Don’t Concede – the Constitution – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Democrats have relied on cheating and underhanded tactics for years, to fraudulently win elections. In many areas of the nation, they could not get elected any other way. Detroit and Philadelphia come to mind for Democrat election corruption where indictments were made and culprits went to jail. If Democrats revealed what they plan on doing to our country, they would lose all moderate support (what they have left), and they would lose more elections, which has been happening since 2010. So they’ve become more intense, using massive, multi-layered election fraud. They will do anything to win, as we saw in the fraudulent election last week.

Many Republicans now berate Trump for challenging vote counts and accusing Democrats of fraud. Their attitude is historically Republican: when challenged, or victimized by election cheating, they concede, fold their tents and slink away.

Not President Donald Trump – he’s not in this to lose. If Democrats think that they’ve beaten him, the object of their scorn and hatred, they’re sadly mistaken. Trump is not going away. He’s not done yet. And establishment Republicans who choose the traditional surrender option should start looking for another profession.

Mr. President, don’t concede. Stand up for the Constitution, as you have done since you were elected to this office. Stand up for the rule of law. The action by the court in Pennsylvania is in direct defiance of the state legislature, completely illegal and unconstitutional. There must be litigation on this and enforcement of election law across the entire nation, not only corruption in the Pennsylvania state election apparatus.

Republicans need to understand that, since Trump was elected, there has been a great inversion. Because of Donald Trump, the Republican Party is broadening its appeal and its base. Because of Donald Trump, the Democrat Party has become narrower, more selective, more intolerant, and far more radical, feeding on hate and rage.

Our electoral system, and the election process, must be defended. Massive election fraud must be defeated, unconditionally.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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