“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 9 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

As soon as Trump became president, the Democrats started trying to impeach him and were determined to get him out of office, one way or another. A lot of people seemed to believe that the raw and unabated hatred for President Trump was due to the fact that he shattered their dreams of Hillary “breaking the glass ceiling”. Perhaps I was only one of a few people who believed that the reason they desperately wanted to get Trump out of the White House at any cost, was the fear that he would discover that they had broken the backbone of America – families.

They no longer keep it secret that they want to destroy “nuclear families”. They want “equity” – just as many children raised in the LGBTQ communities as those raised by married couples – man and woman – husband and wife. They want just as many children raised by Muslims as those who are raised by Christians. They even want children raised by pedophiles and have not tried to keep that a secret.

They want children who want to be changed from a boy to a girl to be raised by transgenders who will gladly allow them to also become transgenders. They now call it “child abuse” if parents refuse to allow their six-year-olds to become transgender. They start teaching children in kindergarten that little boys can become little girls and vice-versa.

We witnessed this “woke” way of thinking with Biden. He wanted transgenders and gays on his team, even if there were others who were much more qualified.  He wanted a black woman for his VP, even if she was not qualified. Whatever happened to a nation who will not judge by “the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”? It would seem that most intelligent people would want the most qualified person for a job, whether or not they are a black or white, man or woman, transgender or “cisgender”, or someone from the straight or LGBTQ community.

A few decades ago, I had many conversations with various members of Congress, and do not recall when or where I heard that in 1963 when Pelosi and her gang entered Congress, that they took their cues from the book, “The Naked Communist”. Of course, I have no way of knowing if that is true or not. However, I believe that Rule 41 from “The Naked Communist” says that in order to turn a country into a communist country that the government cannot allow children to be raised by their own parents, and not even by their own families or grandparents. It really doesn’t matter if what I heard was true or not if they are pushing the same agendas found in that book.

When you read “Ten Steps to Close Down an Open Society”, it becomes clear that our government followed every… single… step, just as they have with the big Covid scare. The first step is fear. They must create fear, to move on to step 2, which is to convince you that what they are doing is for your own good. Step 3 is to develop a “thug caste” who stages violent riots and who demonizes and terrorizes citizens. Step 4 is that they have to get people to spy on their neighbors and report anything they are suspicious of.

People were threatened with arrest if they did not report their neighbors for neglect/abuse if there was anything they were suspicious of. They got hundreds of thousands of people to sign up for classes to become mandated reporters for the “protection” of children. They make mandated reporters believe that nothing bad can possibly happen to the child or their families if you report them. Of course, they do not tell the horrors of children being sexually abused in one foster care home after another or of children dying at an alarming rate in foster care, or that the main hub for international child sex trafficking is foster care in the U.S.

Step 5 is to control the news media, so that they keep people confused, misinformed and scared of the “threat” – scared that children are being abused – scared that the multitudes are dying from Covid – and scared that even children are dying “FROM COVID”.

Jumping ahead to rule 10, which is suspending the rule of law. The federal government paid $4,000 for every child that could be taken away from parents living in poverty and adopted out and $6,500 for every “special needs” child that could be taken away and adopted out.

The federal government pays $13,000 for every “Covid death”, $39,000 when a ventilator is used (ventilators used on people who do not need them often kill people through severe lung damage), and CAIR is paid bonuses of $77,000 if a certain number of “Covid Deaths” was reached by certain dates.

Of course, the numbers of “abused” children skyrocketed after Clinton started having the federal government to pay for “child abuse”. “Covid deaths” also skyrocketed after the federal government began paying those monies.

And what is child abuse/neglect? Anything they say it is. What is a “Covid death”? Anything they say it is. Much has happened over the past month that I can only briefly share at this time. Senator Pat Toomey (PA) voted to convict Trump for inciting riots, while numerous riots were breaking out in PA-based facilities that had become “warehouses” or “dumping grounds” for foster children. What incited those riots? Turns out it was years of sexual abuse of foster children.

They were kept in solitary confinement for weeks at a time in concrete rooms, they were excessively restrained, slammed to the ground and injured. It seems that Sen. Pat Toomey should have known that on Jan. 13, the Dallas Morning News was covering a story about a hearing where Judge Janice Jack said that she could not say publicly what she really wanted to say, but that she could not believe that some of these facilities WERE BEING PAID to abuse these (13 to 18-year-old) children sexually and physically. Other facilities also “all of a sudden” closed, like the Clarinda Academy. A 16-year-old boy died from a heart attack after seven staff members in one such facility physically restrained him.

There was a massive data dump that began circulating on the internet recently about adrenochrome. Some of you may or may not have heard of adrenochrome. I only heard about it in the past year. It is said to be the drug of choice for elite celebrities, politicians, princes, et al around the world. Only the richest people allegedly can afford adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is made from blood that is drawn from children when they are terrified and traumatized, and adrenaline is released into their blood stream. Does it matter if this is true or not? Of course, it makes this all the grislier and more gruesome if it is true.

Pennsylvania showed up again in these “data dump” reports, that adrenochrome deliveries were made to the CYM Island Kitchen in Philadelphia. It does seem like the rats are jumping ship, and people are resigning at some of these facilities, while others just “all of a sudden” decided to close. Of course, if this is true, it is evil, immoral, and inhumane.

Either way, Hillary, Laura Bush and Michele Obama have already said that President Trump was evil, immoral and inhumane for “scarring children for life” by separating 2,500 children from immigrant parents who were here illegally. I will let you decide – – were Clinton, Bush and Obama evil, immoral and inhumane for “scarring children for life” by separating tens of millions of children from American parents, particularly when they knew that millions of these children were being physically and sexually abused in one foster care home after another… and providing bonuses for those who do the separating… all with our tax dollars? They also knew that children were dying at an alarming rate in foster care… and still are.

Now Biden complains that we have “systemic racism” in America. The Obama/Biden administration took away more children than any other administration, and in bigger cities, they took four times as many blacks as white children away from parents. Virtue-signaling against systemic racism while supporting and funding a system which helps to drive it seems a bit hypocritical. But the separation of children from parents had less to do with the fact that they were black and more to do with the fact that they were poor. Systemic Class Warfare is the greater villain here, but they don’t want you to know that.

In 2015, the most children ever were taken away from American parents – all living in poverty. Biden is doing everything possible to make parents poor again, with little chance of finding jobs after he lets millions of immigrants in. They are making it no secret that they want to take away children of every single person who supported President Trump because they see us as “ignorant, toothless, deplorable maggots”. Just ask them. They’ll tell you.

Keep praying for President Trump, as the whistleblowers and data dumps are almost certainly due to the massive investigations that he started into child welfare, foster care, and child sex trafficking that is causing these horror stories to come to light. God, help the children. God help us all.

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