The Big Wave – by Charlotte Martin

Charlotte Martin

Years ago, I went on an 8-day white water rafting trip with friends. We drove to Grand Junction, CO in 18-wheelers, then flew in a small plane that landed on top of a mountain in Moab, Utah. We could have ridden on a bus down the mountain, but my friends talked me into hiking down. My fear of water is only surpassed by my fear of heights.  There were places where there was barely room to put one foot in front of the other as we trekked down the mountain. One wrong move would have meant falling to certain death.

My friends had not warned me about this part of the trip. I started feeling disdain for my friends for talking me into this adventure that was already proving to be extremely dangerous. However, my EXTREME FEAR of heights dissipated when we reached the Green River and got in our little dinghy with barely enough room for the four of us, and one guide. The beauty and magnificence of Gray Canyon was very humbling, and I totally calmed down while loving every peaceful moment of floating down the river while looking in awe at God’s creation. It was the epitome of tranquility UNTIL I heard an awful roar that caused me to sit straight up and pay attention.

I had been loving white water rafting up to this point. However, I found the roar to be disconcerting. I am one big scaredy cat, afraid of nearly everything, but ever since I was a young child, I have always headed straight to the sound of danger with a determination to defeat it in order to alleviate my fear, whether my fear was warranted or unwarranted.

Our young Mormon guide had told us that his mood was somber because they had just attended the funeral of one of their friends who was a guide and had fallen into a rapid and hit his head on a rock. It did not seem like a good time to ask how in the world that happened, or if it could possibly happen to one of us. My friends had not mentioned that there would be ROCKS for us to worry about.

Our guide explained that on the first day we would go through mostly size one and a couple of size two rapids. Going through a size one rapid for the first time is both exhilarating and terrifying! My feelings of disdain for my friends returned for failing to mention just how terrifying and dangerous this trip could possibly be. They only told me how much fun this would be! This was ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING! Being scared to death WAS NOT MY IDEA OF FUN! But it felt SO GOOD when the calm returned!

I was such a hypocrite for being angry with my friends when I had done THE VERY SAME THING to one of my best friends. I talked her into riding horses for the first time on a long trip where we would meet up with other cowgirls and cowboys and roast a pig and have all kinds of good food. I could not have possibly known that my friend just COULD NOT manage to say ‘WHOA!” like she meant it. She said things like “Nice horsey. Walk. Please walk nice horsey.”

We were all surprised when the nice horsey took off with her like they were in the Kentucky Derby and ran straight up the steepest hill I’ve ever seen, faster than any nice horsey I had ever seen climb a hill THAT STEEP.

All is well that ends well, but there I was, furious with my friends for failing to warn me of the dangers, just as I failed to warn my friend. I had long forgotten about how you cannot sit down for days after the first long trip on a horse. I did not think to tell her about our friend who broke her back or another friend who was trampled to death by a horse. I just told her how much fun it would be, just as my friends had done.

Anyway, big support boats followed us down the Green River with chefs, cooking supplies and food. The food for breakfast, lunch and dinner was better than at any Five Star restaurant where I had eaten and made it all seem worth it to endure being frightened from time to time. We were told that each day the rapids would increase in size… some 2’s and 3’s, and then some 3’s and 4’s for a few days and up to size 5’s and 6’s.

Size 6 rapids are recommended for only those with a lot of experience. This was my first experience! I could not even comprehend how a size 6 rapid could be that much worse than a size 2! But I would learn soon enough JUST HOW MUCH WORSE! It was kind of like “two weeks to flatten the curve” and you’re into the sixth month, wondering HOW MUCH WORSE it can get.

I wanted to go back home to my normal life. But the only way out of there was to have a heart attack or life-threatening injury, in which one would be rescued by a helicopter. A helicopter could not land in Gray Canyon, which is deeper than the Grand Canyon. I had seen those kinds of rescues on TV, so I tried really hard not to get upset enough to cause me to have a stroke or heart attack.

