“Where Did All the Children Go?”: Part 21 – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

If you went to pick up your child at a Day Care and they told you your child was missing, but they do not know what happened to them, the government would shut them down so fast, it would make your head spin. However, the government itself has no idea how many children are missing after they took them away from their parents.

There are definitely over a thousand children who went missing after the government took them away from parents, but for all anyone knows, there could be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of children who went missing after the government took them away from parents. Could there be over a million? Of course there could!

There could be millions for all anyone knows! Sound preposterous? Most Americans are oblivious of the missing children and human trafficking statistics.

There are an estimated 40.3 MILLION people around the world at any given point in time being sold and sexually abused in human trafficking, with children making up at least 60% of those trafficked victims. That’s nearly 25 MILLION trafficked children worldwide with the U.S. ranked among the worst countries globally for human trafficking. In the U.S. there is an estimated 200,000 new trafficking victims added to the aforementioned 40 million each year.

As many as 79% of all trafficked children are abused sexually and many of them are forced into child pornography and onto the dark web. Factor in also that since Covid lockdowns began in 2020, there has been a 95% rise in child sexual exploitation material online with a 98.66% increase in online child porn enticement reports. The disgusting nature of this pedophilia-based supply and demand reveals that there are far more children missing than most of us have ever considered… and a great number of them in America have been filtered through the foster system… a foster system in which records are sealed from the public, stopping accurate research in its tracks… a foster system that is ran almost entirely by the government. And I should mention that, in at least a dozen countries around the world, the governments themselves are the biggest components of human trafficking.

Now, I have looked at some records that the government released showing how many children ran away after having been taken from their families and placed in foster/adoptive homes. Some of these purported records showed toddlers and babies who were “runaways”. Consider also that each year there are reportedly over 400,000 children in foster care in the United States, that there are 200,000 new trafficking victims, and there are purportedly an average of around 23,500 foster runaways each year.

Based on those numbers, the government loses almost 6% of the children they take away from their families. That means that just since the year 2000, the U.S. government has lost more than 517,000 children in their care. Not only is the federal government unaware of where these children are, they aren’t even aware of how the children within the foster homes are being treated… or if the foster home is better for the child… or worse.

God only knows how many parents like Jerri Sherwood went searching for her child, Dennis, when he would have turned 18. Social workers had convinced her the baby would be better off with adoptive parents who had ample resources and a nice home. She was horrified to learn that Dennis died the day before he would have turned three. The government had no idea.

Jerri Sherwood was relentless in demanding that an investigation be done, and it revealed that his adoptive mother, Lois Jurgens had literally tortured him to death.

The government had no idea that one of the Howerton children from Eddyville, KY, also adopted by Lois and Harold Jurgens, ended up in a mental institution after being tortured by Lois Jurgens. The government has no accountability as to what happens to your children after they take them away from you. If you do not realize by now that the federal government wants TOTAL CONTROL of your children, you must have been living in a cave.

They want to be in control the 119 doses of the 30 vaccines your child will get between birth and 18 years of age. They want to be in control of how many Covid “vaccines” and BOOSTERS your child will be given, and they want them to have EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!!! That will make them enough money to manufacture and force BOOSTERS into the arms of EVERY SINGLE BABY, TODDLER AND CHILD through age 18 on the planet.

If parents have a say in it, some parents might want the shots stopped after one or two bad reactions. However, that is not always true. There is one mother on Facebook with cold dead eyes, who shows pictures of her young daughter who clearly appears to be deathly sick. The mother claims that she gets deathly sick after EVERY vaccine, but she wants the world to be proud of her daughter for going through all that hell just to keep other people safe.

I know of one mother who had her daughter who had already experienced permanent brain damage from one vaccine but had her to take the newest “vaccines”. But the government cannot count on every parent to be like that. So, does the government know how many other children got permanent brain damage from vaccines? No. They have no idea. Do they know how many children died a few hours or a few days after getting vaccines? No. They do not. Do they know how many children got POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) after getting FDA approved Gardasil HPV vaccines? No. They do not. Do they know how many children got GBS (Guillain Barre Syndrome) after getting flu shots? No. They do not. Do they know how many children died from POTS or GBS? No. They do not. Do they know how many children that morticians and undertakers are having trouble embalming these days due to massive blood clots? No. They do not.

