Garland Sells White Supremacy – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Joe Biden’s new attorney general Merrick Garland will preside over a fully re-weaponized and politicized Department of Justice (DOJ), as it was diabolically reconfigured under Obama, festered under Trump, and now will be reinvigorated under Biden.

Garland gave a policy speech, “The Greatest Threat Facing America,” on June 15 that plainly laid out his idea of the “biggest threat to domestic security”: white supremacy. The speech was totally ludicrous, but faithfully followed the Democrat racist narrative.

“In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race,” the AG explained.

Garland’s propaganda line is that the January 6 protest was really a “white power” event, MAGA caps representing extremism and racism. The FBI’s favorite media outlet, CNN, has hosts and guest contributors who liken MAGA caps to KKK hoods. This is the weaponization of federal law enforcement against the Democrats’ political opponents, eagerly promoted by Democrat Media.

The “resolve and dedication with which the Justice Department has approached the investigation of the January 6 attack reflects the seriousness with which we take this assault on a mainstay of our democratic system,” boasted Garland. Yet he spent the entirety of his 26-minute speech without once mentioning over 275 leftist riots in major American cities last summer by Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM)—the Summer of Riots. His “domestic terror” script glossed over the real evidence of a movement of insurrection and revolution, by Marxists, fascists and anarchists who really DO seek the overthrow of the economic and governmental systems of the United States of America.

To compare a few hours of protest by unruly, unarmed people, to months of intentional torching of cities by hard-core domestic terrorists, armed with a variety of weapons, begs credulity. It’s utter nonsense.

Of course Garland doesn’t think Antifa and BLM are domestic terror groups “because they operate at night.”

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