Menticide a/k/a “A killing of the mind” is an old crime that was used to allow the ruling class to imprint their thoughts upon the minds of those they plan to destroy. It can only work on individuals where their minds are saturated with fear and anxiety. Menticide is extremely effective when the destroyers stagger calmness followed by even more intense spells of fear. Of course, my friends were not trying to destroy me, nor was the guide. They just wanted us all to have a good time.

There were people there from other countries who came there for the experience of a lifetime. If the others in my dinghy felt fear, they did not show it. I did EVERYTHING JUST LIKE I WAS SUPPOSED TO and turned my feet nearly backwards to keep them tucked in under the fold of the dinghy. The guide eventually insisted that I wear a rain poncho so when the ice-cold water splashed on me, perhaps I would not panic quite as much. The others did not follow the rules and kept falling inside the dinghy and dropping their oars.  I’m surprised I did not act like a “Karen” and yell at them, “You are trying to murder me!” or, “You need to tuck your toes like I’m doing!” or, “YOU ALL NEED TO WEAR PONCHOS TO KEEP ME SAFE!!”

It was not until the last day that I saw fear in any of their faces. I could see stark fear in the face of OUR GUIDE!!  Then I saw the lightening! He had already told us that this was NORMALLY a size six rapid.  He explained that there was so much ice melting that he would have to make a decision if it was bigger than a size six that we would stop for the night, and we would NOT attempt to go through. Did I mention the stark fear I saw on his face and the lightening at the same time?! There was something else that showed on his face… confusion.

This young guide clearly had no idea what to do, and there was not enough time to think about other plans.  WE HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO HEAD STRAIGHT TOWARD THE DANGER AND TO GO THROUGH IT! Confusion is the final ingredient for destroyers to create menticide, which can cause people to literally lose their minds, hate each other, and do irrational things.

Our young guide started barking orders! Make a HARD LEFT to get past that rock ahead, and then a HARD RIGHT because there is another rock. “WHAT ROCK?! WHAT ROCK?! I don’t see a rock!” I screamed over the thunderous roar. From this moment, the confusion would only worsen! One of the men in our boat fell into this RAGING RAPID! It looked totally hopeless for the poor guy as it looked like he was in a massive powerful washing machine. I figured that SURELY the guide or the other man in our boat would try to save him! I immediately noticed the look of TOTAL CONFUSION and shock on their faces. They had no idea what to do! I SURE DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!

I only learned after we got through the rapid and I collapsed in a heap, hugging the ground, I had untucked my toes, let go of my oar, stood up and pulled him into the boat. We all were literally shaking. My feelings of hatred for my friends reached a high nine on a scale of 1 to 10. I wanted to scream at them, “IDIOTS!” “If you all had done what you were supposed to do and kept your toes tucked and your oar in the water, that probably would not have happened! You could have caused ALL OF US TO DIE!”

My friends had figured if there was anyone who would need to be rescued, it would be me, and that I would be THE VERY LAST one they could count on to rescue one of them. They said they were all in shock and awe as they observed that I just seemed to calmly stand up and pull the 300-pound man in, with my weight at 105 pounds. That my friends, HAD TO HAVE BEEN GOD!

Psychiatrists who are evil know about these things and they DARN WELL KNOW how to cause MASS PSYCHOSIS and MENTICIDE. There is no doubt in my mind that is WHY they added the necessary ingredient of confusion with Fauci telling us one thing one day and another thing the next day… and the FDA saying one thing, and the CDC telling us something different, and the WHO saying something else.

I cannot figure out WHY on May 9, 2022 Bill Gates said, “We didn’t fully understand that Covid had such a low fatality rate”. I cannot figure out WHY New Zealand just admitted their numbers of Covid deaths was next to nothing.  Yet New Zealand had lockdowns similar to those in Shanghai where people were locked in empty hotels and the doors were welded shut.

