“BIG BROTHER, MAY I?” – by Carolyn G. Gallagher

Carolyn G. Gallagher

As a young child of the early 1960’s, one game played in my neighborhood was “Mother, May I?” The child chosen to play the mother, stood on one side of the yard. All the other children stood on the other side of the yard. Each child took a turn and would ask a question of the “mother.” If they forgot to start the question with “Mother May I,” the child lost their turn.

This game was our early introduction to how a democracy works. We learned how to select a leader, how long their term is, what rights each person has, who makes the rules, and who are the judges.

Until 2020, I thought we lived in some semblance of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington”. Instead, it is more like “The Wizard of Oz.” Joe Biden has the title of President of the United States, but there is someone(s) behind a curtain manipulating the gauges and switches.

In 2019, the Berkeley city council concerned themselves with making terms for brother, sister, manhole, repairman, etc., all gender neutral. It reminds me of Orwell’s dystopian social science novel, 1984, and its “Newspeak”.

Orwell, a Democrat Socialist, wrote 1984 in 1948. Even though his book was fictional, he could have been writing about events happening today.

The main character, Winston Smith, a member of the Outer Party, works at the Ministry of Truth rewriting history. He is unable to go anywhere or speak a word without being seen or heard by “telescreens.” There were posters all around with a picture of a man and the words “Big Brother is Watching You.”

Does that sound like artificial intelligence? Or the way we are tracked with every stroke of a key on the internet by the NSA? Depending on who is in power, is how history is written or… rewritten?

Our citizenry needs to discover who is trying to manipulate us towards a totalitarian society. How are the Democrat Socialists doing it? By trying to nationalize voting laws (HR 1), rewriting history through the 1619 Project, using all forms of media to normalize homosexuality, transgenderism, trans-sexuality, couples cohabitating and practicing sex before marriage, searching the military ranks for white supremacists, controlling the population with mask mandates, vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and the White House planning to hire 87,000 IRS agents to spy into our checking accounts if the Biden Build Back Better plan passes the Senate.

When President Biden said the National Education Association would have a seat at the table, we did not know they would have a chair and a whip too. Now, the White House has conspired with the National School Board Association along with the Department of Justice to trample on the First Amendment of the Constitution.

On October 21, 2021, the House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing of the DOJ, questioned Attorney General Merrick Garland about his memo to the FBI dated October 5, 2021. On October 27, 2021, the Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing of the DOJ, had its crack at questioning Attorney General Merrick Garland, as to why parents should be considered domestic terrorists. Also, why is the FBI delving into state and local domain?

Both committees probed into A.G. Garland’s response to the NSBA letter demanding assistance with increased violence and threats towards school board trustees. The probe discovered the White House had conspired with the NSBA to compose the letter. The NSBA apologized for its part in the conspiracy, but A.G. Garland has never backed off directing the FBI to investigate any reports of threats or violence aimed at school board trustees or school personnel.

This is another device to try to quiet citizens and create fear of questioning “school” matters. But, when Terry McAuliffe, Democrat of Virginia, who ran against Glenn Youngkin, Republican, for Governor, made an inflammatory statement during a debate, parents were enraged. McAuliffe said, “parents shouldn’t be telling schools what to teach.” The Democrat Socialists want parents to turn their children over to the public schools and stay out of the way. Voters demonstrated their rage at the ballot box by voting in Glenn Youngkin.

If we are going to save our country, we need to not be afraid to state our opinions. We must attend school board meetings, city and/or county council meetings (check schedules on page 3), and actively search for board positions. I have stated this sentiment in past columns, but it is that important.

It is encouraging to see conservative groups form in Southern Indiana. They are emphasizing Judeo-Christian values, election integrity, patriotism, and education (this is my own simplified description of Indiana Constitutional Women and Patriots for God).

It may seem like you are all alone in this fight, but there are several other groups you can join in order to make a difference. Remember, a house divided cannot stand, so unite together with your brothers and sisters, your fellow patriots, and your conservative activist groups to save this nation before it’s too late.

And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they have started to do, and now nothing which they plan to do will be impossible for them.”Genesis 11:6 NASB

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