The Rant – by Franc Turner

Franc Turner

According to CNBC, total billionaire wealth has skyrocketed to a “record high” of $10.2 trillion during the Covid crisis. So, the biggest wealth transfer in human history goes to the same individuals and/or companies who declared themselves “essential” while preaching the necessity of limiting, stifling, restricting, or closing any business deemed “nonessential” for the “safety and security” of mankind.

These multi-billionaires are the ones who also support, promote, lobby, and pave the way for every single one of the “new normals” which everyone else on earth is expected to follow in order to participate in society. Meanwhile, the people on the lowest rungs of the socioeconomic ladder support and defend these very same positions put in place by the billionaires they say they hate. Long story short: in order for the “1%” to maintain power and control, they had to rebrand themselves as supporters of the other 99%.

As an outside observer of partisan politics, it appears as though ordinary citizens who buy into mainstream political paradigm are being manipulated into demanding that “their way” (by which I mean, the restrictions and behaviors they’ve been convinced are best for the rest of humanity) be forced onto others, regardless of personal convictions.

In that paradigm, if total lockdowns are used as a response to inhabitants allegedly not taking extra precautions, then those lockdowns are viewed as no longer an excessive abridgment of an individual’s rights, and are therefore justified. The same line of thinking is used to justify all the varying degrees of draconian measures which governments all over the world have implemented during this pandemic, while passing it off as unquestionable and extinction-preventing “science.”

My question is: “What exactly is the scientific difference between an alleged nonessential, non-state sanctioned gathering of 20 or 30 people (or however many) for any reason; be it a BBQ, a church service, a funeral, a protest (mostly peaceful, peaceful, or not peaceful at all); and an alleged “essential” activity like the 10,000 people per day or so who go into a Walmart?”

They’re touching all the same items everyone else touched, using the same touchscreens everyone else uses for financial transactions, putting those potential super-spreader items into one’s car, taking off one’s mask after handling all those items, and taking them home without thoroughly bleaching each and every one. But that’s an “essential” activity, so that stops germs dead in their tracks, I guess?

Modern liberals are partaking in alleged “risky and reckless gatherings”, same as modern conservatives. The “liberals” just aren’t demonized for it. They’re having the same family gatherings, parties, and/or protests (mostly peaceful or otherwise), but they still get virtue-signaling points for criticizing anyone else who gets together for any reason. And despite the fact that practically every business for the past four months have had mask mandates for its customers, the virus spreads regardless. And when it does, again, only certain people are blamed for the spread when practically everyone is engaging in the same behavior to some degree or another.

Meanwhile, governors like Andrew Cuomo (who’s been praised for his lockdown measures) placed Covid-positive elderly patients into nursing homes, causing the further spread and deaths of very vulnerable individuals. Not only that, but his brother, Chris Cuomo, is the news anchor who has preached and virtue-signaled on a daily basis about the absolute and inarguable necessity of wearing facemasks in any and every public setting; while Andrew imposed the facemask mandates for New York.

Well, a few months ago (according to the New York Post), Chris’ apartment management sent him a letter of notification for his continuous refusal to wear a mask at times when it is required to do so, and told him that they will fine him if they have to. Both Chris and Andrew Cuomo have spent the past several months basically stating that refusal to wear masks is tantamount to manslaughter. Yet, Cuomo wouldn’t wear a mask, and he also broke quarantine back when he was diagnosed with Covid (several months ago). Yet, anyone else who doesn’t do what these two men say… is “evil” …according to them. The hypocrisy is mind-numbing.

Your news anchors are full of it. Your politicians are full of it. The billionaires who buy them are full of it. They don’t care about your health, safety, and standards of living. They simply get a rush from telling you what you must do, under threat of governmental punishment, while ignoring their own rules. But it’s ok, because they won’t be called out on it, and they’ll still get to keep their lucrative jobs at the end of the day; all while their listeners are living and dying through a new Great Depression. Yet, we’re all supposed to follow what these “leaders” and their “experts” say to do.

I’m simply implying that everything put in place to allegedly prevent, halt, or slow the spread hasn’t done anything except cause more problems, more illnesses, more hunger, more poverty, more mental health issues, more suicides, more hatred between ordinary citizens, and more dependence on those institutions. Institutions, which ultimately don’t really care if people live or die from any illness or economic hardship… as those politicians, pundits, institutions, and billionaires can use it all for political benefit and leverage, regardless

Good rule of thumb: don’t base your entire existence on the whims of ultra-powerful elites who never abide by their own dictates. Their “recommendations” are the cause of these hardships, not the remedy. They have made the majority of people’s lives increasingly more difficult to navigate, with each and every update of the “settled science.” Be cautious and be vigilant, for it’s easy to fall prey to these life-altering societal paradigms. And while they may claim altruistic motives, the money flow seems to indicate that it only benefits the few, at the expense of the many.

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1 Comment on "The Rant – by Franc Turner"

  1. From the traffic I witnessed at 3 different precincts in Cass County Michigan today, I’d say that the American citizenry has begun to rise up to say loud and clear, “WE’VE HAD ENOUGH!”
    As I write this comment, I need to be clear that I am not a prophet. I’ve served and helped many Nonprofit corporations in my lifetime. Little play on terms there.
    At our home Precinct, rural Calvin Township, the number of absentee ballots is more than any other time. There’s been a steady line out the door and down the walkway all day.
    This corruption has become ubiquitous in many areas where democrats are in total control.
    Think about how bad the various media sources have corrupted all facets of reporting, censorship, and editing. This is not just a little corrupt, but almost across all platforms corrupt.
    Historical experiences like these past years must be stopped first, and recorded to prevent future generations doing the same.
    God’s help is needed.
    Should the people choose the corrupt government over truth and our Constitutional Republican government provided to us by Patriots gone by, then evil wins.
    My opinion, there’s no way that Americans will let them get away with their evil desires.
    Thanks for writing this article.
    Dr. Scott

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