The ‘Joe Show’ – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

It’s becoming readily apparent that Joe Biden is merely the “fall guy;” the fellow who will be blamed for the fiasco when everything hits the fan. Joe is simply the front man. He delivers the message; he doesn’t compose or write the plan—he’s incapable of that.

Any speech Biden delivers reveals this when Joe says, “I’ve been instructed to take these questions,” or “They gave me a list here,” or “I’d better… [fill in the blank] or I’ll be in trouble.” But “in trouble” with whom? That question persists as more evidence of Joe Biden’s mental incapacity is seen at every appearance. Who’s running the “Joe Show”?

Well, it’s not Kamala Harris. Here’s a partial roster: Ron Klain, a lobbying king with deep ties to Big Tech companies, is Biden’s chief of staff; Steve Ricchetti is Biden’s counselor, his money man and a financial lobbying wizard; Mike Donilon is Joe’s senior adviser, going all the way back to 1981, and writes Joe’s scripts; Bruce Reed, a well known Democrat operative, is Biden’s deputy chief of staff; and Stephanie Feldman, a radical ideologue and climate champion responsible for killing of the Keystone XL pipeline as part of her $2 trillion “green plan.” Then there’s Susan Rice, an informant for Barack Obama, as are several others on Joe’s staff.

After four years of setbacks to his “American transformation agenda,” courtesy of Donald Trump, Barack Obama’s plan for the destruction of our republic is back on track. Most of the Marxist operators who served Obama are back in the saddle under Joe.

So who heads up this cabal of radicals as Biden’s puppet master? Barack Obama… He never left Washington, DC., and everything you’ve seen take place since January 20th in the new “Biden Regime” was a goal or objective in the Obama Regime, including the plot for a weakened “social justice” military.

Donald Trump interrupted Barack Obama’s plans. Hillary Clinton was supposed to carry on with the destructive transformation of America. Now that Biden has been installed through a fraudulent election that cowardly Republicans refused to contest, it’s clear sailing for the Obama “transformation.” Joe’s on stage, but not the author or director.

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