Intimidation – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

Radical leftists, at the behest of Democrat Party leadership, are using a leaked opinion draft in a Supreme Court case that could overturn Roe v. Wade as a political weapon to undermine the Court, pressure justices to change their opinion, spread unfounded fear, and to make Roe permanent. Also consider that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are using this leak and fears they’ve invented to energize their base in an attempt to abolish the Senate filibuster and pack the Supreme Court.

No sooner had the draft opinion been stolen, in a stunning breach that is an assault on the independence and integrity of the Court, than the radical Left launched a campaign to bully, intimidate, and substitute mob rule for the rule of law. One only has to remember the Kavanaugh hearings to get a feel for the ferocity and vitriol of those who believe a sacrament of their twisted religion has been attacked. Even though the draft opinion would not ban abortion but simply return the decision making to the individual states, as the Constitution directs, those facts don’t matter. Most Democrats haven’t bothered to read the opinion. They care nothing for the Constitution or Natural (God’s) Law; everything they hold dear is driven solely by the ideology of a centralized, all-powerful State.

Five Supreme Court justices have exhibited their loyalty to constitutional principle and tenets of our Declaration, against leftist dogma, and they must pay, even though their final decisions are not yet official. So the intimidation, hate-filled rhetoric, and harassment began in earnest (with full backing from the White House, the Democrat Congress, and Democrat Media).

As Mike Huckabee explained in his newsletter of May 13, the Marxist-Democrat Party definitely uses “Party of Mob” tactics: “If there’s any doubt that it’s the Democrats” who use “Party of Mob intimidation tactics, look no further than the White House encouraging illegal protests at conservative Supreme Court Justices’ homes, and now, at the Democrat-led US House.”

Democrat pro-abortion “mob intimidation” squads showed up at the private home of Justice Sam Alito in Virginia (he and his family had to be moved to a secure location) due to threats from the Leftist mob. The homes of Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts were also targeted by the pro-abortion mobs.

Even though federal law bans this type of activism, attempting to interfere with a justice’s decision, there was no effort by Attorney General Merrick Garland to quell, or even comment, on the pro-abortion near-riots at the homes of those sitting Supreme Court justices. As explained, “Federal U.S. code [USC 18, §1507] states that any individual who ‘pickets or parades’ with the ‘intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer’ near a U.S. court or ‘near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer’ will be fined or ‘imprisoned not more than one year, or both.'”

Meanwhile, as Garland remained silent for several days, failing to respond to requests as to why he had refused to address the conflict, and “the reason why protesters have not been arrested,” local law enforcement in Virginia and Maryland had to do the work that the DOJ refused to do. But, as reported at, the outrage over the dereliction of duty by the DOJ was so intense that Garland snapped back to consciousness and remembered what his job was, so he “directed the U.S. Marshal’s Service to help ensure the Justices’ safety by providing additional support to the Marshal of the Supreme Court and Supreme Court Police.” As Mike Huckabee queried, however, where is the action “arresting the people who are violating federal law by threatening the Justices at their… homes?”

We’ve seen the Democrats’ intimidation behavior before: ironfisted tactics against pro-Trump supporters, even if they were “peacefully protesting;” Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs sowing fear and destruction as they intimidated major cities in 2020, taunting police as they torched municipal police precincts and federal court buildings and looted businesses; and a DOJ in 2021 that incarcerated citizens without charges while revoking their due process under law. The attitude of the politicized DOJ and FBI toward radically Left mobs intimidating and threatening conservatives, or in this case originalist justices, is a disinterested yawn.

The entire Department of Justice will need a “cleansing” after 2024, but there’s no reason Republicans, with competent leadership, couldn’t begin the process in 2023. Lawbreakers who intimidate justices need to be arrested and prosecuted.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to or subscribe to the newsletter at

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