2K Mules for Brother Joe – by Carolyn G. Gallagher

Carolyn G. Gallagher

I know that I am not the only voter who has had an inquiring mind about the results of the 2020 Presidential election. When vote counting was paused in the middle of the night, the bubble atop my head said “hmmm….” When has this ever happened?

Catherine Englebrecht and Gregg Phillips of ‘True the Vote’ (based in Texas), have moved beyond wondering about voter fraud to proving widespread voter fraud during the 2020 Presidential election. Their selected tools of choice – geotracking and video surveillance of selected drop boxes in key battleground states.

Each cell phone has a unique ID. This unique ID is equivalent to a person’s DNA. No two are the same. Approximately 300,000 apps collect data from cell phones and this data is eventually sold to brokers.

‘True the Vote’ decided to purchase data in several key battleground states. Ten trillion data signals were bought through brokers, along with four million minutes of video surveillance from these key states.

Gregg Phillips has a noteworthy background of 40 years in global Election Intelligence. It includes data mining, data surveys and data statistics. Coupling of Gregg’s background with the video surveillance and data signals, ‘True the Vote’ was able to use the criteria of “mules” who visited ten drop boxes and they had to stop at two non-profit agencies (stash houses, activist organizations, etc.).

At the end, the number of mules was two thousand, with an average of thirty-eight drop box visits over several counties within a state, and an average of five illegal ballots dropped into each drop box, which equals 380,000 illegal ballots. Across the country, there were many more mules, drop boxes and illegal ballots.

Upon learning of this work being conducted in Texas, Dinesh D’Souza and his wife Debbie D’Souza used investor money to write and produce the documentary movie and book on widespread systematic election fraud from the 2020 Presidential Election. Besides ‘True the Vote’, others featured in this film were Eric Metaxas, American Christian author, speaker and conservative radio host, Dennis Prager, Conservative author and radio talk show host, Sebastian Gorka, Military and Intelligence Analyst and former government official with the Trump Administration, Larry Elder, American Conservative radio talk show host, politician, author and attorney, Charlie Kirk, Founder of Turning Point USA, and American Conservative radio talk show host, Hans Von Spakovsky, American attorney, former member of the Federal Election Commission, Manager of Heritage Foundation Election Law Reform and Senior Legal Fellow in Heritage’s Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, and a few more minor cast members.

One receptionist from San Luis, California, told of receiving ballots on a regular basis. She would receive a call to ask how many ballots were received. Then, she would be instructed to take them to a drop box at the library late in the evening. There was no video surveillance at the library drop box. The people who dropped off the ballots at her office were paid every Friday. Her appearance was scrambled, and no names were given.

The breakdown of the two thousand mules is such: Michigan – 125,000 illegal votes (state goes to Biden); Wisconsin – 14,000 illegal votes (state goes to Biden), Georgia – 30,000 illegal votes (state still goes to Trump), Arizona – 20,000 illegal votes (state still goes to Trump), Pennsylvania – 275,000 illegal votes (state still goes to Trump). Electoral count: Trump 279, and Biden 259. Trump wins!

When the criteria were lowered to 54,000 mules, with an average five drop box visits and an average of three illegal ballots, the advantage went to Trump again.

The name of the documentary is “2000 Mules”. To view the film in its entirety, go to Rumble or Dineshlocals.com. If you decide to become an annual supporter for $50.00, you can download the film and watch it as many times as you like. There are other options.

Once you watch the movie, I believe you will be convinced the wrong man currently resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in Washington, D.C.

With tens of thousands of mail-in ballots in several states already rejected in this year’s primaries, the mid-term elections are already abuzz about rampant voter fraud… again.

“There is nothing to be learned from the second kick of a mule.” – Mark Twain

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