The Greatest Heist: A Dangerous Time in Our History – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The theme from CNN: “Accept Biden as president, or else.” Delirium among their staff, as that of other Democrat Media outlets, permeated their broadcasts. They couldn’t contain their glee, as major players in the greatest heist in U.S. history: a presidential election. After their participation in running the greatest election theft in U.S. history, these people still think they can perpetuate the lie, as they did for years with the Russia/Trump Hoax.

More intentional fraud and vote manipulation has been found than in any previous election and, as in 2016, fake polls were used. One study by McGill University and the University of Toronto found the obvious: “Polls may lead people not to vote for a given party because that party is perceived to be unlikely to win.”

Polls were as wrong as they were in 2016, and the goal was the same: boost donations for the Democrat candidate (Joe Biden) and suppress donations (and voter turnout) for Donald Trump. Polls no longer measure voter interest or support for candidates; they influence elections by suppressing information and fomenting doubt for a candidate’s chances by hearsay and innuendo. The lies and misleading narrative permeate all public presentations.

Attorney Sidney Powell, a former federal prosecutor and current defense attorney for Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, is also a Trump campaign legal counsel. She called this “a massive, concerted effort to steal this election from Donald Trump.” Powell and her staff have discovered 450,000 ballots across the “battleground” states which were filed with only Joe Biden’s name checked. No “down ballot” choices were made for state or local offices, highly unlikely and very suspect, since that many ballots checked the same way would be nearly impossible. Joe Biden’s name was the only candidate chosen because that was the only name needed to reverse an election result. And the mail-in ballots had no signature, no address, and no postmark; three absolutely essential details that, if absent, certainly disqualify a ballot. But these illegal ballots were accepted anyway; no questions asked, no signatures verified, no problem.

In 2019, Democrat Ron Wyden, Oregon senator, sponsored the “Vote by Mail Act.” Everyone gets a ballot, whether they requested one or not, all because of COVID-19. Under the Wuhan virus excuse, rules were changed, deeply affecting our election system integrity.

Republican observers and poll watchers were cursed and told they had to leave, denied access to observe the ballot counting process, a clear violation of federal election law and most state laws. This wasn’t the exception; in battleground states it was all too common.

Unsolicited ballots were submitted by the hundreds of thousands. Close to three million people were found to have voted in more than one state (so far). In Nevada, 41,000 people on the rolls had not voted in that state in over ten years. But they voted in Nevada in 2020 and, oddly, the vote discrepancies only go in Joe Biden’s favor.

In four states, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, vote counting was shut down at the same time: 1:00 a.m. Counting resumed in all four at 4:00 a.m., after “found” ballots were delivered by Democrat vote harvesters. Coincidence? Biden was able to make up substantial vote deficits in all four states, none of which had a Democrat GOTV (Get Out the Vote) effort. That’s unprecedented for a Democrat campaign, but the votes they got weren’t obtained from knocking on doors or by phone banks. These were created by Democrat operatives. In Wisconsin, 168,000 votes showed up from Milwaukee at 4 a.m.; ALL for Biden, none for Trump.

No Democrat Media outlet will acknowledge voter fraud took place in the 2020 elections – at all – and this includes Fox News, the latest inductee into the Democrat Media “Election Redirection Club.”

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1 Comment on "The Greatest Heist: A Dangerous Time in Our History – by Jim Bratten"

  1. Sedition, treason, corruption in the highest levels of government.

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