It’s Up to YOU: A Note to Young Americans – by Honor Tenhumberg

Honor Tenhumberg

Being Vigilant

Hey there, Patriot, my name is Honor Tenhumberg. I’m a stubbornly passionate American teen. I believe in working hard and fighting for what is right, much like Batman and Captain America, my two favorite superheroes. (I also really love Johnny Cash). But I want to do whatever I can to bring God back into politics. Everyone has the power to bring about change, but I feel that informing the American youth is extremely important during these times.

As America’s future, we have to understand the foundation of our country, why it is truly great, and how we can maintain its greatness. The constitutional republic of America was founded on the principles of choice, freedom, and the democratic process.

We are born with many God-given rights and Constitutionally protected rights, but one of the most important rights we have is to vote. A vote isn’t something that you just get to do when you’re eighteen just because it’s fun, and you’re “of age”; it’s our responsibility. We have to know what we are voting for and who protects and carries out the values we believe in.

In today’s world, voting can no longer be Republican or Democrat. It’s not about right or left or Trump vs. Biden anymore. This is about simply what is right and what is wrong.


What I am personally very passionate about is abortion. From one perspective it is seen as a right, a choice that women can make after they make a “mistake”. It’s a quick fix to a big problem, right? Avoiding consequences that follow poor actions is practically a Left-wing statute. It is a speedy escape from what seems to be an enormous problem.

When the Left tells you that abortion is preserving a right, what they aren’t telling you is what truly comes from it. First and foremost, a human life ends. A heartbeat stops. An entire personality you will never meet. A blessing you, or an adoptive family, will never get to experience. Someone that, if given the chance to live, would grow, flourish, and become something pure. Abortion kills innocent, helpless babies that are precious in the eyes of God. But they aren’t precious in the eyes of the Liberal.

To the Liberal, babies are disposable, and so are the mothers. Because it isn’t just the baby that dies, the mother’s conscience follows closely behind. Imagine going about your day, full of life, clearly knowing that you are the reason a human life no longer exists. And there are no days off. There are no moments in between where you can breathe and be happy with your decision. Laws placed by state governments aren’t there to “take a woman’s right”, they are there to protect a woman from making the biggest mistake of her life. Because abortion isn’t a quick fix to a big problem, it is a permanent weight strapped to your back with no relief.


I LOVE America! It is the melting pot of diversity! Anyone can be who they want to be (if they are willing to work for it), and anyone can do it…legally, that is. I, as well as a great number of conservatives, have no issue with immigration as the mainstream media accuses. What we do have an issue with is the way in which it is done. Illegal aliens don’t do what every other hard-working American does: pay taxes. When an illegal immigrant stays in America, they live off of the working man and stop government funds from going to true Americans. If taxes are being raised, let’s support and fight for issues inside this great nation instead of those who want to take the easy walk around the block.

After all, immigration is how this country was founded. But make no mistake, to enter a country with the intent of changing that country from what it is to what one desires it to become is not immigration, that’s invasion.

Cancel Culture

Ostracizing people because of their political affiliation is one of the newest Leftist strategies. Cancel Culture is toxic, and it is fully endorsed, even pushed by the media. (That’s right, any news outlet or “reliable source” needs to be fact-checked by your own open-minded judgement.) Just look at the most controversial conservative celebrities. Their jobs were, and still are, at risk everyday purely because of something they said or did that the media didn’t agree with.

Conservatives face this now more than ever. I’m sure at some point in time I will lose a job opportunity or face repercussions for sharing my beliefs and values on social media. Or maybe my posts will be flagged as “false information”. Maybe I too will be silenced, I mean, “fact-checked” like many other patriots on social media.

Free speech is a constitutional right, but censorship and cancel culture have posed an undeniably great threat. If this country loses free speech, democracy will follow, and, before we know it, our free country will meet its demise. The fight for free speech takes ironclad will, courage, and determination, if one chooses to be a part of the fight. Is this not a battle worth fighting? Isn’t it time to take a stand… to take action? Among every item I’ve listed so far, free speech is the most imperative. If we lose this, we lose everything.

