10 to 20 times more likely to be sexually abused than when left with their own families. Children were dying at an alarming rate in foster care, like little 4-year-old Hunter Payton from Radcliffe, Kentucky who was starved and beaten to death by his foster care dad who was married to another man.

We will NEVER KNOW how many children were taken away from parents with the use of illegalities to benefit corrupt governors, and who knows who else may have benefitted financially. And we will NEVER KNOW how many people have actually died from COVID-19, as there have been reports in places like Maricopa County where DeAnna Sutter called it “beyond appalling”, and questioned the ethics of politicians and government employees who misrepresented the number of COVID-19 deaths by adding people who died of something completely unrelated.

Retired respiratory therapist Jeffrey Collier, said he sees Maricopa County’s policy regarding COVID-19 as something more sinister, in that federal financial aid will likely be tied for years to a county’s or a state’s positive tests, hospitalizations and death tolls.

Collier said further, “Of course, even if they could go back and get the facts correct, they wouldn’t, because what mayor wants to admit they messed up and may need to give some of those big federal checks back?”

I watched the testimony of Joanna Martin “Publius Huldah” and even shared it to “My Story” in hopes that many people would watch. She knows more about the Constitution and how our government abuses it, than anyone I have ever witnessed. She explained how the federal government had turned into Frankenstein and is pushing for parental rights to be turned over to the federal government.

During her testimony, she handed over copies of a 100-page new Constitution that is already in print and had been planned by George Soros to be in effect before the end of 2020. I remember Hillary saying that “America needs more men like George Soros”.

Martin explained how with federal funds comes federal control, which we have seen with Child Protective Services and COVID-19. Wise governors DID NOT accept the federal funds to take children away from parents and adopt them out, but most did.

As Joanna Martin said, “moral and wise people have not been in charge in 100 years”. Those who have been in Congress for 50 years know very well how all this works to the detriment of American people, but to make them and their families rich. Martin explained how the new 100-page Constitution amounts to nothing more than Communism. Now you know the rest of the story. I hope and pray you voted FOR freedom and against Communism. God help America. God save America and God bless America! And God protect us from those who have been in Congress for decades and have made evil plans for us who are not a part of their elite circle.

Kanye West apparently is still running for president and said rightly so that “Families are the building blocks of America”. I doubt if he has a clue about how many families have been destroyed since Clinton’s financial incentives. I doubt if President Trump or any of the elite know about this. I have NEVER EVER heard of one child being taken away from parents with resources enough to “lawyer up” if their child was wrongfully removed.

This is not a Black, White or Latino problem. This is a problem that only poor parents know about. I have not yet read “The Barrington Declaration” calling for end to lockdowns that already will cause 130,000,000 to starve to death, according to Jay Bhattacharya. I figured if Biden wins and shuts us down again, that it could be higher than that in America.

It is usually children first when entire countries begin starving to death. We do not have to worry nearly as much about children dying from COVID. The fatality ratio for children to 19 years old is .00003%. For those 20 to 49 years old, it is .0002%. For those 50-69, it is .005% And for those over 70, the vast majority of the .054%, the most vulnerable, WERE IN FACT protected as much as possible because they were in nursing homes, hospitals, Hospice or in hospital beds at home with Home Health Care because they WERE ALREADY DYING.

As much as we would love to, there is no way to stop people who are dying from gunshot wounds, stabbings, car crashes, poisoning OR those who are dying from three different things (Dr. Birx said they were dying from 2.6 different things), like cancer AND diabetes AND high blood pressure. So, whether they get a bad cold, the flu, pneumonia or COVID-19, there is no way to stop them from dying.

If you have not yet voted by the time of this publication, please think carefully if you are even willing to risk another nationwide lockdown as Biden has promised to PERHAPS OR PERHAPS NOT save 100,000 from dying from COVID, but to cause perhaps 200,000,000 to even 300,000,000 of us to starve to death. Go turn on your T.V. and watch it scrolling about millions already beginning to starve to death due to lockdowns.

I would NEVER take the tiniest risk of having to watch my child and grandchildren starve to death. If we survive this and the plan for Communism does not succeed, we can all vote again in four more years. FOUR MORE YEARS! If you like having food and toilet paper, go vote for FOUR MORE YEARS as if the lives of the nation’s children depend on it!

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