To Mask or Not to Mask… Not the Only Question – by Carolyn G. Gallagher

Carolyn G. Gallagher

Masking can be a situation fraught with consternation. Personally, as a nurse and a person of science, masking makes no sense. It is difficult for me to understand how so many of our medical community feel wearing a mask helps to control the spread of Covid-19.

The following is dry but stay with me. Viruses are measured in nanometers (nm). A nanometer is one billionth of a meter. A meter is 39.3700787 inches.

A single coronavirus is 70 nanometers. In comparison, a single influenza virus is 100 nm, and a single rhinovirus is 30 nm. Rhinovirus is the virus responsible for the common cold.

Masks, depending on the type, have a pore size of between 80-500nm. Clearly cloth masks and paper surgical masks are no match for the coronavirus or the rhinovirus. Even the “recommended” N95 masks have a pore size between .1 and .3 microns which is between 100 and 300 nanometers, allowing particles smaller than 100nm (like the 70nm coronavirus) through the pores of the mask, again, no match against the virus we are told to be masking up for.

Nevertheless, the Biden-Harris administration are proponents for masks as they are a tool for controlling the populace via mandates and cultural capitulation.

So, since the aerosol-transmitted coronavirus can easily pass through the pores of the common mask, why is there not a louder response from the medical community? Are they scared of backlash from their colleagues? The government? The hospital administration?

There are a few brave physicians who have bucked the system, but they are labeled as conspiracy theorists. Dr. Dan Stock from Mt. Vernon, Indiana, certainly comes to mind. Mainstream media reported all his claims regarding mask mandates and vaccine mandates as being false and “misinformation” while the information he shares is medically and scientifically sound data.

What has had me very disturbed is what the mask mandates are doing to our children. On December 7, 2021, a story on the Ingraham Angle was so upsetting that it compelled me to write this column.

Michael Seklecki, Jr., a four-year-old autistic child from Florida, has been traveling with his father, Michael Seklecki, to Boston for medical treatment. The child’s physician has written a letter stating that the child is unable to wear a mask on the airplane. Two airlines, Frontier and Spirit, have banned them from traveling on their airlines for life for not following the mask mandate. The airlines will not accept a medical exemption.

The father is now suing the TSA and both airlines. Michael Seklecki is also seeking intervention from the US Supreme Court. His child receives treatment at Boston Children’s Hospital bimonthly for “severe gastroenterology and motility disorders,” according to FOX News.

President Biden is now assuming the role of physician, leader of the free world, legislator, and judge. He and the rest of the Democrat insiders are power hungry, control freaks. No individuality, no exceptions to the rule (unless it affects one of them), just control, control, control. The greater plan is for the federal government to become larger and provide services to the populace from the cradle to the grave.

I know I am beating a dead horse when it comes to masking. Every time I encounter a physician, I ask them why they still follow masking guidelines. The answer most every time is to help stop the spread of Covid-19. Huh? Even CNN is now reporting that cloth masks provide no protection against the coronavirus.

Moving on. Are you as tired of hearing it is our “patriotic duty” to get the Covid-19 vaccine as I am? Patriotic duty? NO! It is an individual’s decision, just like whether you receive a flu shot or not each year.

Why is our government narrowly focusing on vaccines when we have modalities to prevent hospitalizations and death from Covid-19. There is Ivermectin (which has been safe and reliable for humans (not just horses) since the 1970’s and was even nicknamed the “wonder drug” through entities including the NIH), along with off-label use of an antimalarial drug, Hydroxychloroquine. Not to mention high-dosage intravenous Vitamin C which has proven to be highly effective against the virus provided that the dosage isn’t too high or too low, of course. But did Joe recommend any of these? NO!

Has Biden’s administration made advances in testing? NO! Do Americans have adequate access to testing and adequate stockpiling of test kits? NO!

So, let us see… Biden is failing America in COVID-19, the economy, supply chain, reducing government regulations, lowering unemployment, education, energy independence, law enforcement, national security, immigration, the military, and foreign policy. Is there anything positive we can highlight as a victory for America in 2021? Unfortunately, NO!

