The Objective: Destroying Confidence in Election Integrity – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

A man who cannot run the country was pushed upon the country by those who do not care about the people who live in that country. They did it through massive fraud, all to regain power over the American people and to sow doubt about our election system in the minds of the voting public. Democrat Media and Big Tech played pivotal roles in this manufactured drama and the use of Joe Biden as a Trojan horse. Their objective was the destruction of Americans’ confidence in U.S. election integrity.

After eight years of Barack Obama, progress toward America’s “fundamental transformation” was substantial. Federal government institutions were successfully, completely, corrupted; totally politicized and staffed by layer upon layer of progressive bureaucrats. Now, the Left is attempting to sell the American people that our entire election system is completely broken. The Electoral College needs to be replaced by them – the people who know how it should work (in their favor, of course). Presidents will be elected by popular vote.

But the Democrats’ real plan for “election reform” is to completely do away with elections. They believe that people who voted for Trump should not have been allowed to; “those people” (the deplorables) cannot be trusted to make the “right” decisions on their ballot. And Democrats cannot take the chance of another “Trump” ever happening again.

With the advent of the Wuhan virus in February, Democrat operatives began to plot a way to use it in the election. Over 300 lawsuits, beginning in March, have been filed since the primaries began, to change election laws in the states. Democrat lawyers worked around legislatures, pushed for expanded mail-in voting, demanded extra days to count and earlier voting, and revocation of state voter ID laws. Another 60 lawsuits were filed by the Biden campaign, demanding the same changes.

Democrat Party operatives and activists have achieved their plan – they have created election anarchy. If this plot is not foiled by lawsuits and challenges from Republican state legislatures, the corruption will stand and the subversion of our electoral system will be complete. All summer, activist Democrat attorneys had been entering the state governments to change the election systems in those states. They illegally circumvented state legislatures and changed the rules, but not the laws. Those laws stand but were ignored.

This is the final step in the coup to remove President Trump from the White House, by election fraud to deny him a second term. Everything the Left did in three-and-a half years (and previous to his election and inauguration) to unseat a duly elected president and destroy him failed miserably, because none of their attacks contained even a kernel of truth – they were all highly planned hoaxes. Stealing his reelection will finally stop Trump from permanently dismantling Barack Obama’s legacy of incremental socialism.

Democrats have simply engaged the classic Cloward-Piven strategy, Marxist strategy if you will: Create a system overload, seize power, then blame your opponents as the perpetrators of the logjam and confusion – the plan you designed and implemented. This strategy of transference regularly appears in many Democrat operations, but is never reported by media.

The advertised Biden “landslide” was a hoax; another Democrat fabrication to pry voters away from Trump. The “Blue Wave” ended up looking like a trickle, but the election fraud has worked – for now.

President Trump isn’t done yet.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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