Turning Over Stones – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Some of you may remember the name Catherine Engelbrecht. When we met in 2010, at a Tea Party Patriots coordinator meeting in Washington, DC, she was the founder of the King Street Patriots, a tea party group in Texas. You probably learned of her when she fought against illegal harassment of her tea party group by the Obama IRS. During hearings in Congress, her testimony against IRS surveillance of conservative non-profits was outstanding. When thousands of questionable ballots were discovered in Houston during an election, she created an organization for election integrity: True the Vote.

After her group exposed the IRS discrimination against conservative non-profits in their application for tax-exempt status, Engelbrecht was targeted by the Obama Regime. The IRS, DOJ, FBI, ATF, and OSHA launched a total of 23 audits, investigations, and inquiries against True the Vote and even her family business. Suing in court, she found victory over six years later.

Catherine defends her principles — those of our Founders. Saying she’s a persistent patriot is an understatement.

Gregg Phillips is the founder of a healthcare data company and started adding his technical knowledge to non-profit True the Vote in 2013, analyzing voting records across the country. His expertise helped election officials deal with duplicates and faulty registrations (non-residents, non-citizens, deceased voters, etc.).

Since they both had been fighting for election integrity over the past ten years, they decided something had to be done about the massive 2020 election discrepancies. Pooling their resources, they dug in, turning over one stone after another to find answers to questions that had been suppressed or ignored by Democrat Media.

As Art Moore relates in his coverage of their effort in World Net Daily, “They eventually hired a dozen people who have put in 16-hour days for 15 months, combing tediously through cell phone geolocation data, surveillance videos and documents to see if the evidence supports their hypothesis,” which was that “amid the many ‘dirty,’ out-of-date voter rolls and the unprecedented distribution of mail-in ballots, a highly coordinated operation in the key battleground states collected ballots and paid ‘mules’ to literally stuff them in the unattended drop boxes…”

Engelbrecht and Phillips believed that they had the “hard evidence to back their finding that there were 4.8 million fraudulent votes in the states they targeted.” Most prominent of these were the swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Presenting support for their hypothesis, “they’ve been shunned by authorities, and media won’t touch it.”

As reported by Moore at World Net Daily, “Much of the evidence of criminal behavior is indisputable. In Georgia, for example, it’s illegal for any person to place more than one ballot in a drop box unless he or she has registered as an ‘assistor.’ In Gwinnett County, where there is video footage of people with latex gloves stuffing multiple ballots in a drop box then recording the deed with a photograph, there were no ‘assistors’ registered for the 2020 election.” All the ballots stuffed into waiting drop boxes, by the hundreds and thousands, paid for with Zuckerberg funding for the boxes and the “mules,” are invalid under existing law.

Moore continued, “Engelbrecht and Phillips eventually took their two petabytes of data (the next highest measurement for data storage after terabytes, equaling 1,024 terabytes or 1 million gigabytes) to filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza,” whose documentary feature “2000 Mules” is scheduled to be shown in 300 theaters across the nation on May 2 and May 4, then live streamed for viewing on May 7.

“After the movie comes out and the inevitable attacks come,” relates Moore, “Phillips said the investigative team will ‘pull the ripcord’ and release all of the data.” Moore adds, “Engelbrecht said they want to be totally ‘transparent’ and ‘give it all to the American people.’”

As with the film Rigged by David Bossie, released a few weeks ago, more pieces of this election fraud puzzle will be placed as they are discovered.

Each film reveals what lies beneath the stones that are turned over; many answers to different questions. But the conclusions are the same; the picture realized when all the pieces assemble is devastating to the survival of a republic, when its citizens have lost trust in the integrity of their election system and those entrusted to run it, by design.

Our election system must be sacrosanct, our election laws enforced – for every election, for every candidate. Engelbrecht and Phillips will keep turning over stones to make certain 2020 doesn’t repeat, IF the people understand the election was stolen.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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