The Vultures Arrive – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

The evening of the day Rush died, Tucker Carlson ran through a montage of the “Limbaugh legacy” and what Rush had to endure to survive in this country’s Democrat Media environment. “Rush was fighting censorship for decades,” Carlson said. “The Left called him the ‘most dangerous man in America.’”

Democrat Media unleashed the familiar vitriol, dripping hatred. MSNBC claimed, “Limbaugh’s show quickly became known for its extreme conservative slant and, at times, its racist and bigoted commentary. Rush Limbaugh, always brash, bold, powerful, and polarizing…” Joy Reid, on the same network, searched for words but followed the company script: “Limbaugh, both polarizing and influential, contributed to the polarization of American politics.”

Media opinion-makers, who never listened to even one broadcast, hated everything about Rush. CNN reported, “Critics blasted him for racist, sexist and other offensive speech,” thereby exposing their ignorance, dishonesty, and identity as Rush “never-listeners.”

CBS This Morning announced: “The polarizing host helped pave the way for modern, partisan media.” Jonathan Karl of ABC News commented on Limbaugh’s accomplishments, “Spawning an army of bombastic imitators, many of whom now dominate cable.”

One of the ladies on ABC’s The View gave her impression of Rush: “For me, he just normalized hatred… he normalized racism… whose racism will always normalize division… He really weaponized white male grievance.” (But did he normalize it?) “Now, judgment day has arrived for Rush Limbaugh. #GoodRiddance.” The ladies’ language was vicious and spiteful as usual, but followed the new narrative buzz words: polarized and normalized.

Democrat Media again used Rush to demonize conservatism. And, once more, they simply didn’t know what they are talking about, mischaracterizing Rush as an “extreme conservative.” As Rush would say, “Extreme conservatism doesn’t exist. You are either conservative or you’re not.”

Even now, Rush gets the last word.

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