Déjà Vu – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

This headline appeared recently in The Washington Times: GOP accuses White House of diverting infrastructure funding to ‘woke’ agenda… “Republican lawmakers sounded the alarm… over the White House attempts to strong-arm state and local governments into spending infrastructure money on progressive pet initiatives.”

But we have been here before. Much of Obama’s infamous $800+ billion “Stimulus Act,” was diverted to Democrat activist groups, unions, and green energy scams. In other words, “pay offs.”

The same people who engineered that spending fraud in 2009 are back; deep in the wasteful spending Biden Regime and hard at it again.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com.

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