Do they know that there are brand new expensive meds for blood clots in children? Without a doubt, they know about that. Do they know about brand new expensive meds for children who are NOW having strokes and heart attacks? You can bet your bottom dollar they know. Do they know how many other children are like 11-year-old Maddie DeGaray who became bedridden, permanently disabled and has to be fed through a feeding tube after getting the “vaccines”? No. They do not. Do they know if children are like adults and had to have their hands/feet or arms/legs amputated due to blood clots? No. They do not.

All they know is that the federal government wants TOTAL CONTROL over your children and grandchildren. They want TOTAL CONTROL over their education, so they can teach them that little SuzieQ can be little Bobby Joe if she so chooses at six years old. They want TOTAL CONTROL over her emotional health, so they can go ahead and start her process of becoming transgender WITHOUT the permission of parents. THEY ALREADY HAVE THAT POWER and have had it and used it for decades. If the parents don’t like it, they can take little SusieQ away from her parents and place her in a foster/adoptive home of transgenders who would just love to have a transgender child.

Where did all the children go, and what have they done with them? There is a MOUNTAIN of information out there for the U.S., Canada, Australia, Austria, New Zealand, the U.K. and every country where people are out by the millions trying to get their freedoms back from Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Business and the Davos group at the World Economic Forum where Klaus Schwab tells of their plans for you and your children by 2030. (Hint: They will own EVERYTHING including your home and your children, and you will own NOTHING.) However, if you act happy giving your children ALL THEIR BOOSTERS, they will rent you what they think you need, and place you in the camp of their choice.

Only God can stop them now, and He will if Christians repent and turn from their wicked ways of keeping quiet about THIS KIND OF EVIL. You can help speed up getting people freed if you just talk to your friends and ask them to help you find the truth about all this. You will NOT get the whole truth from the news media, because Big Pharma and the CCP owns 99% of the news media around the world. Ordinary people are now the only news media you can trust because they film events as they are happening live. Of course, you can always trust briefings, hearings and round table discussions because they are filmed in the entirety. But you can’t trust the news anymore, that’s for sure.

Personally, I have come to believe prophets like Hank Kunneman, Robin Bullock and Dutch Sheets. A few weeks ago, Hank Kunneman prophesied that we are going to start hearing people say, “I have never seen anything like this in my life”. I have heard at least 100 people say that about the love that people are showing each other in Ottawa, Canada.

I said it myself to many people after watching it for the past 17 days. Doctors are now saying “I have never seen anything like this in my life”. Morticians are saying “I have never seen anything like this in my life”. People in Australia said it last week when the police turned on their own people, including babies and children with some kind of bizarre supersonic weapon that made everyone extremely ill, that would typically be used on EXTREMELY violent and dangerous enemies.

People said it about Fauci after seeing films of him torturing beagles to death. People said it about Justin Trudeau after seeing old films for the first time of him raving about loving the way people in China are treated, and about how much he loved the ruthless dictator, Castro. Hundreds and hundreds of pictures are showing up on Facebook of people with gigantic red bumps all over them after having received the vaccines, and their friends are saying “I have never seen anything like this in my life”.

The “Sound of Freedom” with Jim Caviezel is finished and no doubt, anyone who sees it will say, “I have never seen anything like this in my life”. I had no way of knowing when I started writing this series, “Where Did All the Children Go?” nearly two years ago, that I would be wrapping it up about the same time the “Sound of Freedom” wrapped up. God works in mysterious ways. And I definitely do not want to forget that people who have been attending or watching the tent revivals of Mario Murillo in California and New York have also been saying “I have never seen anything like this”.

When the satanists say that they are coming for the children… when the Freemasons say that they are coming for the children… when the LGBT’s say they are coming for the children… when the San Francisco Gay Choir said they are coming for the children… when the pedophiles say they are coming for the children… or when the government says that they are coming for the children… we’d better listen… and we’d better take them seriously… because the children are being TAKEN by the MILLIONS, and we hardly bat an eye.

Taking the children is taking control of society. Taking the children is taking control of the future. The children ARE the future. It is ALL ABOUT THE CHILDREN. Who will stand up for the children? Who will fight for the children? Who will free the children? Who will protect the children? And who will pray for the children?

Where Did the Children Go? They are being taken right before our eyes. And I’ve never seen anything like this before in my life.

The Pied Piper and the Lost Children of Hamelin

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