‘Pride’ Month – by Jim Bratten

Jim Bratten

General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, delivered the commencement address to graduating West Point Military Academy cadets on May 21. Milley warned them to expect “revolutionary changes” in the U.S. Army during their service to their country.

Of the dozens of politically-driven generals and admirals who replaced “honor, duty, country” with DEI – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – an ideologically-driven program saturated with critical race theory, white supremacy myths, and other Marxism-derived dogma, Milley should know. There’s nothing to improve combat readiness in DEI. “Revolutionary changes,” indeed; the cadets have been immersed in Marxism during their education at West Point. Growing, more aggressive threats from Communist China? No worries; just concentrate on “DEI.”

Our military “warriors” have been replaced with “social justice warriors.” Weapons exchanged for progressive platitudes and Democrat hyperbole. In the case of the United States Marine Corps (USMC), this transformation of the “Corps” with General Milley’s revolutionary changes has converted a once-revered fighting force into a target of ridicule.

As Scott Moore at TheGOPTimes.com described the situation, “The United States Marines have a well-earned reputation as a no-nonsense force that knows how to get things done. Or at least they had that reputation. The new ‘woke’ Marines are celebrating Pride Month, and the official USMC Twitter account posted an image of a helmet with a rainbow of six bullets as it lauded its commitment to LGBTQ pride. The post has sparked an exceptional backlash among the flood of corporate and government Pride Month statements…”

Here’s what the USMC posted on their Twitter feed on June 1, to launch their “Pride Month” offensive (and nearly everyone who read it thought it was “offensive”): “Throughout June, the USMC takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members. We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect.”

The USMC treats all Marines equally; that’s part of unit cohesion and effectiveness. No one is supposed to be treated differently than another. Until now, at the new “feel good” USMC… which used to be a highly respected meritocracy, not a politically correct, deficient democracy. By design, everyone cannot “get a vote” in the U.S. Armed Forces. Individual sexual proclivities certainly have no place in that environment, except to increase disunity caused by those who enjoy special privileges.

Moore continued his analysis of the USMC’s gross error: “Celebrating diversity and inclusion in a force that is intended to win wars seems like a needless distraction at best and counterproductive at worst to many conservatives. For the far left the display is offensive as it attaches their imagery and ideology to the United States military, which they view as a destructive and destabilizing force. Celebrating LGBTQ pride and military force in the same post strikes both left and right as distasteful…” But the very purpose of the USMC is to be a “destructive” and “destabilizing force” to the enemies of the United States, as it also is to the other branches of the U.S. military.

The Twitter post by the USMC implies that the U.S. government is willing to force its woke ideology on those who don’t agree with Gen. Milley’s “revolutionary changes.” Most join the Marines to fight for their country in battle, not become social justice fanatics prepared to force dissenters to specify their preferred pronouns or fly rainbow flags.

The USMC motto, “The few, the proud, the Marines” has nothing to do with the “pride” of an LGBTQ individual serving in the USMC, whose sexual “orientation” does NOT matter. Only their performance under pressure in combat situations does, since the lives of their fellow Marines may depend on their proficiency, courage and dedication to the mission and their respective unit or specialty, as may the very survival of their nation.

Under the Biden Regime’s State Department, U.S. embassies abroad are also happy to ostentatiously fly the rainbow flag this June, an affront to foreign cultures and something that America’s adversaries have not failed to notice and use in their own propaganda.

Personal Proclivity Politics serves no purpose in the U.S. Armed Forces or at U.S. embassies, where pride tweets and rainbow flags have no place.

Hoosier Patriots, Inc. is an educational and organizational non-profit for restoration, preservation and defense of the Constitution. We provide conservative commentary on public policy and government action across a variety of issues concerning the well-being of the republic. For more information go to www.vc-tpp.org or subscribe to the newsletter at hpnw.jimb@gmail.com. Feature Image Credit: Jana Birchum/Black Star

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