Republican “No Shows” – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

When another Continuing Resolution (CR) was introduced in the U.S. Senate, two important amendments were attached to it. Late last Thursday every Republican senator voted for the amendments. Well, not every Republican senator…

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), along with Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and their colleagues, notified senators that they would not grant consent to expedite passage of another CR bill to fund the government without a roll call vote on an amendment to defund the enforcement of the Biden vaccine mandates.

Four establishment Republicans weren’t there to vote: Mitt Romney (UT), Lindsey Graham (SC), Richard Burr (NC), and Jim Inhofe (OK). Did they feel Sen. Lee’s amendment wasn’t important enough to show up?

On a straight party line vote, 46 Republicans voted in favor of the amendment and 47 Democrats opposed it. Lee’s amendment was defeated by one vote instead of passing by three.

“Lee’s amendment would have defunded all enforcement of the Biden vaccine mandates affecting American workers, including federal contractors, military personnel, and healthcare workers,” reported Americans for Limited Government (ALG).

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) offered a second amendment that would have protected the rights of parents to make medical decisions for the more than 81 million U.S. children 19 years old and under, which also failed by a largely party line vote of 44 to 49 with seven Senators absent from the vote. Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) was the only Republican to vote against the amendment. The Cruz Amendment would have defunded school-based Covid-19 vaccine mandates for children.

“The American people are sick and tired of the federal government micromanaging every minute detail of their lives,” Lee said during a brief debate. Tell that to four GOP senators, Sen. Lee.

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