Becoming Irrelevant: Pining for a Pre-Obama Neighborhood – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

During the first two years of the coup against President Trump, many Republican Congressmen bought the Russia Hoax and other leftist scams. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was a believer––Donald Trump colluded with the Russians. He was reluctant to speak out for Trump during the 2016 campaign. While Democrats repeatedly attacked the Trump presidency, Ryan sat on his hands, the House leadership doing little to forward Trump’s agenda.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was aligned with Ryan and still is. Little moved in the Senate without a Trump push. After all, he was trying to upset their gravy train, the “status quo,” so why help him out? Lacking a courageous Congress in his first two years, Trump was forced to do many things by executive order. The confirmation of judges to federal benches by the Senate has been one of few instances of cooperation from status quo Republicans.

Even in cases of obvious corruption, as in the Hillary Clinton email and Clinton Foundation scandals, most Republicans remained silent. Many are now doing the same with the ever-expanding Biden-Ukraine-Russia-Communist China foreign influence/cash for connections scandal. We now have massive election fraud, designed to steal a second term from a highly-likely victorious Trump, on top of the major theft of productive time spent fighting “the coup” in his first term as president.

What are Republican reactions? Fist-bumps or elbow knocks for Kamala Harris, along with gushing congratulations from fellow Republican senators, her colleagues, and Mitch McConnell’s sickening praise for Biden’s “47 years of service.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader McConnell called on his fellow Republicans, begging them to honor the “will of the Electoral College” and ignore the pervasive election fraud found in at least six states. Many elected Republicans and party politicos backed Joe Biden during the election and they’re now bashing Trump for defending the presidency. Publications such as

National Review have not wavered in their anti-Trump stance. They want the illegal election of Biden to stand and dream of Trump skulking off, defeated, never to show his face in Washington, DC again.

How many Republican establishment types are pushing for vote recounts, for court appeals on fraudulent vote tallies? Few; the Trump campaign is largely on its own, aided by conservative PACs. The establishment GOP elites want to be free of Trump as much as the Democrats do; they want a return to the “status quo,” pre-Trump. Many voted for a confused man with apparent onset dementia, and Kamala Harris, waiting impatiently to engage the 25th Amendment. They also discount the hard-left faction that now controls the future of the new Democrat-Socialist Party and its two-headed militia of Antifa/BLM, angrily burning cities across America.

The Democrat Party that Republican elites long for does not exist anymore and they believe they can reconstitute the old Republican Party, fronting a Nikki Haley or Marco Rubio on the GOP 2024 ticket. They think that they can reorient Trump supporters to the weak-kneed, go-along-to-get-along Republican Party of the Obama era. Where have the GOP elites been for the last five years? Don’t they realize that, for the 74 million-plus voters that back Trump, cowardice is now obsolete? Do they understand that a traditionally Democrat-Lite political party is irrelevant?

Their efforts will fail; the “Trump GOP” has moved on from the “old” GOP. That political party isn’t viable anymore.

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