Our government continues to attempt to steal our civil liberties. Biden’s Build Back Better bill contains nothing to elevate health, wealth, or education for Americans. In fact, most Americans reject the Build Back Better bill.

The Democrats do not care that they have no mandate for the Build Back Better bill. They are on a trajectory towards totalitarianism as quickly as possible. Speaker Pelosi will use any tricks in her bag of strong-arm coercion to achieve this end game.

Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (Flccc.Net)

On “Sunday Morning with Maria Bartiromo,” January 9, 2022, a pulmonologist, Dr. Pierre Kory, was featured along with Senator Ron Johnson. Dr. Kory has written an op-ed on masks, and a detailed pdf for families and one for medical personnel regarding therapeutics to use for Covid-19. He answers questions about Ivermectin, but is also an advocate of steroids, high dose intravenous vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Heparin, Statins, Zinc, Vitamin D, Famotidine and Melatonin.

This guide for the management of Covid-19 (for physicians), is seventy-one pages and runs the gamut of first-line treatment options to treatments for critically ill patients. Included is an extensive bibliography of scientific studies on various therapeutics and a list of pharmacies that will provide the needed medications.

You can decide for yourself if this makes sense for you. I wanted to provide an alternative for the readers of VIP.

Pandemic Versus Endemic

The following information has been grazed from several articles included in HEALTH magazine from as early as March 10, 2020, to as recent as October 27, 2021. One article was plucked from Wall Street Journal, updated November 17, 2021.

To begin, here are a few definitions straight from the CDC:

  • Sporadic:  When a disease occurs infrequently and irregularly.
  • Endemic:  A constant presence and/or usual prevalence of a disease or infection within a geographic area. (Hyperendemic is a situation in which there are persistent, elevated levels of disease occurrence).
  • Epidemic:  A sudden increase in the number of cases of a disease – more than what is typically expected for the population in that area.
  • Pandemic:  An epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, affecting a large number of people.

Deciding when to categorize an infectious disease as a pandemic or one of the other categories is determined on a case-by-case basis. An example of a pandemic other than the coronavirus would be the Swine Flu. It was the World Health Organization that announced coronavirus had reached the most serious category of pandemic on March 11, 2020.

So when will Covid-19 be categorized as endemic? According to US Facts organization, 63% of Americans have been fully vaccinated as of January 1, 2022. And, in a September 2021 issue of Newsweek, more that 80% of Americans have contracted Covid-19 and test for antibodies now.

Some epidemiologists believe we have already reached herd immunity. That does not mean there will not be outbreaks of Covid-19. Covid-19, as with influenza, is here to stay because the aerosol virus also dwells in animal reservoirs. That means, no matter how much we try to get rid of the virus, it isn’t possible. It will never go away. As with influenza it will wax and wane, but Covid itself will never be fully eradicated. Like the common cold, everyone will get it at some point if they haven’t already.

Even though President Biden declared numerous times throughout his campaign that he would “shut down the virus,” but Joe Biden is not God. Sleepy, Creepy Joe doesn’t have that kind of power.

For the near future, influenza, Covid-19, HIV, and the common cold are here to stay. Clearly, the vaccines are not stopping it. The popularly prescribed treatments aren’t stopping it. Government-approved therapeutics aren’t stopping it. Mainstream medicine isn’t stopping it. And certainly, these ridiculous masks aren’t stopping it. It is time we face the facts, learn to go about our lives, live with the virus, and end this fear-and-control-demic.

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2 Comments on "To Mask or Not to Mask… Not the Only Question – by Carolyn G. Gallagher"

  1. If someone wants to stop the EVSC or USI mask mandates they need to go after the school boards surety bonds. Even the Superintendant has a surety bond. Here’s a link to a podcast that describes the process:

    I would do this myself but I have kids in the school systems and worry about retaliation against them were I to act.

  2. I should have added the article that brought me to the podcast that I linked in my previous comment. Here it is:

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