Election by Media – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Democrat Media can look at scenes of Trump supporters at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, 57,000 of them at 40º F in the darkness of night, and think it’s been photo-shopped. Reporters refuse to speak to security personnel that were there, who established the count of participants, and ignore testimony of Butler Police Department officers who verified the number. Leftists on CNN, MSNBC and other networks deny reality and build their own narrative, creating a false “reality,” an alternative world that they can accept and twist to fit all their presumptions.

Media has been doing this since Donald Trump stepped into the political arena in 2015. None of his rallies are real, say the progressive network trolls. Trump’s gatherings are an hallucination to fool everyone, they say. Trump isn’t really popular or accepted by at least half of the American electorate. (But 71 million voted for him.)

Democrat Media built the narrative that President Trump would lose to Joe Biden in a landslide, when no indicators pointed to that result. Pollsters allied with the media and state election boards in Democrat-controlled states to launch “weighted” polls to steer public opinion away from Trump.

As of 11:00 p.m. on Election Day, Trump led in six “swing states,” some substantial as in Pennsylvania (700,000 votes) and in Michigan (62,000). He was also ahead by at least 2% in North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin.

Early the next morning, November 4, “too early to call” was the excuse heard on major Democrat Media networks, referring to vote tallies in the same six swing states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, North Carolina, and Georgia. But how is it that states with populations smaller than Florida (third most populous in the nation) can’t finalize vote tallies, when Florida finalized their vote count at 10 p.m. Election Day night?

At Fox News, the “Fox Decision Desk,” headed by an ex-Hillary Clinton operative, Arnon Mishkin, was forecasting the election outcome in every state. It was Mishkin’s decision to call the Arizona race early for Joe Biden, the minute the polls closed (though hundreds of thousands of ballots had not been tallied).

Trump traveled the nation, doing as many as five rallies per day, putting out every bit of effort he had for his supporters, yet the Democrat Media did 24/7 campaign promotions for Joe Biden, as he stayed secluded in his basement bunker, safe from questions, the public eye, and his own countless gaffes. In essence, the Democrat Media elected Joe Biden.

Calling election results in every state, Democrat Media “gives” the electoral votes in that state to a certain candidate. But that’s completely illegitimate, deciding nothing in an election. Biden has not “secured” enough electoral votes to win the election, as one pundit said Sunday. That won’t be decided until electors are chosen in the respective states. But media says it anyway. All that counts is: “We got it first,” or “We got it right,” even though network “decision desks” have nothing to do with electing the president or any other political candidate running for office. Do they decide whether the candidate wins that state? No.

Democrat Media networks wanted Fox News to call the election for Biden, to put him over the top, since in their minds Fox was the “Trump Network.” Leftist media wanted total repudiation of Trump, all support for Trump to evaporate, all of Trump’s supporters to abandon him: Total, degrading, crushing, humiliating defeat. At 11:50 a.m. on November 7 Fox News complied, “giving” Nevada and Pennsylvania to Biden, 290 electoral votes to Trump’s 214.

Michael Anton, author of The Stakes, commented, “The media will tell us that any anomaly in the results is a ‘conspiracy theory.’” Count the extreme numbers of “anomalies” in the state vote counts and it becomes a conspiracy plan.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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