“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 18 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

Biden is planning to pay $450,000 to each parent and child that President Trump separated from immigrants who illegally crossed our border, so some families could receive over $1,000,000 of your hard-earned tax dollars. That is extremely generous of him, especially while he is pulling every trick in the book to get American parents fired for refusing the jab, so they can no longer even afford to feed their families and were already struggling to pay exorbitant prices for food and gas to get to work. Not to mention that he’s using your money to pay for millions of others coming into the country illegally with more children.

An important question is “Where Did All Those Children Come From?”.  Many had been kidnapped by child sex traffickers and drug traffickers from parents in Mexico and South America. I cannot imagine the grief and nightmares of those parents who will wonder the rest of their lives what happened to their children, never knowing if their children are dead or alive. Seems like Biden would have enough compassion for those parents and children to pay them $1,000,000 since he is to blame.

I listened to Tim Ballard, co-founder of Operation Underground Railroad, that rescues children who have been sex trafficked, as he explained how the wall would have prevented most of the human trafficking and the massive influx of Fentanyl and heroine that is killing so many children of America’s parents. Biden feigned outrage when he yelled that every parent and child deserved to be paid well because President Trump had allegedly separated 2,500 children from parents.

Biden either has no idea, or does not care, what is fair and equal under the law. It is discrimination to allow one group to do or receive something, yet NOT ALLOW another group to do or receive the same thing. So, if he is going to allow parents who came into our country illegally to be paid $450,000 for being separated from their children… then he would ALSO have to allow American parents who were separated from their children. due to incarceration for committing misdemeanors or felonies, to be paid $450,000 as well. Especially for the children. After all, the children of parents who came here illegally did nothing wrong. And the children of parents who are in prison for doing something illegal, did nothing wrong.

What about the millions of children that Obama/Biden took away from parents without the Constitutional protection of warrants? Shouldn’t they all be paid $450,000? We are SUPPOSED TO BE a country governed by the rule of law, as well as the Constitution. Child abuse/neglect and putting your children at imminent risk of harm or death is a crime. Tens of millions of children have been taken away from American parents, who were never even charged with a crime, much less served time for crimes like wanton endangerment of a child. If we were a nation of laws, the number of parents who have had their children taken away, should be in direct proportion to the number of parents incarcerated for abusing/neglecting their children.

There would not be nearly as much money to enrich corrupt politicians if we abided by the laws and the Constitution, but taxpayers would have A LOT MORE MONEY on their paychecks.

What about all the parents who died after being forced to take the vaccine if they wanted to keep their jobs? It seems that those children should be paid $450,000, as well as the children whose parents are like Brittany Galvin, and can no longer care for her three children after taking the “vaccine”. What about them? What about all the children who have died after taking the “vaccine”? Shouldn’t their parents be paid $450,000? What about those who are going to die?

Anyone can look it up at ClinicalTrials.gov and see that ANTIBODY DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT (ADE) IS THE BIOWEAPON!! The animals died after 5 shots!! How many do you think they ALREADY HAVE for you and your children?  They have been telling you that they are coming for your children. THEY ARE HERE FOR YOUR CHILDREN NOW! Due to all the strokes, heart damage and deadly heart attacks in children, they added Tris to the “vaccines” on October 26, 2021. Of course, you just never know what you or your children are getting.

In Evansville, IN parents took their four- and five-year-old daughters to Walgreens for a flu shot. A “mistake” was made, and they gave them the adult Covid shot. Of course, the girls started having heart problems. A similar mistake was made with two brothers in Louisville. Medical errors is the third leading cause of death in the U.S. Does it seem likely that medical errors will be the leading cause of death globally in 2021/2022? That would be my guess.

Medical experts and scientists in other countries have discovered parasites on masks, the tips of PCR tests, in various vials of the “vaccines”, and even in some of the placebos. Parasites can also cause death… Ivermectin kills parasites. Facebook “fact-checkers” shut down doctors who told of using Ivermectin. Your tax dollars paid Fauci to pump parasites into the stomachs of beagles. PETA and the general public became outraged over Fauci’s cruel experiments and said he did it for NO REASON. Or did he have a nefarious and sinister reason?

Fauci made a deal with hospitals that they could make 20% of profits from using his patented Remdesevir, if they WOULD NOT even try to use Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Butezonide or any other therapeutics that doctors around the globe were using on their Covid patients and did not have even ONE DEATH. Parasites live off living things. Saprophytes live off dead things. By that definition, Fauci is a parasite and a saprophyte.

I cannot imagine anything scarier than seeing Fauci or Bill Gates looking in a child’s window unless it would be Biden or the Clinton’s, instead. These people MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for what they have done to children. I DO NOT pray for them. I only ask God to deal with evil people.

I pray for the children and for those parents who are labeled “domestic terrorists” for refusing the jab. They are also called “the most vulnerable” for getting Covid. The CDC has the “shielding approach” for the most vulnerable to be placed in “quarantine camps”.

An additional 450 pages were added to the Infrastructure Bill that already has as many pages as the entire Bible (1,750 pages). At the VERY LAST MINUTE, Pelosi snuck-in over TWO BILLION DOLLARS for “police” to do “predictive policing” (think Minority Report), especially with so-called domestic terrorists. Just like they did with legislating taking tens of millions of children away from American parents. The majority of children WERE NOT ABUSED OR NEGLECTED, but social workers predicted that they “could possibly be hurt in the future” if a TV which was setting on a dresser fell on them, or they COULD POSSIBLY fall over clutter and get hurt.

If you are not awake by now, you will probably not wake up until Biden uses the “shielding approach” on you or your children. Pelosi put plenty of money in the Infrastructure Bill for the police to shield your children from you if you have enough sense to ask for a second opinion in the face of the state-issued narrative.

God help America, Australia, Canada, Europe, and all the other countries building 5,000-bed FEMA camps, I mean, prison camps, I mean, reeducation camps, I mean, domestic terrorist camps everywhere.

“NOT IN AMERICA,” you say. “It’s just a conspiracy theory,” you say. “Jade Helm was just a training op,” you say, all the while, the deployed military equipment and weapons of Jade Helm were never returned from whence they came, are still deployed throughout the country… select Wal-Marts have already been decked out with barbed wire fencing… have already been equipped to jab each customer who wants the “privilege” of grocery shopping… have already been remodeled for rationing food only to those with the vaccine passports… already have the capabilities to shuffle “domestic terrorists” who refuse the bio-weapon-shot into the FEMA trucks parked in the back… and the funding to put normal citizens into prison camps has already been ear-marked to do this through the so-called infrastructure bill… and all of this while we were sleeping… watching Netflix… or fighting the good fight on our knees… without ever putting our hands to the plow.

So, perhaps my question, “Where Did All the Children Go?” should be “Where Will All the Children Go?” when they use Infrastructure Bill funds to take them away from you and me?

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