SCOTUS Breaks Its Oath: Wounding the Constitution – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

On December 11, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) failed in its duty to defend the Constitution of the United States. They blatantly refused to perform their duty—their oath of office. The in-justices of the court did not care that several states had institutionalized election fraud, intentionally violating Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. The sole authority for elections and the appointing of electors resides with the legislatures in every state, not the governor or the court.

SCOTUS is no stranger to unconstitutional acts, however. “Legalizing” Obamacare, saving DACA, Roe v. Wade, same-sex “marriage” and separation of church and state are but a few examples.

As Democrats launched the most massive election fraud in U.S. history, Chief Justice John Roberts assured them he would “take a pass” if challenges of fraud came before his court. After all, Roberts hates Trump almost as much as Democrats do.

In Georgia, failed gubernatorial candidate and black supremacy advocate Stacy Abrams threatened the Republican secretary of state, so he caved. Election rules the Democrats didn’t like were unconstitutionally removed by a consent decree, against state law. When the state legislature was bypassed, it also violated federal law.

Pennsylvania did something similar but more egregious; the governor and the state supreme court went around the state legislature and changed election law, violating that state’s own constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Similar measures occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin.

Federal law was violated, yet the justices acted, by not acting, on a lawsuit brought by Texas and 18 other states against the four states that perverted an election. SCOTUS declined to take the case. A straight-up, constitutional case of law-breaking and SCOTUS refused, outrageously declaring it wouldn’t get involved in “political battles.”

The U.S. Supreme Court should have intervened at the first offense and denied the actions by these states before the November election. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court and the others have no power to change state election law. Justice Sam Alito warned Pennsylvania and was twice ignored, but Democrats knew Chief Justice John Roberts was in their corner.

Illegally filed mail-in ballots were collected and counted with illegible postmarks, no postmarks, incorrect signatures, no signatures, etc. This was all illegal. The court in Pennsylvania stated that the “COVID-19 pandemic” made the change in the election laws constitutional. This was their plan all along: use the Wuhan virus pandemic as a pretext to rig the election by a mail-in ballot flood and other fraudulent measures. Except that there is no provision in the Constitution for election law changes based on diseases, pandemic or otherwise.

SCOTUS ruled “no standing” on the Texas law suit, without even hearing arguments from Texas against states which engaged in federal law breaking. Texas and the other states followed constitutional law; the four states sued did not, intentionally. The Supreme Court failed in its most basic responsibility as a branch of the federal government. It failed to defend the integrity of the very document, and the system, that created the courts!

Heads, the radical Left wins. Tails, “We the People” lose. The Supreme Court of the U.S. is becoming very adept at using this coin to make decisions. Why struggle and debate over an issue or action, testing its correctness based on the Constitution, our law, when you can simply, at a whim, toss a coin for a ruling?

Of the over 74 million Americans who voted for Trump, 77% think the election was fraudulent––stolen.

If this rigged, fake election stands, election fraud will be the new baseline, and the refusal to defend the Constitution is the new precedent.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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