Biden’s G7 Adventure: Joe’s Wandering & Wondering Tour – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Joe Biden made his confused way among world leaders at the G7 meeting in Europe, his “Wandering and Wondering Tour,” European leaders gushing over old Joe. Emmanuel Macron, president of France, noted that Joe was a “member of the club,” meaning he thought Biden will play along with whatever European leaders want to do…which is precisely correct. Biden’s a globalist, not “America First” as President Donald Trump was.

Biden seeks to pander to our enemies, particularly Communist China and Russia, trusting them implicitly. So he needlessly met with Putin, to polish his credibility on the world stage, as the G7 wrapped up. Biden has spoken about “shaming Putin,” although Putin could care less about shame in any form; it doesn’t faze him. After all, don’t Democrats understand that he’s KGB, and what that fact means?

Joe talks about “diminishing Putin’s standing in the world.” Putin doesn’t care about that either. As long as the United States treats Putin with favoritism (U.S. nuclear material for Russia, courtesy Bill and Hillary Clinton, or a gas and oil delivery pipeline from energy hypocrite Joe Biden), his standing in the world is guaranteed: a close friend of Democrats. Biden talked incessantly about Putin’s “feelings” but he has none (KGB, remember?).

Biden, when questioned by the press if he would deliver a stern ultimatum to Putin regarding the cyber and Ransomware hacking of an east coast pipeline and a major meat packing operation in the U.S., blamed on Russia’s cyber warfare operations, said he had a “list of 16 defined entities” (infrastructure items) he would deliver to Putin. He would ask him not to attack the things on the list, by cyber attack or otherwise. One can almost hear Joe’s begging to Putin: “Pretty please, Vladimir; leave the things on this list alone.” All else (not on the list) we would assume has to be fair game.

Here’s Joe’s “Can’t Touch This” list, arranged in no order of importance, from the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency: 1) Chemical; 2) Communications; 3) Dams; 4) Emergency services; 5) Financial services; 6) Government services; 7) Information technology; 8) Transportation systems; 9) Commercial facilities; 10) Critical manufacturing; 11) Energy; 12) Food and agriculture; 13) Defense industrial base; 14) Healthcare and public health; 15) Nuclear reports, materials and waste; and 16) Water and wastewater systems. Are Joe Biden’s “handlers” serious about these?

Upon hand delivery of this list to Putin, Russia now has an itemized list of all the targets they should hit in the U.S.—systems critical to the survival of this nation.

In a solo press conference without Biden, Putin noted what he observed about the chaos in America, the fault of its leaders. He said he looked at all the rioting and mayhem on American streets and this was his impression: “You open your mouth and you’re shot dead.” Insightful take-away, Democrats, even from a Russian tyrant.

At the end of his tour, Joe Biden gained nothing for the U.S. but elevated Vladimir Putin on the world stage.

There was no reason for Joe Biden to have a face-to-face meeting with Vladimir Putin. Biden embarrassed our country enough with unconstitutional surrender to a global corporate tax and other giveaways illegal under U.S. law at the G7. And the charade that Biden is fit to govern is wearing thin. The laughter and snickers at Joe’s lack of mental acuity from world leaders and their staff was sad to watch.

This was not a win for Forgetful Joe OR the United States—a wasted trip.

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