New Zealand’s leader recently stepped down along with five of her EVIL cronies after it was learned that she was paid something like 60 BILLION DOLLARS to lock down, to close schools and churches, force social distancing, mask wearing and vaccines.

We are only learning about the U.K. where they have reduced their numbers of “Covid deaths” AT LEAST THREE TIMES SO FAR. Some countries reduced “Covid deaths” from 154,000 down to less than 6,000. Italy reduced their “Covid deaths” from 134,000 to fewer than 3,000. In another country we just learned there were fewer than 86 covid deaths during a 2-year time period, but they resorted to draconian measures. Peru reduced their reported “Covid deaths” by 97.1%. The CDC reduced “Covid deaths” in the U.S. by approximately 98%, blaming the TRUE MISINFORMATION on coding errors and glitches.

On April 12, 2022, 33% of people believed there were 1,000 Covid deaths per day, when in fact there were only 29 deaths per day of people who died WITH COVID… not FROM COVID. Only 32% of people have “returned to normal”, and only 48% of people feel hopeful again. So, it is anybody’s guess whether this is deliberate confusion by EVIL people who have only one goal, and that is to destroy America and make 99.99999999999% of us slaves to the .0000000001% of the RULING CLASS ELITES.

It seems that NEARLY EVERYONE that I listen to now agrees that this is worldwide genocide, but many people STILL believe they are “culling the herd” or getting rid of the “useless eaters” with Covid. DEADLY, DEADLY, DEADLY Covid.

Perhaps they did not hear Bill Gates say that they just “did not understand that Covid was not very deadly at all.” So, if he did not understand, WHY was he, Fauci and Biden SO INCREDIBLY DETERMINED to get that vaccine jabbed into EVERY ARM of EVERY HUMAN BEING ON the planet, including shots 3, 4, 5 and now 6?

For every BILLION DOLLARS Bill Gates invests in vaccines, he makes AT LEAST 20 BILLION. It WAS NOT Bill Gates’ money invested in these “vaccines”. It was your money… the money of hardworking taxpayers that paid for these “vaccines”. And it wasn’t just BILLIONS of dollars. It was TRILLIONS of dollars. And now Bill Gates tells you that it was for something that was not very deadly at all. He was like a kid who says, “My bad”, as though there will be no consequences for his actions.

At best, Bill Gates has been an abysmal failure in his NEVERENDING vaccine quests that have paralyzed, permanently disabled and killed multitudes of people, including children around the world. He recently said, “Well if this virus did not convince people to take the “vaccines” and boosters, maybe the next one will”. THE NEXT ONE??! I mean most people have calmed down over “Covid deaths” but are now struggling to pay for food and gas.

Mothers with babies are having a hard time finding baby formula while Biden is sending massive pallets of baby formula to the border and to Ukraine. Most of us are trying to prepare for the upcoming anticipated food shortage and trying to figure out how to keep the men happy with NO BEEF. Where’s the beef? Well, as it turns out, Bill Gates does not want you to eat beef. Or pork. Or chicken. No meat for anyone except for the elite ruling class who wants to enslave us. As Obama said, these exorbitant prices for food and gas do not bother people like him, or any of the elite ruling class for those in the Davos gang. We saw Biden and Pete Buttigieg there at the Global Summit clapping and smiling when their lead scientist, Yuval Noah Harari told us that our “free will that God gave us is OVER!”

I am writing this on May 14, 2022. By May 22, 2022, the WHO is frantically trying to push through a treaty that gives them UNPRECEDENTED POWERS even greater than the CCP has. The CCP just controls the people in China. This would give the WHO the same powers the CCP uses, but they would CONTROL EVERY human being on the planet. Biden has already signed this treaty, which would give the WHO total control over how many shots you MUST TAKE, even if they paralyze, permanently disable or kill just as many people as these “vaccines” have.

Fauci said recently that he anticipates another lockdown… not a “play lockdown” like we went through. A REAL LOCKDOWN like the one in Shanghai and the one in Australia. Like the one they had in New Zealand, even though they had hardly any Covid deaths. “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet” was his message.