Want to know something that boils my blood? An American sitting for the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance. The kneeler may think they are “protesting” something of great importance, but what they are really doing is displaying their lack of education, their gullibility in believing what they are told, and mostly, they are disrespecting every United States soldier who has ever fought, died, or given up their well-being for freedom.

America’s freedom has been maintained by these incredible men and women, and when you kneel for the flag, you dishonor their efforts and lives. Don’t “cancel” patriotism. Please, stand for the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance. People have given up so much of themselves just so you can go to sleep every night knowing your back is protected. Give them the 2 minutes it takes to sing the National Anthem or 10 seconds to recite the Pledge. They deserve respect from every single American.


Some might say mask mandates have slowed the spread. Others would describe the truth behind them. Americans, a mask is not something that stops a disease or virus (in fact, a school-issued mask of mine has a tag containing a disclaimer stating that these masks cannot stop the virus from spreading). It is simply a method of control.

If the government can make a decision for us, whether we wear a mask or not, just think about what else they can decide for us. This is no longer about the public’s health, it’s about what the mask is going to do for our future. What it represents. By succumbing to wearing a mask, you are surrendering your right to choose what is best for yourself. Sure, it starts with a face covering, but eventually we lose the right reject an experimental vaccine which has killed tens of thousands (but you won’t hear that on the news). Eventually, we lose the right to make bigger decisions like religion, curriculum in public education, healthcare, or the ability to exercise your Second Amendment right to bear arms.

The foundation of freedom that America was built on is shaking. The mask itself is not the enemy, the government’s intention is, and I can promise you, their intention is not to “stop the spread” of Covid. All they want is your “cooperation” which shifts to force and control, then communism, the fall of America, and finally, globalism, wherein freedom is only a memory, slowly erased from the history books.

Our Duty

So what can one do? Utilizing your right to vote is extremely important; it is a gift straight from the Constitution! Casting your vote and contributing to the country’s direction is empowering! But just like Spider-Man, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

It is your responsibility to know who and what you’re voting for. Do your research and know what you believe in. To copy what someone else is doing or following a trend isn’t what the Constitution was written for. To follow any path other than your own would be a waste of a vote. Your vote is paving the way for your future children and their children, so cast it wisely! Doing your research, thinking objectively, and making your own decision fills an American with patriotism and pride!

It matters who you vote for, to research who they are, and to know what they stand for. Vote for a candidate purely because that is the direction you want this country to be taken. Remember, YOU are the present, the gift to your posterity, and who you vote for will directly affect the future of this country.

America is the greatest country to have existed throughout history. We can take action to keep it that way, or in our apathy, it will continue to sink into the plans of those who hope to destroy our great nation’s sovereignty. The time to become active is now. The responsibility is ours. The choice is up to YOU.

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5 Comments on "It’s Up to YOU: A Note to Young Americans – by Honor Tenhumberg"

  1. Well said, Honor. I wish more people would do the research to know who and what they are voting for. It’s nice to see you taking pride in your country and your beliefs.

  2. You have shown more insight than most adults, even though you aren’t able to vote yet, you “get it”.
    Look out world! This one could be the one to help us take back our America!!

  3. Brenda Fetscher | April 13, 2021 at 3:27 pm |

    Honor that is truly inspirational as an older citizen you have the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong keep your beliefs and stay with God thank you

  4. Rita Radziwon | April 14, 2021 at 2:07 pm |

    Honor, I wish every American could read your article. You are so right, and I hope all people take a stand and respond to what you are saying. We are losing our freedoms, and we have to take it back. I will share this with as many as I can. God Bless America and God Bless You.

  5. Tess Rumble | April 19, 2021 at 3:20 pm |

    Honor, what a wonderful, inspirational article. This gives me hope for our future!

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