Hypocrites or Liars? – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

In 1964, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, Democrats held the longest filibuster in our nation’s history. It lasted 75 days. They were attempting to stop a very controversial, and now historic, bill—the Civil Rights Act.

Fast forward to 2021. There are two choices regarding the current attempts to destroy the filibuster: Call it gross hypocrisy or call the Democrat senators liars. This must not be ignored. Call them out on their dishonest duplicity—loudly and publicly. Republicans, we can’t hear you.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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