By the time this is published, May 22nd will have come and gone. I have devoted 16 hours a day, 7 days a week trying to keep up with everything going on around the world in this past 2 1/2 years of worldwide genocide. Without a doubt, Covid did not kill nearly enough people to suit these genocidal maniacs. Neither did the “made in China” masks and “made in China” PCR tests saturated with cancer-causing chemicals. Neither did Fauci’s hospital death protocol of Remdesivir and ventilators. Neither did the deprivation of Covid cures that actually worked. Neither did isolating people cause enough suicides to satisfy these monsters. The “vaccines” did not kill enough people to satisfy them.

The way I see it, starvation or the release of something much worse than Covid could be their next plandemic and allow them to continue the HIGHLY EFFECTIVE technique for Menticide, which causes people to hate their friends and family.

So, to end this with good news, WE WILL NOT STARVE TO DEATH. God has provided America with everything we need. Fortunately, we did not give up our guns, and many people stocked up on ammunition. When I was growing up in South Hill, KY, we sometimes awakened to find a dozen cousins asleep on the floor. There was ALWAYS PLENTY OF FOOD, no matter how many friends dropped by. The men hunted deer, rabbits, squirrels, quail and fished in rivers and lakes.

I drove all the way to Georgia once for their rattlesnake festival, but the rattlesnake meat was gone by the time I got there. When I was married to a very wealthy man, and I loved food like caviar, lobster, and baby eel. However, squirrel was my favorite food from my childhood days when we DID NOT buy meat, but the men went hunting for our food.

My husband and I visited my uncle one day and he took his rifle and brought me back squirrels. Don’t knock it if you haven’t tried it. You don’t know what you don’t know. Mothers may want to return to breastfeeding, but those who can’t, will be able to find plenty of options. And even if their plan is to release something worse… much worse than Covid, there are already cures and treatments.

If you are one of those people who refused to search for truth and refused to listen to those who spent thousands of hours to learn the truth, you just might be in BIG TROUBLE, if you have ears but cannot hear and eyes, but cannot see. While some of you wanted us to be refused to have care in hospitals, because we knew the dangers of these “vaccines”… well there are plenty of us who will be here to help you through.

If you took the shots and already have AIDS, it IS NOT the end of the world. You do not have to die from AIDS unless you take Fauci’s vaccines. Just as Fauci kept the cure for Covid from patients, he kept the cure for AIDS and EBOLA from patients.

God has got this. As Ma Johnson always said, “Ain’t God good?”, and as my grandchildren used to say, “Ya’ll need Jesus”. And as Nancy Reagan said, “Just say no to drugs”. And for those who took the clot shots, you do not have to die from blood clots since they can be dissolved. A simple D-Dimer test will tell you if you have blood clots. It is ONLY IF YOU DO NOT KNOW, and wait until they go to your lungs, heart or brain that can cause big problems. What you don’t know can kill you. Ignorance IS NOT BLISS!

Instead of keeping a poncho on in anticipation of the next big wave, make sure you have on the whole armor of God. And as Ma Johnson would say, “Don’t let Bill Gates get your goat”. The babies may need some milk. And that thing God said about “love thy neighbor as thyself”, God and your neighbor knows if you love them or not. And just maybe God kept his hand of protection on America by making sure we kept our guns, but maybe it wasn’t so we could shoot anyone trying to steal our food; maybe it was so you could go kill a squirrel or rabbit to feed someone who shows up hungry. I feel sure it would be better than the fake meat Bill Gates wants you to eat.

Regardless, exposure is here. The next Great Awakening is upon us. The deceived are steadily being awakened to the truth. It may be scary, even as frightening as some size 6 raging rapids, but get ready anyway… because A BIG WAVE IS COMING! Just stay calm, awaken your spiritual discernment, prepare to be used by God in the midst of the storm, and you may be able to rescue someone.

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